Sunday, May 18, 2008

Airing Axe Murderer's Laundry

This is a video response to the video that Jen, DavID and BikerBabe left for me on my comment section.


  1. Do you hang all your laundry inside? I have some racks for items that can't be dried in the dryer, but I only use them in the winter. As soon as it's warm enough I hang my stuff on the line outside.

    Was that a beer? Rice/hops/barley? Also, what kind of sweetening agent is used in Airborne? Just curious.

  2. gimmie break.....nothing like watching someone hanging their laundry...

  3. Morning Crab Ass! Good to see you. I was about to shut this off when I saw your comment. Hope you're having a fantastic Sunday. I need to go for a walk.

  4. OMG you do laundry too? Please Cam, please, I beg of you. Come do my wash, cook for me, my toilet cleaning and whatever else I can think of that is domestic...oh yeah and towels, can't forget towels. You can be my houseboy. I will treat you right.
    Oh and Jose` hush you, you wished he could do that for you too don't you? ;)
    Love ya........M

  5. I miss my laundry line. We moved... and this house doesn't have one. I may have to invent something this year. I can't take it!

    Do you really call him Max? I smile everytime someone calls him that now. :) My nickname! And... where is some video of him?! I miss Max!

  6. When are you going to realize that this is all an act. This guy does JACK all day long...
    Can anyone work, do chores around the house and still blog 20 times a day?. Get real!!..This is all an act on Cameron's part.

  7. Jose, perhaps you should do an expose, reminiscent of Mike Wallace? It could be considered a public service.

  8. hmmm...well, Jose` what can you do for me then. Like the comment above me, I suggest you do an undercover investigation of the "real" Cam....expose him for what he is worth. Then when you have all of your evidence post it for us. Until then, I will ask him to be my cabana boy and be one of his many in the harem. If I escape it will only be on my own terms. You know if you prove this to me I will gladly hop on over and be in your harem too.
    until then giving you all the love I can muster......Michelle

  9. Jose is such a B R A T!!!


    Is that Mayu's massage table you have that WET laundry on???

    Not sure if that's so good for the vinyl... guess it's ok if you don't leave it for too long.

  10. It is at that, my dear. It works perfectly for putting the laundry on as we are in the process of hanging it. It doubles as a great folding table as well, although I will most definitely NOT do any ironing on it, even though the size would be the first time in my 20year history in Japan where my pants actually "fit" on the length of the board and I didn't have to shuffle them around to iron them.

    Yes, Michelle... I also iron....

  11. Dharma - JI won't do that because what would happen is he would find out that everything I write about, and video about is actually true. That would then mean that his ego would have to admit to being wrong which it would then equate to death. And knowing how incredibly strong Jose's ego is... there is no way in hell it is going to let him do anything that might lead to a breakdown of "egoic proportions"!

    So he shall most definitly continue to be an "armchair crabass".

    Robin - Yes, we do. There is too much wind here, and surrounded by rice paddies and pollenized mountains and stuff, they would get really dusty, and such. Besides, the thought of putting laundry out for public display is, to Mayu, one of the worst things she could possibly conceive of doing. We are lucky to have had homes that have rooms we don't really use except for when visitors come. If we had kids, there would be no space and the laundry would be hanging everywhere inside and out as most Japanese homes do. Dryers are not yet popular here because of the "space issue", though white good manufacturers have made some very cool front-load washer/dryer units these days that act as dehumidifiers and air conditioners as well as they process the energy... very cool technology actually. But above and beyond that, I can't afford to put any of my clothes except maybe sock and gotch in a dryer because the slightest shrinkage and they are just a tad too small. And because I grew up with my clothes being just a tad too short, it is something that really bothers me.

    It was a real beer, yes. Kirin Lager. It's the kirin that is most popular, and the original one but one that Mayu and I never really liked. The only "problem" is that the parents of our friends who got married... 12 or more years ago keep giving us a case of these beer (24 cans) twice a year as the summer and winter gift.....

    Looking at the Airborne, I see that the sweetening is very very last on the list (meaning very little) which is a good thing because since my taste buds are so sensitive to sweet these days, if these things were any sweeter I wouldn't be able to take them. I'm even having trouble with toothpastes these days as the ones I have been using for a decade are even tasting too sugary now. Sorbitol and a little bit of sucralose (the very last ingredient) to answer your most astute query.

    Stefnee - I only call him Max around here, but not to his face.

  12. I miss you.

    Plain and simple.

    I could also watch you do laundry alllll day.

    MY laundry :):) It is a bit......daintier......*wink*

  13. I appreciate what you're saying about stuff blowing on and sticking to clothing, especially now because everything is starting to leaf out. Pollen pollen everywhere.

    Ever consider cooking with that beer? Use it in marinades, etc.

    I wondered about your sensitive anti-sweet tooth.

  14. I do cook with the beer. It's putting a "dollop" in with the vegetables we fry, or sometimes marinading a steak in a soysauce/beer broth. Works well. It also makes for a great gift to give to people when they come over... "Here have two beer to enjoy at home, too!"

    Alcohol and driving has gotten so strict here that most people won't even have one beer and drive. In fact, many restaurants now have a policy to find out who the designated driver is, give them oolong tea (that dark brown stuff you can get hot or cold in Japanese restaurants), but no alcohol. The tolerance level, i.e. legal limit is 0% which means the police can fine and yank your licence if they find any amount of alcohol in you. Tough restrictions, and it hurts restaurants and bars, but because there are so many alcohol/driving-related deaths here, it's worth putting up with a "no alcohol" policy while driving.

    Linda - Miss you too! I'd love to be able to say, "I miss your dainty laundry" as well, but alas, at this point in time, I am unable to say so and be honest about it... Maybe "next time", eh? I love you!

  15. Do you have a slow cooker? I have used beer as the liquid for meals done in the slow cooker. I like to add a bit to chili, too.

    We don't drink and drive. We walk/cab it. Not worth the tragedy.

  16. I could use some 'get rid of beer' recipies... as I have an entire case left over from Bunco and Scooter and I detest the stuff.

  17. Hey Stef. Here are a few recipes using beer as an ingredient. The ones I looked at could be tweaked to suit.

  18. Get over it Cameron. You know I'm right. I don't have to prove anything to anybody. All you Cam groupies have to do is sit down and do the math. How can anyone who has a job and works hard trying to make ends meet have enought time to take videos of him/herself, write countless numbers of blogs, go around and make these incredibly long replies on everyone elses blogs?. Please people...wake up!!...This guy is a white collar criminal who stole millions from Canadian Banks years ago and is living in Japan to escape justice. And THAT is the truth.

  19. I don't have a harem. I don't want a harem

  20. By the way Pal.....3:29 of watching you with your laundry is waaaayyy too long.

  21. JI - I love you man! I'm glad you got to see my gotch finally!

  22. I prefer to hang ours on the outside line too - dry fast as we live on the coast. I only use the tumble dryer for socks because I hate that rough non-stretchy feeling of line dried socks. Pot roast and Guinness are a winter favourite here. The UK is working towards the 0% tolerance on DD as well. Right now the drink limit is for about one measure/half a pint. Taxi companies are making a mint. Hope your weekend was mint!

  23. See now there is your problem, you need one. Why would you not want one? Maybe you would be so much happier. hmmmmm?

  24. Solution:send it to Jl............*grinning*

  25. Michelle's a trouble maker...

    I love it!

    Love you too, Mou!

  26. Me? Nah, I only call it as I see it!
    Love you, Jen

  27. Cam foo foo, did you know that your Japanese Tourism Ministry today named "Hello Kitty" as Tourism Ambassador??......What was it before?? its on the AP News.....;_ylt=AjqJeoahTj6orKYez7N2.rwuQE4F

  28. i want to see the video...the one you were answering

  29. hey you did this blog on may 18th (my birhtday!)
