Monday, May 12, 2008

Dreamscape: Torn Apart Together (4) [Waking Up]

And now, two hours after waking from this dream to find myself writing characters on a "gossamer blackboard" in the air for Carrie's kids, in what would apparently be one of many "travelling lessons" from me to many children and adults alike, the dream fades from my mind as the spring birds continue their unbelievably LOUD cacophony that awakens me every morning about 3:30am as they themselves awaken with the rising of the sun.

Oh the joys of paper-thin walls and single-paned glass windows where you can hear the neighbour flush their toilet, or the baby crying in the night... and they can hear you ranting and mumbling in your sleep!

I guess it is time to get up and get the morning rituals started, and stretch out the kinks in my neck that have formed from sitting propped up in bed, scribbling this dreamscape into my bedside journal on my knee. The last time I remembered my dreams enough to write in my Dream Journal was ... *flipping back to previous writing* ... "The Reunion" back in February 1998. I was still eating tons of carbohydrates back then and was having a ton of these kinds of very "memorable" dreams. 1998 was when I first began experimenting with carb-cutting, and I am so glad I did!

Yesterday I took my BCAAs during my pilates after an hour of mountain biking and I knew that I would awaken from bizarre dreams, with cotton mouth (yep) and an extreme, deep-set feeling of "I'm so hungry I could puke" (yep) feeling that has come on without fail every time I have ever carb-loaded "for energy" at meals. I know now beyond the shadow of a doubt that all of the weird side-effects from carbohydrates are not from the sugars themselves, but from the primary cause: insulin. I experience the exact same side effects with the BCAAs and low-carb meals, so that has to be it!

I am so damn hungry right now that I could eat a Cthulu monster!

Have a wonderful day! After transcribing this nine page manuscript onto the computer I think I'll go for a ride on my low-tech bicycle and see what nature has in store for me today. And to hell with this cold that has me still achy in the joints (but finally recovering after five days, an extremely rare event these past 10 years since I started on EFAs...)

I learned when I had my triple herniated disc pain and could barely walk for a year that there is pain and discomfort that "has value", and there is that which does not. Sitting in the house feeling sick and miserable is "no value suffering". Since we always get better as these things run their natural course, why not have some enjoyment during the pain or suffering and make the best of it so that time turns from a waste, to "valuable time"? That's what I believe!

Ow! Crap! Cooler morning... humidity... Calf cramp!!!!

This ends the final installment that I wrote in my Dream Journal on May 10th, 2008.

I love you!

P.S. No yo-yos were used as weapons in this dream.


  1. what if the dream world is reality and this waking up is a dream..

  2. Then you are sleeping and you didn't really ask that question.

  3. uh I must be lucid dreaming..let me jump out of the window this will wake me up for sure

  4. Or you could just go downstairs for a pee, have some water, and go back to bed. After all, unless you are over in California, you are up at a strange hour...

  5. haha yeah I am actually starting my work day here in California at 11:43 pm.. nocturnal engineer

  6. What would that be? Designing buildings for vampires or government officials? Oh, sorry.. same thing.

  7. If that's what you're in the mood for, my kids could probably cook you something real close to that!

    I think I had Godzilla for breakfast on Sunday morning.

  8. Deb, please ask them to pick the sand out from under the nails before they grill it, OK? It's kind of like eating shellfish and getting a mouth full of sand...

  9. I'm here.. I read. Can't think of anything clever to say... so I'm gonna go now, mmkay?

  10. Stefnee - You exude cleverness, therefore need not look for things clever to say at all. Just... BE.

  11. Do i have to say something even though we talked about it live?

    I'm feeling like Stef. And i'm not as clever as she!

    I love you though!

  12. Robin - I think that the immobilized rotator cuff might offer you too the opportunity to just BE. But don't let your mind wander... just follow your breath....

  13. I have been, sweetie. It's really cool. I thought I would be completely out of control inside my head, but I am not. I am very calm. No, it's not the drugs. I am only on a sustained analgesic right now.

    I am looking at the 'tapes' of my life inside my head and I am coming back to some good things that for whatever reason I had abandoned.
