Monday, May 12, 2008

Dead Lift / Dead Tired... *Shrug*

Today I had to go out to a far away food store to get coffee and extra virgin olive oil as the one in Fukui went bankrupt. We cannot find the coffee or the oil at the prices they offer in that direct import store. On my way back I went to Relaim and buckled down to do my "heavy workout". I noted that the last time I was there was on 4/28 so it has been two weeks. I should have gone a week ago, but with my cold last week I didn't want to push it. Also I have been doing more cycling, and a fair bit of pilates recently which kind of keeps me away from the gym, and away from these "big workouts".

In all honestly, I am not a fan of exercising indoors when the weather is fine; I would much rather be out on my bike to tell the truth. So usually during the good weather seasons (like May, June, July, September, October) I spend more time logging elevation, and less time logging kilograms.

But as my workout sessions now are about one week apart from each other (A, B, A, B spread apart by a week each) I get back to each muscle group every two weeks. That's just about right considering the weight I do impacts greatly the frequency at which I can successfully perform it.

I stopped working on my machine at home for several reasons:

  1. As I no longer needed to go to the gym, I didn't have any opportunities to meet with anybody at all, and I got pretty damn lonely with no outside communication.
  2. The machine forced me to work out with greater and greater gaps between so that I was about at a month between workouts. This had a negative impact on my strength, but I was still too tired to become stronger. Also, my full range of movement decreased dramatically so I went back to the gym and started a hybrid program which seems to work quite well for me.

Today was Workout B day which included a lot of heavy leg work on the machines as well as my dead lifts, and shrugs. Because I am at such insanely heavy loads, it is imperative I focus completely on my task at hand, and am 100% present in what I do. The slightest break from that concentration, the slightest eye movement off to the side.. and well, I hurt my jaw back a month and a half ago and it took several weeks to finaly stop being locked at a funny angle in the morning.

I went to my dentist and got fitted for a custom mouth piece which will probably be ready some time this week. The mouthpiece itself will only cost JPY 5,000 (about USD $50), and the time at the dentist cost me a measly JPY 700 (USD $7.00). Insurance will not cover the soft mouthpiece, but it did cover the visit. I just dropped in, and didn't even have to wait! I love Japanese health care!

Here is a photo I took in the gym today right before I started on this, the heaviest part of my workout.

The large plates are 20kg each ((44lbs), the bar is also 20kg. Medium plates are 10kg ea (22lbs), and so on. Total weight is 205kg (451lbs) for my three sets of dead lifts, and three sets of shrugs.

I had to cut back to this weight as I found that 210kg was jussssst beyond my limit. I tapered back to 200kg for a few sessions, and then worked my way back up to 205kg today.

This heavy workout is what wipes me out for about five days after doing it and why I considered trying the BCAAs. Today I did not take the BCAAs for two reasons: the first being that I did not eat a large lunch and had the insulin started coursing during the workout I would have gotten the "so hungry I could puke" feeling that I felt it would distract me from my task at hand. Secondly, I want to see how my recovery is after this workout. I can tell you that during the workout I started yawning, and now I am having trouble staying awake. This doesn't happen with BCAAs as recovery is very rapid and the extra energy it gives is phenomenal. But we will see how I feel tomorrow, and if I am up to pilates or not.

I did go to McDonald's and eat four cheeseburgers (tossed all but one bottom bun) and two cups of delicious Premium Roast coffee for a whopping total of JPY 500 (USD $5.00).

I love you!

Rip van Cam-El


  1. We can get McDonalds burgers for a buck also...french fries too :-)

    Not that i ever go there... though i have heard the coffee has gotten really good. But it's more like Starbucks i believe. If that's the case it's too strong. I still love my Dunkin.

    So i hope your recovery is a good one without the BCAA, but won't you miss the vivid dreams?

    Have a good sleep, Mou.

    I love you!

    P.S. I know you don't like to wear runners except at the gym, but you look great in them... athletic.... hot!

  2. Morning, Jen.

    The Japanese roast is really good. Apparently they took the guy from Japan who redid the roast over here back to the US to work on redesigning it there. I don't know if it's the same, but I think that Jaime or somebody said that they use Seattle's Best in McDs in the USA? IF so, blech!

    These are the runners I bought when I started to try running again a couple years ago... the ones that seemed to have shrunk from drying out after getting humid and wet from the bodyheat... Anyways, I only use them at the gym now. And no, I'll never wear runners out in public... it would be like wearing sweat pants, or a sweatshirt... I just can't do it!

    As if stringbeans can be athletic.....

  3. Or hot? hehehehe...

    I'm planning to stop by McD's this morning on the way to work and pick up a small coffee there AND at Dunkin Donuts too.

    I'll let you know the results of my taste test.

  4. Thanks. Please do. Get a small one at McD's, just in case. I get the small ones for a dollar, have it there, then I get a free refill and take it with me. The only thing about McD's is they don't offer real cream like they do at the real coffee shops. You may want to take a bit from home just to have a fair comparison.

  5. Every place in this area has cream or half and half.

    There would be armed revolt if they didn't!

  6. gotta get to work... pinning this one to the top!

    Love you!


    *runs out the door spilling coffee on her sneakers*

  7. McD's... ugh! I haven't been there in ages, but the sensation of laminating with each bite is not exactly easy to forget.

    I don't usually have coffee out. (Nothing to do with not having coffee at all now.) The only coffee I appreciate are Everest's freddoccinos, which I have to go back to Athens to sample.

    Yay for spiced chai latte over crushed ice when the heat is on.

  8. Cam... i tried the Mickey D's ... thumbs down.

    I wasn't even a good match to SBX, which i'd have at least appreciated even if i don't like it.

    It was just basic coffee.

    Beck to Dunkin i go!

    Love you, Mou!

  9. Jen - Thanks for the taste test. I wonder if it's different over there. I know that DD and TH are pretty good for NA "mug coffee". Still can't beat my triple espresso with Lavazza or Bristot Oro coffee directly from La Bella Italia...

  10. Espresso....ewwww...mud!

    It's too strong... and bitter.

    maybe with lots of creme and sugar like Jose's Cuban brew. That was kind of tasty!

  11. We'll get you there, Jen. One day, we'll get you there, sweetheart.

  12. *folds arms and closes lips tightly,shakin my head*


    You can't make me!

  13. I won't make you. I'll lovingly ask you.

  14. * melting*

    Damn that cute thing you've got working for you....

    Losing resolve...

  15. For the most part, I agree with Morarwen here.

    I don't like McD's and I'll avoid it where I can. Last night, the girls wanted McD's and I opted for Chinese instead. The next time they have it, I may well eat my own hand, as a substitute.

    I love chai tea a lot, and it's way yummier than coffee :D

  16. GASP!!!!

    Coffee haters!!!

    oh my... i may have to go make a full pot and take to my bed....

    Or should i go out for a Dunkin fix?


    Catch ya later.

    P.S. Love Chai also... though i have to add my own sliced ginger and a little black pepper for more spice... Otherwise it's too bland.
