Thursday, May 15, 2008

I Heart New Jersey!

A funny thing happened on the way to the website...

I have run perilously low on cycling jerseys and have only one left for regular use, and one for very hot weather. So, thinking I might be able to get something cheap on Yahoo! Auctions (Japan), I searched, and THIS jumped out at me!!

I decided that I just HAD to have it. And the price was great too (if I could get it for around the starting price...)! Normally new jerseys go for JPY 4,000 -8,000 ($40-80) over here. Companies that make jerseys for advertising often use cheaper, less technical material so in the end this jersey will likely not be fantastic material, but that's OK. The fact that it has my name on it is just too cool to pass up!

Cameron is an "energy-related company" that produces oil and gas pressure-control equipment so it's rather interesting to have a jersey with their/my name on it. Corporate HQ are located in Houston, TX.... hmmmm, very interesting indeed. Maybe if I'm ever back in that neck of the woods I can pop in on them with my jersey bought on an auction in Japan and blow their minds... Maybe they'll hire me to be their oily PR monkey! How exciting!

The seller of this jersey (looks like a store as they have lots of other stuff for sale as well), wanted JPY 7,900, but I got it for JPY 2,100. It started the bid at JPY 1,000 and some bugger bid it up. Well, I put in my max bid at JPY 2,100 and there it stayed!

I also am hoping to get a pair of LEVI 501 32" Waist jeans from them. The leg length only comes to just about my knees (are these Japanese midgets or what?!), but my intention is to cut them off and make a ragged pair of cut off jean shorts. But this is only IF I can get them for my initial bid of JPY 1,000 ($10). I have no interest in bidding higher for them. If I get them, great, if not, no big deal. This would just be a bonus for the seller (so I asked them if they would end the auction early... we will see if they will, or if they are greedy and want more money for them).

Anyway, just one more thing out there in the world with my name on it.

I heart new jersey!

Have a nice day.

I love you!



  1. I know some very influential people at Cameron, Cameron. They used to be NuFlo - they're gas/oil/off shore drilling/etc.

  2. The Universe works in very mysterious ways, Oh Goddess.... Thanks for playing.

  3. I know the folks at Cameron because I used to take really good care of them when I worked in BD for the company I just left.

    No, dammit! I don't know why I haven't heard from them and I cannot find a telephone number. Perhaps I will resend my email.

  4. I LOVE finding things with my name on them. Very cool.

    Send her the email again! Maybe I should make a new Chef video.. just for her?

  5. Can I show up in a towel or apron only as a Cameo appearance in your video for her? Please?

  6. Ya know Stef, maybe you should. You saw what I sent her. I cannot imagine why she didn't respond unless she has some freak screening her stuff who deemed it not right for the show.

    Make your video. I'll resend the original with the new video. If she doesn't respond I'll send the whole thing to Ellen DeGeneres.

  7. *snort!*

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE Ellen!!!!!

    I wanna dance with her.

    I'll get on it this weekend!

  8. Just in case you don't know what Clam Diggers are...

  9. I want to dance with Ellen, too!

  10. That's wicked! I love when products you want have your name. Speaking of, I hope your cycling helmet is "Snell Approved"...

  11. Please, one wears cut off jeans shorts anymore.

    If you have old, worn jeans already, fine, but i wouldn't buy perfectly good jeans just to cut them.

    Better to just buy some nice shorts

  12. *waving hands up in the air* Me too, me too!
    Oh the hell, with it......I am getting up on my desk and not waiting. * dnacing on top of my desk*
    Come on ya all want to join me? Ya know you do!

  13. Oops! Getting down off the desk. Those people are looking at me like I got 4 heads.
    I can't imagine why? *snickering*

  14. wholly shit Camster!!!!


    ZAP ME BABY!!!

  15. Uh, Cam-remember you cannot do that stuff to me. It is just too much...besides my heart can't take it after all that dancing!
    LOVE the shirt!
    Hi Kayak! *waving as leaving*

  16. I think Cam in cut of shorts would make me feel MORE electrified

  17. Cam. I just looked at those jeans... damn.
    Don't cut them. She's right.

    Mail them to me instead. They are exactly my size...

    and I need new ratty jeans....

    damn.... might look pretty hot on me... whaddya say??

  18. Not you either, Steff..

    First off: faded jeans.... sooo last decade!

    (I can always spot tourists in NYC. They're wearing faded jeans, sneakers, and a logo sweat or t-shirt... always)

    Dark denim is what we wear now.

    AND..... girls should not wear boys jeans (especially the baggy ones).
    They do nothing for your figure.

    Take a pair of those loose jeans you can't wear anymore without a belt. You and i both have them after this body transforming year.
    Only Russians... and apparently Japanese PAY FOR ratty jeans.

    Hmmmm... going back through my closet and on to ...eBay Japan!
