Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Plaque Off! - What your Ego doesn't want you to know...

... and will do everything in its power to prevent you from accepting.

Are you ready for this? I don't know if you're ready for this... In fact I'm not really sure many of you can really handle this. I have this feeling your mind will say, "cool..." and that's about it because it won't let you actually realize the profoundness of what I am about to tell you. How will I know this? Well, if you don't act after reading this, then I am pretty darn sure that decades of medical misinformation still has you in its grip. That would be your ego preventing you from truly understanding.

I really am serious about this. Dead serious. I am always serious when I talk about Brian Peskin's Parent Essential Oils, carbohydrates, "former EFAs", healthy fats, etc. etc. Most people read it, some skim, for a very small few it profoundly affects your world and you have a paradigm shift (like I did 10 years ago). But, for the majority of people, there are numerous "reasons" why this stuff never sinks in. Of course the good majority of reasons that are held onto are based on government, medical, and especially nutritional information that is completely incorrect, has been shown to be incorrect, but has never been allowed to be corrected because the mass media is too scared shitless to make a real stand. And we hold onto it because we cannot accept that they could be wrong, because it would mean that we would have to be wrong too, for believing in them.

Nutritionists, doctors and nurses will fight tooth and nail to deny this stuff because it completely undermines their entire education and will make their egos (often huge egos) die horrible deaths. For the ego, being wrong means death, and it will do everything in its power to prevent that, even cause the mind to enact conflict and attack in order to "protect" what it refuses to give up.

The sad thing is, everything we have learned regarding this topic up until Brian's research has been either entirely wrong, or partially incorrect, or misled half-truths that went hog wild and made us sicker than before (statins are a great example).

I know that even this introduction is going to get the hackles up of a lot of people, but again, that will just be their ego trying to protect their judgements, beliefs, opinions, positions and prejudices, which are pretty much irrelevant, and not even real, except as perceived by the person who holds them. The trick to get beyond the "counter attack" feeling (that is probably growing in some of you already, just after reading this seemingly "in your face, cocksure attitude" is to admit that you have these judgements, beliefs, opinions, positions and prejudices (I have lots), but then also admit that they are not you, and that you can step beyond them, change them, dissolve them, and grow past them (what I have been trying to do this past half year).

You have to understand the concept of "thinking in the Gap", or the space between what your ego puts into your mind, and how you respond. That gap exists, and in there is where you can allow yourself to try to see things differently. It's tough, but it can be don. You just have to stop yourself from the "instant attack back knee jerk reflex" that so often comes up (believe me, I know this all too well).

Are you ready to have your multiverse rocked? Read this carefully, closely, and thoughtfully. Be very very present when you read it, don't be doing or thinking anything else otherwise your judgements, beliefs, opinions, positions and prejudices will most likely prevent you from seeing the HUGE significance of what I am about to tell you regarding YOUR health and YOUR body....

I was introducing a friend to Brian's PEOs through Khanada, and wrote a letter to her. She wrote back with some earth shattering news!

Read on...

And, be very very prepared to have your mind, your ego, say and do things to either discount it, poopoo it, minimize it, put it off for another rainy day, or totally scroll by and ignore completely..

But if you do, please know that you do so at your own future peril.

You have been warned, because I care about you and your health. And I am willing to put up with some discomfort of some of your egos getting angry at me because I think this is important to share with you. And I am hoping what I want to share can get PAST your ego, which will most likely block you from truly understanding and accepting this information, and likely block you from acting upon it...

Good luck. I hope it gets past your ego. Don't beat yourself up if it doesn't, though, OK? And I won't either because the ego is an amazingly powerful entity that basically controls us for the majority of our entire lives. It is extremely powerful because it has the ability to make us believe that what it wants is what we really want (at all costs) - which is false; but the ego won't let us figure that out in most cases.

Confusing? I've only just begun!

Know this: I love you! - Cam

[Email from Khanada to me]

Last week Prof. Peskin went to Florida to visit a radiologist who uses one of those very high tech imaging machines [64-slice MDCT] to measure arterial plaque. Recently he had a patient in his 60's who has been smoking for decades and who goes in yearly to get his scan.

This year when he had it done his plaque had gone down 22% in spite of his smoking! In one year to drop this much is impossible (just as impossible as my friend Kiyota in Tokyo who's diabetes has been "cured completely" after he listened to me, cut carbs dramatically, and started taking the EFAs.  The doctor was flabbergasted!

He said "This never happens! What are you doing differently?" The patient told him, "I'm taking these 'oxygen pills' from Prof. Peskin." So, this doctor bought Brian's book, The Hidden Story of Cancer and after starting to read it,  he invited Brian to come meet with him.

Well, he offered to give Brian a scan to see the state of his arteries. Brian, with complete confidence said. "It will be zero! There's no plaque in there." The doc gave him a patronizing expression, as they so often like to do, and then performed the scan.

On a scale from 1 to 100... where do you think Peskin's arterial plaque measured? Now keep in mind, this is a man who has been eating high-protein, high-fat and low-carb for years and years, and virtually no exercise – he’s too busy!! It has been a bit over 10 years now as well as taking the EFAs he developed at first in his own kitchen.  

The doctor's mouth dropped open and he said, "Your score is... zero!" Well, and he'd NEVER seen that before in any adult. Brian is in his 50's. That is literally unheard of! 

You see, Prof. Peskin's EFAs contain parent omega 6 essential oils as well as parent omega 3 essential fatty acids he calls them PEOs. There are literally NO other supplements on the market that are as close to 100% parent oils [he uses a bit of GLA, too] and hardly any with any omega 6 in them... These simple facts make the most vital difference in effectiveness.

If you call ANY EFA manufacturer other than us (Y.E.S. Supplements) and ask them to explain Parent as opposed to derivative EFAs.... ask them to explain the importance of unadulterated parent omega 6... they will have NO answer for you.


  1. I could have done with this information about 7 months ago.

    My dad had four strokes one after the other and ended up in hospital with carotid artery on the left side of his neck sliced open while doctors scraped the plaque out of his vein.

    Very interesting reading, Cam.

  2. Deb - See what I mean? This information has been out there forever... the problem is it goes against the grain so it is swept under the carpet if you will. I'm sorry to hear that your dad was another victim of misinformation.

  3. LOL welcome to his life!

    He has Crohn's Disease and THAT was misdiagnosed for SEVEN YEARS!!!

    We've had a lot of heartache where my dad's health is concerned, but he's a lot better now thanks (using that term loosely) to invasive surgery.

    I've copy and pasted your blog entry to him.

  4. It will be interesting to watch how he battles with this information... Seriously. Even people who are very ill refuse to accept most of this stuff in spite of the fact that their doctors' drugs, etc. do not heal them. They are blamed for having a mysterious body with illness that is not understood, etc. etc. etc. And because they hear this for so long, and from doctor to doctor to doctor, their ego picks it up, and entrenches it.

    And it won't let go, even if it kills the host. This is how serious the ego is when it "plays to win". It could care less if the body dies off, as long as it is not proven wrong. The ego doesn't feel physical degeneration so it has no idea the destruction it inflicts upon us.

  5. Soooooooo the EFA's that I'm taking even though the label says omega 3, 6, & 9 is not really what I need- parent omega 6?? *heavy sigh*

  6. Exactly. Brian's are the ONLY ONES, and this is not a marketing play, Lisa. There are no other ones out there that are formulated correctly. In fact, you could be doing more damage than good because with the derivatives, it puts your body OUT of balance.

  7. What you really need, Lisa, is to call up Khanada and get their PEOs. I'm serious about this. If you have been taking your EFAs for any length of time and are not saying the same things that I say, that Paula says, that Jenny says, that Stephanie says, that Mavis is now saying... if you aren't noticing HUGE differences, they aren't working. And you'll never understand what the hell we are talking about, because your ego will find some way to make itself right by discounting what we say.

  8. What I have been trying to get across to the world through my blogs on 360 and here, and the majority won't listen is that this truly IS The Fountain of Youth I am offering everyone.

    But of course it's too good to be true, so everyone goes yeah, yeah, yeah.... I know! I undersand! I battled Brian through email and phones for a few years before I finally found out that he was exactly right. And finally mainstream doctors are actually starting to listen.....

    Gang, you still have time to be at the vanguard with this info, because probably 99.9999% of the world has no idea of what I'm talking about here.

  9. LOL this is gonna sound like a drug conversation, but how can a person in Australia acquire this?

  10. Ok- so contact info- cuz yeah, err, no- I've been taking the EFA's, I eat low carb, I'm all up on the Pilates, and am a pretty active person and I am really not saying all the same things as Stef and Jen- no HUGE differences.
    I mean don't get me wrong- I feel pretty good, I look pretty good, but I don't have like this new amazing energy level or rapid healing powers or anything- I've been wondering if maybe the EFA's that I purchased were bunk- now I know!
    OK so hit me with some contact info if you would be so kind...

  11. Deb - I email Khanada directly and she sends them to me in Japan. It's worth the shipping I have to pay. They may have customers in Australia, I don't know. But you should ask.

    Lisa - Same with you... same with everyone.

    DONT ORDER FROM THEIR WEBSITE because then you just go into the "retail customer" line. (even though there are only a few of them there).

    You NEED to write Khanada directly, and tell her that I'm still trying to piss you off by all this damn "in our face" evangelism and that you've been trying "other efas" but don't seem to be saying the same things we are and you wanna know why the fuck not?!?!?!!

    Khanada's fantastic. She is busy as hell, but absolutely wonderful.

    Email her directly, PLEASE (because the price you can get from reg orders and the price you will see as their "full retail price" on the website are COMPLETELY different. Trust me. Trust me, and trust me.)

    khanada at yes hyphen supplements dot com.

    If you want to call, you can do so:

    Toll-Free: 866-YES-1124
    Local: 713-840-7723

    And the pronunciation of that very unique, and very lovely name is ca-NAY-dah, not Canada, but with the same ca sound and the same da sound.

    She is not hard sell, trust me. If you aren't interested, or are only partially interested, she will NOT push you at all. This is her charm.

    I on the other hand can be a real bastard when it comes to this because I want you to live a healthy frikkin life, not the life that most of "you" (I can't say "us" anymore because I'm not part of that life) will live: sliding down the tubes into a hell of disease, and demise.

    I love you!

    Mr. Doom&Gloom

  12. I appreciate the in-yer-faceness, Doctor Cam! Thanks! I'm on it. I wanna live a healthy frikin' life too!
    Besos abrazos y amor!!

  13. I got to the point about being fully present, and realized I can't go beyond that point while I'm multi-tasking. I'll be back when I can focus. :-)

  14. Aha! Multitasking, the watchword of North America, something that everyone glorifies, is actually the bane of being present, of being mindful, of being.... I just recently realized. It sounds like something we really want to admire in a person... but in reality, they are not completely focusing on one thing, which means they are not doing their absolute best in anything they are attacking as they multitask various things... no matter how much they reject that and (their ego) boasts that they can too give their all to many things at the same time, they aren't. They just THINK they are, but in reality, they aren't.

    See you when you have time, Haley! I love you!

  15. Came back for the love... and yes, multi-tasking kills the ability to be present, and yet it is the constant expectation in American business cultures.

  16. Cam, I am loving this entry...

    I need to get on to Scooter to have his cholesterol checked again, it was scary high the last time he went... he's supposed to have no red meat, no eggs.. blah blah blah.... and since we've started the PEOs (over a year ago) we've noticed HUGE differences in our health.

    For me... and this is HUGE let me tell you... this spring is almost over. It's almost over, and for the first time... *in my life* I didn't struggle with asthma... the not breathing, the congestion, the constant coughing and struggling that I deal with EVERY spring. Since I was a baby. I'm serious here. I did get a little cold when the season started (which is usually what triggers the asthma and it hangs on until early June, when everything finally dries out) I'm sitting here, at work.. and I still have a little congestion that I can't seem to shake.. I can feel it rattling in my chest, but usually, when that happens, I get these huge asthma attacks, and have to use my inhaler.. and sometimes even get on steroids.. just to friggin breathe. Not this spring. I can't tell you how amazed I am at this. Flaberghasted. *big deep breath* hear that? No rasping. NO coughing. No shortness of breath. *fills lungs again*

    it's a good feeling.

    I love you!

  17. Oh yeah... and my skin is radiant and my hair is thicker than ever.


  18. So Cam Darlin', I have been researching EFAs a lot - reading medical abstracts and all kinds of other stuff. I understand cold-pressed. I understand some people not wanting fish oil because of potential mercury poisoning. I understand there has to be a balance of 3, 6 and 9. What I don't understand is how you can say with 100% certainty that YES PEOs are the best in the world. That's a HUGE statement...

    Btw - I have started taking them again. I stopped because flax oil interferes with the absorption of certain meds.

    Hiya RADIANT STEF! Can you turn it down a bit? I'm being blinded here! ;)

  19. I’ve been taking Omega 3’s (via flaxseed oil) for years. And I am definitely on board with the high protein/low carb concept. I try to eat that way most of the time. I’ll be studying Professor Peskin's EFAs now too – and thank you for the info! However, right now I am more interested in “The Hidden Story of Cancer” you mentioned. I have volunteered for the ACS for a long time now. Over the years I have become increasingly bothered by the PUSH from this organization to raise money for a cure. In the back of my mind I wonder if a cancer cure is, in fact, being suppressed since this horrible disease keeps so many organizations (and people) in business! Yes, I realize this is another “conspiracy theory.” Still… it nags at me.

  20. Ahhhhh... just found this. I see a familiar review from one satisfied customer in there. **WINK**

  21. No surprise to me.

    For the second year in a row my Dr. has been amazed at my yearly blood tests which show a marked DECREASE in my overall cholesterol count along with an increase in the "good" cholesteral and decrease in the "bad" cholesterol.
    Last year i didn't tell her about my new eating habits until after the test... i was a bit nervous thinking i might have to explain a cholesterol increase. But that year it was the lowest it had ever been and this year it was about the same due to the fact of the amazingly high "good " count.

    When i told her about eating red meat, bacon and eggs several times a week and fish every second or third week along with dark leafy vegetables and limited carbs, she just shook her head and said, "well you must be doing SOMETHING right!"

    I certainly am.
    I'm eating right and taking my PEOs!

  22. Well, I hope you're right because I made a decision 5 months ago to take the EFAs instead of the Dr. prescribed Vyatrin to control my cholesterol. I have been very good about what I eat, I try to exercise as much as I can and I do take those EFAs despite the fact that I don't see any changes in my energy level, hair, nails etc....I hope you're right on the plaque thing....

  23. It worked for me Jose....
    except for the hair thing... i'm still pretty thin. But hey, genetics at work there i imagine.

    My cholesterol is a source of amazement, and pride.

    And i do have great energy.

  24. JI - One of the things that the doctors and drug companies don't tell you is that the body naturally produces cholesterol. Some people (like Stefnee's Scooter) have naturally high levels. This is NATURAL. The problem arises when the drugs try to lower this natural level. Results from many studies show that often times even more people who are taking the lowering drugs die of heart attacks and now cancers than the people who do not. Having high cholesterol is not necessarily a bad thing in and of itself, but the mechanical lowering of it is. Scooter may have high numbers for his entire life and he most likely now will live as healthy as a horse (until one day he is turned into glue).

    The other thing they don't tell us about this stuff, is that cholesterol is sticking to the arteries as a natural repair mechanism. So we need to ask, what is needing to be repaired? It turns out it is other stuff that is damaging the cell walls of the arteries and the body wants to repair it. Let me see if I can attach some information here....

    I didn't add this link earlier, but you may be interested in reading it:

    I think also, JI, that you will find if you stick to this for a few months (a year for sure), you will find that as you naturally get healthier (than you already are), you will find that you need less exercise, which will free up more time for you to do other important things. Thanks for popping in, I appreciate it. This is very serious stuff, and especially for you personally so I will do my best to forward you all the info I have collected over the years from Brian and Khanada, that they have based all of this PEO stuff on, if you have the time to read. You may not as you are pretty busy at work.

    Maybe when you get the positive life-altering results you can do a one minute and forty seven second video for the Miami Herald interviewing Brian (since I know you will NEVER do that for me!)

    Swag - They are different. Really. I am not just pulling your purse. Thanks for visiting their site as well; there is a ton of stuff there. If you want to read the book he wrote after that, it's called the 24 Hour Diet. Don't shy away from it because it says "diet" as in "to lose weight". Most people('s egos) will do everything they can to deny that they could lose weight, but that's just because everything to date has failed in a "sustainable way". It's natural to no longer believe, or to deny, but his book talks about so much more... It gives you the power of science to understand why it has failed for everyone to date, and then helps you to understand why this is different, why this is right. I sent my book to Jenny, and she read it and really really liked it. I think she is "feeding" some of it to her friend DavID as well.

    Robin - With all the research, testing, reading, seeing other results, trying other product, hearing of other people taking other products... the best I can tell you is that "I know".

    Stefnee - I'm amazed yes by your lack of asthma these days! I remember last year how you would often have to run off to have an asthma attack as we were discussing stuff during your "testing" phases and such. But this year... the number of times you mentioned inhaler to me has been almost negligible. I imagine it will become less and less as your respiratory system continues to move back toward natural good health.

  25. Stef had asthma? Magnesium supplements cured mine. I swear. No Advair, Flonase or ANYTHING for the last year and a half. Magnesium I tell you.

  26. .... or maybe the Omega 3s finally started kicking in about the same time you started taking magnesium....

  27. No that wasn't it. (Although I am a huge believer in the Omegas.) Sorry Cam. It's definitely the magnesium.

    In short, as we age, our magnesium supply is easily depleted by stress. Unless we are constantly vigilant about eating magnesium-rich foods, it is nearly impossible to replace without supplements.

    Magnesium Deficiency

    Numerous studies show a relationship between magnesium intake and asthma symptoms and it is suggested that intakes of magnesium in the general population are deficient.

    Extensive metabolic balance studies done by the USDA Research Service showed that the ratio of dietary calcium to magnesium that best maintained equilibrium (i.e., output equaling intake) was 2:1 (Hathaway, 1962).

    This ratio is achieved at the median magnesium intake of approximately 600 mg per day. However, dietary surveys taken in the last decade have found that most Americans' diets provide less than 300 mg/day.

    Thus, the median daily intake of magnesium in the United States appears to be inadequate

  28. What's it like being omniscient? Inquiring minds want to know...

  29. Your mind is an integral part of the Universal mind, therefore you already know the answer to that, Robin.

    Swag - Cool. I take potassium (or pickled plums) to help kill the cramps in my legs at night after lots of riding. Or I give myself some excess bodyfat and then I don't get them, but I feel yucky that way.

  30. You're too easy, Cammy Pants...

  31. That's what all the girls say....

    I'm in the last 10 minute battle of an auction right now for a really cool.... THING. I'll let you know if I get it. You will be impressed!

  32. In Defense of Food
    by Michael Pollan,
    author of
    The Omnivore's Dilemma
    The Botany of Desire

    Eat Food. Not Too Much. Mostly Plants.

  33. Mostly Plants is wrong. Plain and simple. Our bodies NEED amino acids and we can only get them from living flesh. The plants that hold all the "goodness of the earth" like vitamins and minerals exist in the plant cell walls which happen to be CELLULOSE. Cellulose CANNOT be broken down by the human digestive tract. The only way we can truly gain access to that stuff that we need (vitamins and minerals) is to get it through the meat of the animals that CAN ingest and digest it.

    You have to eat a HUGE amount of plants to get the "goodness" out of them whereas only a tiny amount of meat will provide the exact same stuff.

    TC, you are out in cow country. Go eat a jumbo steak, nice and juicy, and ponder this old boy! For your health! And to hell with Michael Pollan; he missed the call for round up.

    I love you, man!

  34. Frankenfood!!!

    amino acids from a TEST TUBE, bro!!!

    ~grin ~

    (besides, "living flesh" sounds pretty goulish, Cam-san)

  35. Lions do it. Hyenas do it... we've just gone all queasy, that's all!

    Two years ago I ran across some test tube meat... That scared me.
