Friday, May 16, 2008

Baby Guts

I was out of the house for most of the day today doing work. Yes, I do work. Yes, I do. Then I took Mayu's computer to my computer guy to see if we could figure out the problems she's been having with it.

You see, the DVD/CD player doesn't work properly, and has gotten worse as time goes on. Yesterday I was finally able to get it to open by pressing the button; until that time the only way to open it was to go in through the icons and click "open". It doesn't recognize any DVDs and it ... sometimes... plays CDs.

The other problem is that although her glidepad works fine, the left/right buttons seem totally dead. Very strange indeed. I tried reinstalling the drivers, and various other things, all to no avail. So she has been using a mouse on her notebook these past few months, while it has been pure glidepad since she bought this computer from our computer guy several years ago.

So today I took it in and we took it apart. Mother of God it has a lot of screws! I think there were like 35 screws all told holding the top and bottom together and we had to search to find them all because some of them were hidden in ingenious spots and of course prevented us from opening it up to look inside.

Here is what a high-end notebook looks like totally ripped apart, if you have never seen it...


I wouldn't advise doing this on your own because the componentry is so miniaturized that it really is amazing. It's no wonder they have asian women putting this stuff together! A man's fingers really are too big and bulky to do this work.

The disc player seems to not work, and the model is no longer in existence. They haven't made it anymore for a few years and we couldn't find any shops on the net that sell it. So no more playing CDs or DVDs or even installing software on that computer! Mayu wants to listen to music with it so she has decided to get an SD card and transfer music that way. Her car navigation also takes SD cards so she can download music to the SD card and transfer it to the car's hard disc drive and have the stuff there, too (cool machine these Japanese car navi systems are these days with their XXXGB hard disc drives).

Then we looked at the glide pad unit and took that out. It seems that one of the leads going to the buttons has been totally burned out. My computer guy soldered another wire to it to see if it would work, but when we put it back together, it was still totally dead. The IC Unit must also have shorted out or something. That means that Mayu is stuck with using just the mouse now.

After three hours we got it all back together and I paid only JPY 3,150 (USD $32) for the time so that's pretty good.

We could send it out to Toshiba but as the warranty ended a few years ago, it would get fixed... but cost a pretty penny. And since she can still use this excellent computer (it really is a very good one with awesome stereo sound, and a glass monitor that is ultra high quality) with these couple of modification, I guess that's the way it shall sit.

Oh, the computer I bought in 1998 and haven't been able to use anymore because it is a first generation celeron chip, with only 64MB Ram and 4GB HD... I finally decided to get rid of it. I contacted Hitachi online and filled in a request to have it recycled. It will cost me JPY 3,150 ($32.00) to have it recycled, but that's good. It means it is supposed to go to a safe place, the metals removed and recycled, the dangerous stuff disposed of appropriately, and other things reused if possible. The reality of the situation of course, is more like what I saw in my National Geographic a few months back where like the USA, old computers get shipped off to central China where people dying of toxic diseases make pennies "recycling" it, melting the metals down, and enjoying toxic lead, mercury and other melting metal gases in their lungs on a daily basis.

I just hope they don't do that where they make the milk that they ship to Japan (shipped to Japan) for making butter...

Off to a ride with Masaki tomorrow. Long drive, killer ride probably knowing him, and then home to leg cramps in the night.

I love you!



  1. I love taking apart old computers that are completely broken. I then put the parts back together to creative ways and call it art. It is quite fun.

  2. I have the first comment on cams blog. *doing a happy dance* I don't think that has ever happened before

  3. OMG!!!

    Would never THINK of attempting such a thing.

    You did remind me though.
    i have to make an appointment at the Mac Genius Bar.

    My iBook has a 3yr warranty so i can bring it in anytime for checkups and repairs.

    Mine has been having that same exact problem. It keeps spitting out the CDs.

    At first it would accept them but not play. Now it won't even accept them.

    I'm guessing it's the drive. so i expext they will install a new one for me.

    But ... OMG...

    What if they need to take it away from me for that?

    Holy crap... i can go a day or two... i think.

    any more than tht and i'm climbing the walls..

    Not just my blogs, but my readings, my meditation MP3s....
    I'll be lost.

    OK, thanks, Cam.

    Before i was down about my ridiculously expensive dental work and the piss poor insurance coverage.
    Now i'm in panic mode...

    Need more coffee... and BACON!!!

    Everything's better after bacon... isn't it?

  4. Miss Lovegood - I think you are right about the first comment! Unfortunately, this is Mayu's baby and it had to go back together exactly as it came apart and WORK at least as good as when I brought it in or I'd be dead meat... (we did for some mysterious reason end up with one screw short, which was weird...) And I appreciate your "first to comment"!! Yaaaay! I love you!

    Jen - It's over warranty now as she's had it several years, so we figured we'd try to do something with it before sending it in for major cost repairs... I guess we won't. But good luck! Your computer is brand new so for sure the will fix it.

    P.S. The reason why I wrote this is because M got in the shower before me... but now she's out. Have to shave too so I don't get a funny suntan tomorrow. I love you!

  5. I love you too. Time to get off the computer a three year old is screaming for attention. yea really screaming.

  6. The toxic stuff from your recycled computer will be turned into toys to send to America.

  7. Amazing what miniaturized versions of stuff looks like, eh? I was floored by how the hard drives were set up the first time Jase took one of our lappys apart.

    It was a JPY 3,150 kinda day for you, huh?


  8. That looks like Scooter's desk. We have so many laptops and such that he 'parts' out. As I'm sitting here at the bar, I can see on his desk.... three laptops, two different hard drives (is that what they're called??) to two different PCs. One belongs to a friend....

    none of it makes sense to me. Just make sure it WORKS! :)

  9. I'm with Stefnee.

    Make mine work... don't tell me how.... UGH!

  10. I much prefer it when it just works... Technology - we'd hate to live without it!

  11. I could break them just not fix them-that would be crazy of me to attempt to fix is taking a hammer to them. LOL

  12. If you work, then I'm Donald Trump...Gimmie a break!

  13. The first time I replaced the generator on my first (Volkswagen) car, I had some screws left over. Betcha had a few extras on this effort, too, eh??


  14. TC - We were missing one. But he did something that never occured to me before and that is brilliant... Every screw we undid, we taped into the hole in which it went so we knew exactly where it was supposed to go. Why one went AWOL and there was no tape there either is a mystery...

    I think I'm going to have to change the way I call you... No more TC. From now on ye shall be Grin.

  15. Dear Mr. Trump - Have a pleasant evening. I love you too much.

    Michelle - Maybe you could get a happy job as the girl that punches the .. punch through the hard drives to forever "delete" sensitive data that remains even after formatting the drives.

    Jaime - Yes, me too. I'm a power user, and love upgrading and getting the latest greatest... but I don't need to know how in hell they make those hair-thin sheets of plastic with all the electronics painted onto them in infinitely tiny lines!

    Jen - Agreed. Be a User!

    Stefnee - Are the kids not allowed near Scooter's desk? I can imagine them making a "troll trap" or something with sensitive parts...

    Scooter - (if you read this) - Can you actually interchange parts between notebooks of different brands? We couldn't even switch out Mayu's dead DVD Multi Drive with one from the same maker because the shape had changed!

    DDM - (that would be dudusmaximus) Either it will end up in the USA as toys for kids, or it will come back to us in our food, poisoned by China as it has this year...

  16. Oh I just would not be able to put all that back together the same way. I'd have all kinds of extra parts! That reminds me of a time when I watched an abdominal surgery. The surgeon had the patient's innards out and I just kept wondering how in the heck was he ever going to put all that stuff back in that small hole he had cut open in her belly! And if he did get it all put pack and all sewed back up again, how would it all work right.

    Did I kinda get off the subject?

    I just don't ever want to do without my computer. I have been putting off taking mine in for a diagnostic, but I'm so afraid they will keep it several days. Jen I can certainly understand your panic and need for a coffee and some bacon.

  17. Jase recently rec'd his certification to repair stuff like that. It's crazy how tiny his tools are!!!

  18. You can, in some instances, get a new laptop case that is more adaptable. They're selling a lot more lappy components "generic" than they used to... but a lot of manufacturer's use certain shapes and sizes for reasons you just mentioned.

    Can Mayu get an external DVDrom?

  19. I took my Sony Vaio out of the bag I use to carry it back and fourth from the hotel and I held it up to the screen and said "honey, I will never do anything this mean and brutal to you, I love you too much " it happily purred back in relief. Cam get some butter in your diet, whore yourself out to some dairy or something but get some BUTTER IN YOUR BODY your getting violent! =)

  20. Just think Cam I used to do that for a living. Now I can't get near my work bench. We had 23C yesterday
    so the hinterland is changing Jen. I think I am going to go and have some BACON & toast with REAL BUTTER on it.!!

  21. Dad - You used to do that for a living on MAINFRAMES where you would find shorts in the systems due to mice that had gotten into the guts and fried themselves. Those were the days where you used creativity (i.e. gum) to solve the problems!

    Your mechanic's fingers wouldn't even be able to get NEAR this miniaturization these days!

    Enjoy ... the bacon ...and... the ... real ... butter.... you bastard.....

    I love you!

  22. MMMMMMMMMMM Wonder if they have real butter in a can. Then we could all send
    you some.!! That's a thought !! A new product from Canada That doesn't contain lead.! You could
    put all the required ingredients in a can and you could tie it to your bike when you go riding in the mountains and when you get back WALLA ! BUTTER..

  23. O h sheesh Mavis-since I just had surgery over 2 months ago this make me wonder did they get all my innard in right? I suppose I shall never know. hmmmmmm

  24. *waving at Cam's Dad*-I am sure gum worked real nicely, did you use duct tape too.....I would have...that is right after I beat the hell out of it with my hammer. LOL

  25. Sort of...some things are machine-specific, while others may hook up differently. I had a CD/DVD player that I got from an old machine at work that was able to use in Stefnee's old laptop. Unfortunately the processor was so slow(the machine was really old) that it could not handle playing DVDs. If you take a picture ot the connector for her old CD/DVD and let me look, maybe it will fit that and we can send it to you?. Not much I can help with the mousepad thingie. Can you replace that component?

  26. Scooter - She doesn't care, actually. She plans to forego using the DVD/CD player and instead switch to an SD card that she can insert into her car to transfer data. Pretty cool, huh?
