Wednesday, May 28, 2008

V is for Voice Blogging

The past two days of cycling have been extremely interesting. I have been working on being "present" with myself, mindful of the present situation, mindful of my breath, and aware of everything around me. And it's working; I am able to decrease, and eventually eliminate the meaningless and stressful spinning that my mind and the neuroreceptors have hard-wired to the pedal cadence, making cycling .... difficult over the past few years.

Monday, the ride was 50 minutes of talking to myself about being aware of everything that came into my sight. It was interesting.

Tuesday, I tried again, but instead of that, had some very interesting dialogues with myself. I have often wished (and Max has often said) that it would be great to have a recorder along with us so that we can record our conversations.

Well, today I looked through a variety of IC recorders that are on the market and purchased the Olympus V-51 Voice-Trek Dictaphone... toy so I can do just that!

Once it comes, I'll be out on rides, walking and just talking away in a productive way to myself. Then I can come home, and download it to the computer, convert it to mp3 and upload it as camcasts just for YOU!

Imagine that not only will you get to read me, see stills of me, and watch me live... but now you'll be able to LISTEN to me, too! Isn't that just THE most fantastic thing you've ever ever thought of? I KNOW it is!

The Voice-Trek V-51 is available in white and comes with 1GB of internal memory, whereas the V-61 comes wrapped in a black casing and doubles the memory, putting two gigs of storage at your disposal. Both units support MP3 and WMA files, pack USB 2.0 connectivity, measure 94.8 x 38.6 x 11mm, and weigh 47 grams.

When you shift it over to LP (long play) mode, the V-51 is capable of recording up to 277 hours and 35 minutes of audio, whereas the V-61 pushes that to an incredible 555 hours and 45 minutes.

Cost: JPY 11,200 + optional JPY 560 for 5year warranty - points = JPY 11,700 or roughly ($117).

So there you have it. Look out BlogWorld, here comes Captain CamCast!

I love you!


P.S. I thought I could use that stupid stick camera recorder that I wasted a huge amount of money on due to the format that they record in (microsloth proprietary crap) It also works as just a sound recorder, but the stupid thing records in asf format for both audio and video which is nearly impossible to convert to anything that can be used outside of windows media player simply because Microsoft has sued everyone who developed and put the codecs and converters for it into their software!

P.P.S. I only hope it doesn't pick up the wind only and drop my voice.... I'd hate to have another piece of useless technojunk sitting in my drawer along with all the other failed attempts (lessons!) at trying out new technology.


  1. Maybe the failure of all these gadgets is a sign you need to back away from all of it, keep it simple?

  2. One order of KFC extra crispy coming right up!

    (let's see who can figure out why that response came to my mind after reading Kristen's comment...)

  3. I dont even want to guess, I think you have been reading way too much stuff like Eckart Tolle and Werner Erhard and all that breathing is making you a bit fuzzy headed, and whatever the little inside joke about KFC is about, well I will pass since I prefer to make my own fried chicken and I honestly prefer El Pollo Loco =)

  4. You'll be proud of me. I did an hour of pilates circuit training and then went out and cycled up my mountain again for an hour. Time to get the DEET off my skin. Although I know that's not what caused the rash, it doesn't make it feel any better.... And here comes the rain!

    You'll get it. Or someone else will. But I'm betting that it will roll around in your head until eventually the answer pops out. It may drive you crazy though. Kind of like this song...

    Please ignore the extra X-space that seems to be popping in lately because Multiply poorly upgraded their coding and various bugs have appeared...

    I love you!

  5. Honey, thats good your keeping your body fit, I dont really want to think about what is giving you rashes, you know impentigo is prevented by washing your hands, if you do that more often you'll tend to keep these kinds of things away from you. As for the KFC joke, with my job I have so many other things to think about concering it, other things tend to get forgotten by 8 am, but im sure one of your "Camo-lytes" will know and proudly post it for all to see. =)

    But about cooked chicken, its so much better when it cooked over an open fire, better then frying, roasting, broasting, friccaseing or boiling. Mmmm BBQ chicken!

    also go read my blog about "swinging".

  6. I haven't the foggiest...

    But fried chicken RULES..

    I love crunchy food so anything deep fried is ok by me. And since being low carb (the little bit of breading or flour is not a problem) and on the PEOS, i eat what i want, whenever i want.

    Weight, BP, cholesterol, etc, ... WNL or better.
    WNL = within normal limits.

    Of course i do love the BBQ also.
    This weekend was a veritable meat fest, with salad, deviled eggs, and baked beans thrown in for good measure.


    It's your computer, Cam...

    no double video image here.

  7. P.P.S..... As you alluded to in the blog, Sweety...

    There just might be such a thing as TOO MUCH of a good thing.

    Yet another TOY...

    To record yet another "image" of ... you?

    Just sayin...

  8. Say all you like, dear Jen. Say all you like.

  9. Oh your BBQ sounds so good,!!! I think I just like that bit of carbon burn on the bird mixed with the bbq sauce Mmmmmmmm, As for friend chicken growing up Italian we had out own variation and that was with egg and milk first and then rolled in italian breadcrumbs and then fried in olive oil, I sometimes do this with chicken breasts ( for chicken piccata) and thin slices of steak, breaded steak( also italian style breadcrumbs) was something of fond memories from childhood
    and recently after mentioning it to mom, she has made it when my sister and brother in law and nephew and I would have sunday afternoon dinner with her.

    its funny when we were eating this the memories of silly things between my sister and I came up and we'd laugh till we almost choked. Oh here is another favorite fried thing I have every so often its so good its criminal its called "Mozarella in Carazzo" which means Mozarella in a carriage ( I have no clue as to why). basically its a cheese sandwhich dipped in egg and flour and fried ,( sometimes add some ham or sliced turkey or roast beef,) Ive made them for parties and they went like mad. The only redeeeming quality about them is that they taste SO good!

    Oh just rememberd one chicken dish I love is "Smotherd Chicken" Oh my goodness!!!

  10. That sandwich sounds like a Monte Christo.

    They're big in the diners here. It's like french toast, crilled cheese and a deli sandwich all rolled into one.

  11. YES I LOVE THOSE!!!!! this deli in Tarzana called Solly's makes the best!!!!! with the sour creme and jam on the side or some places give you maple syrup!!!! Yes here in SO CAL those are loved especially when you get them in the Deli's

  12. Good thing I finished a big dinner of salad, fried mushrooms and broccoli, steak, pork and now my triple espresso. Tomorrow is Mayu's holiday so she brought home a movie. Ergo I am gone... Night folks.

  13. "Imagine that not only will you get to read me, see stills of me, and watch me live... but now you'll be able to LISTEN to me, too! Isn't that just THE most fantastic thing you've ever ever thought of? I KNOW it is!"

    I'm so excited I could just poop rainbows!

  14. Laurie Berkner does a version of The Cat Came Back on Jack's Big Music Show on Noggin - B LOVES it! Though I can't find her video of it, here are others she does:
    B really loves "We are the dinosaurs" (not that it's relevant to your topic, but it's just my odd train of thought!)

  15. Hey miss Duckee!
    how come you aint pooping rainbows on my page????

  16. I toyed with video blogging for a little while and had a 360 account that was dedicated to video only.

    It's a lot of fun doing video and voice blogs and I'm looking forward to your results :D

  17. Well, you've been enjoying my 290 videos now for some time, right? And I have posted a few camcasts, but those were just sitting here at my computer (great sound). Now, we are going to graduate to sharing the conversations my three brains have whilst I am ootnaboot. That might be not such good sound quality as there will be wind movement involved (not the breaking kind, I assure you), and it will sound random, and unplanned... but life is sometimes more fun random and unplanned I feel... I love you!

  18. Yes, camcasts from the desk of your computer will seem like nothing compared to what you'll be able to do now.

    I'm getting excited for you, which is lame, but eh...
