Monday, May 19, 2008


Is there anybody out there reading this...

Anybody on a military base in Japan...

That can send me bacon?

I'll pay!

I'll pay money...

real money ...

for real bacon!

I love you!

I really really do!!

Just send bacon!!!


P.S. Although duly appreciated, due to import restrictions on all meat products, international applicants need not apply.



  1. Ya know... I don't think I can get thick sliced here. I may hafta go to Zama or Yokosuka. How the heck do you ship bacon????

  2. And I have a truckload of the stuff in my freezer, too!

    I heart my bacon.

  3. I got your bacon.... right here pal!

  4. I would love to send you bacon but I don't think that the bacon would arrive in a editable condition. I don't want to ruin good bacon. Bacon that sounds good I will got have a nice mid night snack.

  5. Jaime - I only added "thick" but deleted that because I'll take ANY kind of bacon.... anything at all. And DebraLee sent it to me, and Leah down in Kyushu sent it to me. The couriers (kuro neko) will send it in their "cool shipment". They have a portion of their trucks that are frozen. No problem! It will go right along next to George Forman if you just freeze it in your freezer, pack it up, then make a mad dash to a local drugstore where they do pickups and tell them it must go COOL!

    Rachel - I know! When I come to Texas maybe you could just feed me huge crispy slabs of it that you roast out on your range that you call a back yard.... Longhorn pork! I love you!

  6. Ok... so I freeze it, then mail it?

  7. Come on down we will have us a Texas size party. And you can have all the bacon you want. There are tones of great BBQ places here that I'm sure would love to serve you plates full of bacon. Come hungry leave happy.

  8. Will George be coming for dinner some time soon?

  9. And by that I do not mean the vegetable version of the George... I was referring to the kind that leads the work teams.

  10. The veggie version sound grouse. *Shiver down my spine and nastiness in my mouth*

  11. Pounds and pounds of smoked bacon home home on the range.... mmm.... and giant buffalo or beefalo steaks? How about horkin big burgers, Rachel? Can I have a few of those, TOO?

  12. Sure We have all of those things. We even have Texas size burger. Sure you have have the best beef around. On our drive to KS we could stop and get some fresh ground beef and bison too. Grow it, chop it, cook it, eat it, all in one place.

  13. O the things that you miss when you are not in the mid west. Beef, bacon, buffalo, and more.

  14. Hey, Rachel...

    We have a buffalo farm right here in Jersey.

    It's wild to drive by on a country road then look out and see the buffalo grazing in the fields!

    There's also ostrich and emu farms .

    All the stuff is sold in regular supermarkets now. I guess ther's a market for it here too....

    I'll reserve judgment for now.
    Have to screw up the courage to give it a try.

  15. Sorry Son.. We can't eat our Bacon fast enough and I think I may have to throw some out!!!!
    The smokey flavour is getting quite stongs.!!!!

  16. Cool Dad! You are using my Bathing Opus as your profile pic. Very need. As for the bacon... are you just tempting me to come home and live in your refrigerator or something? It might be a hard life on your retirement sum... It's not like you're a millionaire or anything...

    I hear that Jenny wants to come up and live with you! You'll love her! (I do)

  17. Send me an APO address offline...

    (Some of my best friends are pigs...)

  18. TC - I wish I could, but alas I do not have an APO address! And I know that anything coming to me from overseas would get lost. And that, my friend would truly be a tragedy!

    (Imagine losing the bacon, losing the money... and getting the customs officials addicted to bacon! Hmmm......)

  19. I wish you much luck in getting your bacon fix. In support I'm having some for breakfast and thinking of you.

  20. All this bacon talk, mmmm A nice BLT for lunch sounds good!? I guess you didnt like the chocolate covered bacon, What do you expect Cam, this is a country that makes "Hello Kitty" its good will ambassador after it first runs out of butter and now bacon...what next!~?!?!?!? and we cant even send you care packages , Doesnt that Aussie steak person have bacon, was that bad too?? what about sausages???? is that a problem too?

  21. The Meat Guy DID have bacon, it was Austrian bacon smoked and it was very good. But it was also VERY expensive... like $20 a pound.... Sausages are also not found here. Of course if you go to import food stores in Tokyo you can find anything, but not in most places. The steak from The Meat Guy was NOT good. I don't like Australian beef.

  22. Do you need sausages too? I mean... lemme know. What KIND? *blinks* There's just...


    Can you come here and shop with me?!?!???

  23. I'm not a huge sausage eater. They have to be cooked slowly, and Mayu doesn't make time for slow cooking; for her, it's all about getting it all done in less than 10 minutes. Just bacon.... just bacon....

  24. *blinks* What kinda sausages do you eat??? Oooh, like bratwurst? most of the sausage we eat cooks fairly quickly.

  25. awwwwwww.....I ws gonna send you some to.

  26. Robin - Don't be sad. Celebrate! With bacon! Think of it like an Irish Wake where everyone parties for the passing of a good friend. Party with bacon on my behalf! How about making a lasagna but instead of using pasta... use bacon!

  27. I'm cooking with you in mind! Blog to follow...

  28. Hahaha! This reminds me of that Snack commercial for dogs. I think Beggin' Strips is the name of the product.
    Bacon, bacon, just give me some Bacon! ROFL!
    Somebody PLEASE send Cam a load of good bacon soon.

  29. Yuck! I hate that stuff! It tastes like eating deep fried chicken lips!

  30. Myself, i'm having massive carb sedation from a delicious Ravioli dinner.

    Damn the carb knock out punch!

    Night, Mou!

  31. It was da bomb!

    But i crashed around 10:30pm. I literally fell asleep with the computer on my lap...UGH!

    At least no carb hangover this morning, so it was worth every delicious bite. It was stuffed with chicken and cheese and i topped it with a chunky tomato and vegetable sauce....YUM!

    Morning, Mou!

  32. Hmmmm.....have you eaten deep fried chicken lips before?
