Sunday, May 25, 2008

Chime In - Traditions in Rural Japan (Video)

See what I mean? This video was auto-posted here. I did not put it here, although I am making it smaller, and centering it to clean it up and will leave it here. But be warned... it is eight minutes long, so not for the attention deficit disordered or time challenged, you click at your own risk...

There are still many traditions alive an well in rural Japan. Here is one of them that goes on every day, several times a day. I am used to it, and enjoy it, but newcomers often take some time to be accustomed to it.

This is an eight minute video, but taken over the course of 24 hours. I know it's a bit long but it was unavoidable. This is not a documentary, this is not a commercial, this is not a one minute and 27 second news clip; this is my LIFE!

Due to my settings, once I copy this from YouTube over to my Blogger video life blogspot, it then seems to get copied over to my Multiply blog as well! Well, I don't really want that to happen because I prefer uploading my videos to the Video section, and not have them embedded in a blog. But for now, it always happens, and I don't know when it's going to happen!

I love you!



  1. As often as I have been to Japan, I somehow have missed this kind of "rural charm", I dont know if its the way its coming across via the vid but its SO TINNY and Annoying, here I was expecting some gentle Temple gong in the distance.not visions of Blade Runner LOL =)

  2. Kristen - It IS tinny, and loud, and most definitely anything BUT templish.

  3. I still like it.

    I love you, Mou!

  4. TOO LONG!!!!!!..........I guess your groupies won't mind spending their lives in fron of a computer screen....

  5. BTW...get a life taping yourself for 24 hours????....get a life!!!

  6. I think someone needs to go find that 1950's PA system and smash it with a sledghammer, yet then im sure panic will ensue with the local peasantry. There will be no one to tell them when to go to bed and eat and get up and when Mrs Kobyashi's baby chicken's have hatched =)

  7. Jose,
    from what i've heard you DO have something..or someone better to do.

    And yet here you are watching Cammy.

    People are going to get ideas...


    hey, Paula!

  8. She's at work....otherwise I would not be here....

  9. To what will probably NOT be your pleasure I did not watch it.
    btw-I am NOT a "groupie"-I am however, part of the harem that enjoys spreading love around to all those we meet. Oh and yes, I love you too JI! *Hugs*

  10. JI - You're laughing, man... you're shaking your head and chuckling.... I know you are....

    Michelle - What? You did NOT watch it? Well, go and WATCH it, young woman!

    Jen - You're right, he should be "doing" someone else...

    Kristen - The expected arrival of the chicks are this wednesday. *wink*

    I love you guys! This is why I make those videos.... you so can all enjoy them *in* *your* *own* *way*.

  11. OK home from work and due to some other priorities.... "ah- hem" and the short amount of time I have with this "priority" from FL... I will watch the video later...

    Right now I have something or someone to do....

  12. Paula - As The Fourth Agreement in that little book I received from ParrotCharmer says, "Always DO your best".

  13. Oh, just go take care of your "bizness", Ms.Paula.

    Some of us don't need our noses rubbed in the fact that others of us are cozying up with someone special this weekend.

    Going back to the garden where i can feel some love.

  14. In our town many many years ago there were chimes that were played from the tower of the very large church on the square. It was nice to listen to occasionally, but my dear, if I had to hear that every day, on the dot without fail and without deviation, I would go mad.

    I just think maybe after noticing that the cicada's are annoying and that if I had to listen to those chimes and those announcements that I am figuring something out about ME. I don't do well with a routine that can't be altered. Routine is comforting. But it has to be something I control and not an outside force, like those chimes. I think that no matter how many ways I would choose to change my routine, those incesent chimes would eventually piss me off. Hahahahahahahahaha.

    I enjoyed watching you on your knees, rolling back and forth. *wink*

  15. Hmmm.... it sounds to me like the outside influences have a stronger effect upon you than you might like.... I go about my day, and when the chimes come in, and I notice them, I stop, breathe, enjoy the moment... and look at the darn new "caterpillar dust" rash that is on my right arm again this morning! (and right knee, too). Must have been when I was bent over on my hands and knees yesterday working on my bike, in the moss....

    I just created a blog.....

  16. The churches around here play bell music. Also, if you walk south on 3rd Street you will hear piped in music.

  17. You know whats funny, for a country that so "green" or so tries to be green it seems to have no concept of "noise pollution" I mean I know big cities are noisy, but Tokyo is a shock to the senses, between the people and the cars and the billboards among other thing and then in your little duck-burg there with that horrible daily cacophony, GACK!!!, I don't know if I would enjoy that daily moment of sensory bombardment.
