Sunday, May 4, 2008

When Quiet Becomes Unbearable

As Tolle talks about in the last few chapters of his book, A New Earth, the ego doesn't like quiet, peace, space, because the owner of the ego has the opportunity to be present and simply "be" which signifies the beginning of the death of ego. Strong egos that control the minds they embody will create thoughts and emotions that push the body to act in ways that disrupt the silence, because to the ego, "quiet" is unbearable.

We got another call today from Matsuda-san who is responsible for the neighbourhood this year. Mayu talked with her, and then came upstairs to relay the current info with me. As she walked into the laundry room, she was sighing...

Apparently Daddy Dickhead next door complained that they can't stand the noise we make.

Huh? Noise? What noise??? I never ever turn on the TV, I don't play music, I don't have parties here... We maybe sit outside at 9pm in the good weather and talk a bit as Mayu has a smoke, but we are always aware of the neighbours, and try to keep our voices down as walls are thin and it seems that everyone goes to bed at like 8:30 or something. We even "turn off" our wind chimes so that the neighbours are not bothered by the beautiful sound of music ringing softly in the night breezes...

Mayu turns the TV on from 7am to 9am during the breakfast hours, but even so, we don't blast it as we both have good hearing, and youthful ears. We may watch a movie once or twice a month on DVD, and the TV hardly is ever turned on at night.

But even if it was... so what? What is the meaning of life? Is it to tiptoe around making no noise at all? Impossible. The boy next to us screams in his sleep at night. The parents out back behind Dickhead are always screaming at their kids. The younger boy is always crying because he can't do what his older brother does, or because he doesn't get exactly the same. Dogs bark, cars drive by, the "music" for the village directly overhead ring out every 7am, 11.30am, 12 noon, 6pm, 9pm. There are village announcements over the PA every day that ring through the valley. We can hear the kids in the jr high school down the hill playing or practicing sports in the school field. People go for walks and talk.

It is life.

It is living.

It's just the neighbour looking for more and more things to demonize us with.

But noise? That is laughable. I can't think of a quieter couple than Mayu and I to tell the truth. Sure, the vacuum makes a noise once a week and the door sometimes opens and closes as we come and go. Oh my goodness we might even have a conversation a couple of times a day or the phone might ring! Heaven forbid!

But noise? Complaining about US making too much noise? Could it be the flushing of the toilet? Or maybe opening and closing the fridge! How about washing dishes, or laughing at a joke? I wonder if the birds chirping merrily, when in our yard, are considered "our noise"? That would be interesting. Or starting, or stopping the automobiles? Perhaps being nice to the postman and talking to him for a few minutes as he delivers the mail is a disturbance. Could it be the sound of us shoveling snow and keeping the street clean, and the elderly neighbour's parking entry free of snow? Pulling weeds makes noise too, I guess.

But noise? Us, making noise? I wonder if the ticking of the clocks are too noisy? Maybe my incessant tapping on these keyboards drive them crazy. How about the sound of an eco-light bulb warming up? The sound of the chairs across the hardwood floors as we sit down to a meal? The meal! Yes, the sound of chewing! That must be it! Or the rustling of the hedges, and ferns in the garden as they grow from the beautiful breeze we always feel here. The slapping of Mayu's slippers on the floors as she walks around could be the culprit as might my bare feet padding up and down the stairs....

It must be life, our life, and the sounds that we make as we move naturally, and comfortably through that life that are causing them duress and hardship.

My guess, aside from their perception beginning to become more and more twisted (last year they complained that our bushes hung into their yard and then they complained that I went into their yard to cut the bushes hanging into their yard...), is that his retirement last year, and the death of their dog has left him going through some transition where his ego and possibly his son's hatred of us, is screaming to be fed, to be nourished with outside stimulus. And because it is so quiet here, he looks to us and creates that stimulus, that conflict that maybe he is missing in his retirement from his job working in the trash industry.

It's really sad when we are living a quiet, friendly, caring, responsibly adult life here and the neighbours start to turn on us. As "The Four Agreements" stated, most of this kind of stuff is a reflection of the speaker's own personality, and not a true rendition of the situation.

Then again, maybe they just need more fiber in their diet...

I love you!



I love you guys, and I always hope you will come to visit. But don't be surprised if by the time you do come and visit we are no longer living in this wonderful home that we rent and take such good care of for the owners who are friends of ours transferred away from Fukui for work and unwilling to sell the home at a loss...


  1. I'm trying really hard not to get aggravated with your neighbor.


  2. I could get him killed for a price.

    Demand a noise test be done on your premises so people can see him for the real dick that he is.

  3. Deb - That's what Dickhead Jr. has been trying to do to me the past couple of years, so it probably wouldn't go over well, and might start up unstoppable gangland ... noise. Can't have that.

    Jaime - I am near the end of "A New Earth" with the most important two chapters to read and a beautiful spring day, full of breezes, warm temperatures, lots and lots of birds... and I just can't concentrate on the words of the book now...

  4. Hmmm it's a shame.

    Life would be a lot easier if people were more patient and tolerant. It sounds to me like you're the perfect neighbour, in all honesty and I'd love to have someone like you living next door to me.

  5. Gee...wouldn't it be something if there was an opportunity hiding within all of this? On the surface it appears to just be aggravation.....I wonder if there is something more to be discovered? If anyone can make lemonade out of this seemingly lemon situation.... it's you, Cam!

  6. *hugz* I wanted to leave a smart ass comment.. but *sigh* I hate mean people.. and your blog humor about this is so wonderful. What a jerk.

  7. Abby - We will see how this plays out and how it progresses. Something will happen, of that I am sure because I am asking for "something", by not asking for "nothing".

    CD - Personally I believe this is a pretty clear cut case of racism.

    Deb - What if I sacrifice pidgeons to the god of the Barbie?

  8. Ken gets more than a plastic mound.

  9. Don't you mean "Ken gets more than a plastic 'mount'."?

  10. You should give that book i sent you a try. it's a quick read and has some good ideas that don't take a lot of thought and re-reading the way Tolle's and some of the others did with me (except also The Four Agreements, that was the best).

    Remember, Don't take anything personally. And in this case you KNOW this has nothing to do with noise you and Mayu make, but everything to do with this man's own private misery.... it's sad really.

  11. As P.K commented on 360, I agree with her completely... judging by the way the son and father act, we can see this is a very "simple" case of racial discrimination.

    And that's kind of cool because white people hardly ever get to be the brunt of racism. Another adventure! Yaaaay! Another way to grow a little further into a better person!!!

    I'll read it, Jen. I promise. I just want to finish this one now.

  12. *blink blink* (oh sorry.. that's too noisy) *stares blankly ahead*

    OK, your neighbors are worse than mine.

    When is moving day?

  13. The racism is an interesting experience for us white boyz, isn't it?

    Now imagine if you'd been subjected to it since birth.... Might tend to make one a little angry, mightn't it?

    And not to dismiss your recent zen-tao-confucianist bent, but sometimes anger is a good and useful thing. Some people would even suggest that anger is only bad when it's impotent anger. Which it may well be in this instance, as your options for dealing with your cretinous neighbors are limited. But if you have a way to channel your anger into something that will change or improve your situation it can be a beautiful thing.

    So with that in mind, you say the word and I'll roll up to Fukui with my Zippo and a couple of gallons of accellerant. (I wonder how McAsswipe-san would feel about using "community water" to extinguish his house?)

    Just a thought from the dark side of the force.... Go back to your meditating, and pay no attention to the angry man behind the curtain. Peace Out, bro!

  14. *stands over by dunnster* I really like this guy.

    Oh... uhm... I mean... "We should always be nice to our neighbors. And avoid mentioning torching homes in a public forum.. Just in case."

    *flicks lighter*

  15. I love Dunnster... even though he's manifesting the dark side of The Force.

    Still nice to fantasize revenge ... every now and then...*flick flick*

  16. Ahhh... catharsis!

    I'm good now.

    Peace and love to my brothas and sistas!

  17. Dunnster... really.. really like that guy. A lot.

  18. Rob - I too learned this when I visited NC (and it was not related to Bob at all!), and also when I read Anger and the Indigo Child. I never looked at anger this way because I was always taught that it was a bad emotion. Even Tolle says it comes solely from the Ego, which I no longer agree with.

    I think that Abby disagreed with me on this but I now do believe that when Anger is used properly it results in courage (i.e. the strength to do something to right a wrong). But the anger must be channeled and USED. If it sits within it festers and turns to rage which becomes a debilitating emotion. Therefore in order to make good use of the anger, action must take place.

    Thanks for writing and reading. I'm using that software right now. Damn it works smoothly...

  19. Ya know - Your neighbor owns his "shit" and some dogs just gotta bark. I'm surprised you aren't chatting him up. You should, really. Start talking and keep talking. Engage him. Keep trying. It might annoy the crap out of him, but it may prove wildly entertaining for you.

    When you're ready I'm ready for the neighbor swap. Seriously.

  20. I love Robin's idea.. like.. when I took cookies to my neighbors.. and they just looked at me suspiciously.

    Of course... three days later, Scooter backed into thier car. *sigh*

  21. It's a great idea.

    Win-win for you, Sweety.

    You're the bigger, nicer person and if it pays off in humanizing the a'hole... all the better!

    I love you, Mou!

  22. It really sucks to have bad neighbors! It feels like losing when you have to leave a place you love just to find peace.
    I love people and I kinda wanna smack 'em upside the head at the same time, like your neighbor guy- I'd like to pray that the goodness in him be blessed and then I'd like to kick the shit outta his badness.

    BTW- Cammy n Stef- I, unfortunately, think I win the horrible shitty no good neighbor contest (I wish I didn't) someone in our neighborhood put out poison and many animals have died, including my Curly Wurly Tequil Jack. I'll blog about it soon- I think.
