Wednesday, May 21, 2008

My Yahoo Auction - Autoposted by the damn system!

Just talking about some of the stuff I got on Yahoo Auction Japan....


  1. Blue, blue, my world is blue, Blue is my world since I'm without you....

    is it the same song every day?


  2. These are the very first time in my entire short life of owning jeans that I can actually say they FEEL GOOD. I have hated the feel of jeans on my legs all my life, which is why I never wore them. Even the ones I actually own now (and yes, the expensive ones, including the cheap ones from India), I don't like the way they mess with the hair on my legs. But these don't do that. I enjoyed cutting them off. I wonder if there is anything I can do with the leftover pant material. Any ideas, Stefnee?

  3. Sure! They would make a perfect Stefnee bag..... send them, I'll make your bag out of them!

  4. or.. you could turn them inside out... stitch across the cut end, flip them round again, attach a long handle (inseams work well for this) and you have a water bottle bag.

    My boys have those, they call them Canteen Bags

  5. Maybe they could call them Camteen bags! Great ideas!

    It's probably cheaper if you just use your materials, don't you think?

  6. yep! You just asked for ideas. You could also cut out the inseam and open them up for fabluous rags for cleaning windows, cars, bikes... floors... tubs, then just toss them over your deck to dry!

    I love you!

  7. Are you leaving the hole on the arse?

  8. Robin - Yes, I am. It actually just goes to the inner pocket, so it really isn't a hole. I wish it was, though... I have some pretty hot bodywild underwear that would look great peeking through.

    Stefnee - Awesome ideas! I think I'll do that last rag one! Thanks. I love you!

  9. Unlike Adrian, yes. OK, I'm off to bed. Just got two more cycling jerseys on the Yahoo Japan auction. Now I have all the jerseys I need for a bit. Great deal on these babies!

  10. He wears boxers under his mechanics uniform to work.

    Good luck with your auctions and GOOD NIGHT!

  11. Damn. I was supposed to delete this because the system automatically adds it when I'm not looking. I never make these blogs, I just post the videos......

    Sorry gang.

  12. *sigh*

    why is it only YOUR system that double posts??

  13. Ok.. the ads on your side bar.

    Alterations By Sarah

    Tote Bag Sewing Pattern

    Boys Wear Girls Clothes (seriously)
    Bargain prices. Smart Deals. Save on Boys Wear Girls Clothes!



    Thong Girls

  14. I think I figured out why...... When I take the video on YouTube and share it with my videoblog on blogger at My Video Life it cross posts the blog back to Multiply... And I think the reason why it does that is because I have the settings set so that when I post here on Multiply, I can also have it automatically post the blog on my My Furusato backup blog over on (Google). I never use those blogs for anything, and nobody ever visits them, but I thought I'd just try it out and increase my availability, just in case.

    Very cool ads you see. I'm still getting all the Philippine resort ad commercials.

    I love you!

  15. *smiling happily*

    I love you too!

    Oh! I found my favorite denim bag....

    Cooking up a way to make a fast video before I go to bed.... I'll think on it while I take my night run.

    Lacing up now.

    Back later...


  16. Google ad:What's your Bra IQ?------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------>

  17. Cam, keep it down we don't want noise from.............

  18. Michelle - He's not around. He's too busy videotaping Hillary.

  19. You crack me up. The 11 o'clock alarm is So Loud! Is that over a tannoy to the whole town? I've read about random tannoys of music and announcements when I read Josie Dew's bike tour of Japan - which was great BTW - but no one could give her an answer as to why there's loud tannoy, only that it's how it's always been. She was most amused by the looped recordings of flushing toilets in ladies rooms to take attention away from the sounds of one's toilet actions. Can you imagine timing your peeing to the sound of the flush so no one could hear you pee? Maybe the European equivalent is the hand dryer.

    I thought the jeans simply rolled up was very cute akin to Huck Finn. Hope you enjoy your purchases.

  20. Lyvvie - What is the origin of "tannoy"? I have never heard that word before! We call them loudspeakers in North America (or Canada anyway) as far as I know. Is it common English English perhaps? Very interesting word.

    My goal is to make another video of me being outside through all of the "communication" during the day. That means for us... 6.45, 7.00, 11.30, 12.00, 18.00, 21.00.

    And today there was an announcement during the day that someone sighted a bear wandering through our village....

    Oh, the toilet sounds... there is usually a button you press to make the fake flushing sound. The machine is called an "otohime" which means "sound princess". We also have a "big flush" and a "little flush" on the toilets. The little one does little more than make little noise... the big one is where all the action is at!

  21. Tannoy is a popular UK company that make Public Address Systems. They became very well known during WWII with bomb warning alarms and information. It's just the generic word used for PA systems over here. Like saying saran wrap for plastic wrap. I guess as they're based here in Scotland I've absorbed the word tannoy since saying PA or loudspeaker will make locals look at me funny.

    If the tannoy/PAS goes at all those times - do many folks use alarm clocks?

  22. Shhhh.... wait for it.... don't jump the pistol.

    Are you not a local? When I read on your blog that your mother went back home to the USA, I started to get confused....

  23. No no, I'm from Cape Cod, born and raised. My Husband is from Scotland and I moved here in 95' to marry him. After 13 years, I've adopted a fairly broad dictionary of English and Scots but sometimes lose American turn of phrases. I'm one for international adventures. Next adventure, as I've mentioned before, is Japan. I'm now thinking a PA blasting off at 6:45 is going to take some getting used to.

  24. We've been living here for 20 years and Mayu STILL mumbles half asleep in the morning, "communistic bastards!" when they have the nerve to wake us up at 6.45 to tell us that tonight there will be a meeting of all toothless silvers with nine fingers at the local gateball grounds....

  25. The more you talk about Mayu, The more I like her. She sounds awesome.

  26. Damn it Cam, I told you to keep it down. See what you did?
