Thursday, May 29, 2008

Cancer does NOT have to be in your future

Yes, it is a busy morning and I haven't even wiped the sleep out of my eyes, nor brushed my BCAA-induced "cotton mouth" from the insulin that this sports supplement causes the pancras to pump out in order to assist in recovery from workout, and muscle building (ugh).

As I love to talk about stuff on cancer, cholesterol, carbohydrates, essential fatty acids, protein, meat diets vs. unhealthy vegetarian diets, the negative effects upon your body from fiber, etc. etc. etc. I thought it is important to share THIS recent publication by Brian Peskin, my PEO low-carb, high essential oil mentor...

I talked about this in the past, and shared with you the results that a cancer specialist in California is having with his patients who are taking what they are calling the "Peskin Protocol" during treatment. Basically, it is the simple supplementation of Brian's PEOs (Parent Essential Oils), using the blend and ratio that he has developed through his 20 years of dedication to finding the Truth - Not Opinion of health.

The article is attached for those of you who are serious about your health.

For those of you who don't have time to read life-altering health-altering information, then feel free not to download the two page PDF. I won't push you past the end of this blog which ends, as it always does, with my heartfelt desire that you live a long, and HEALTHY life.

Unfortunately these days, if you follow the information that is mainstream, the chances of you living that kind of life, are dramatically reduced.

I love you!


P.S. Has anyone actually gone back and looked at the blog after using the spell checker and then posting? I realized the other day that even though the system finds misspelled words, and you choose the correct ones, when you finally post it... they aren't corrected!

Oh what a dope I was to blindly believe that what Multiply was telling me they were doing was the truth! I was duped into thinking I was correcting it, but in actuality, my blogs were still riddled with quick-finger typoes all this time! And I believed them!!!

(Damn... that sounds a lot like what a huge number of us are doing regarding our health... *wink*)


  1. Hmm... why isn't the system attaching that attachment...? OK, there we go.

  2. Dude! You're talking to yourself...again.

  3. Scary part is I understand it...

  4. I'm counting on this being right.

    Still sitting on "questionable " test results, waiting for lab tests...

    That and swallowing PEOs which are fast running out (shit, gotta call tomorrow), and doing meditation and repeating mantras as to my strong , healthy , woman's body.

    I actually believe it will all work out so no worries, OK?

  5. Wow!

    I talk to myself all the time. I think I even type to myself occasionally too. It's what blogging's really about. You just rattle on and let us all peek in...please.
