Friday, May 9, 2008

Dreamscape: Torn Apart Together (1)

This was a weird morning dream...

I awoke from an insulin-induced semi-lucid dream state waving my arms around as I was teaching Carrie's son, Joaquin, and his older sister (two years older but still in elementary school), English. It wasn't just a general lesson; I was giving pointers on how to make the spoken language more natural by stressing the "big words" (words with content) and de-stressing the "little words" (prepositions, between-words, unimportant words). There was a teacher in the room and she was using a nearly exhausted whiteboard market, but she was writing on the solid paper Japanese fusuma doors that partitioned the rooms from the closets. Yes, this took place in "Japan", and yes, the kids were speaking and communicating in Japanese, or half-Japanese, or neo-Japanese or something...

The school was a mess; it was actually closed down and everything was torn up, overturned, ripped apart, blown to smithereens, in ashes, or non-existent. We were actually using just one of the upper floors of the school as most of the lower levels had been totally destroyed by permanent flooding, so badly that there never was any receding, or any access to the levels by anything other than fish, and other "creatures" of the deep".... Even the levels we could use were covered in rot, mildew, slime, sludge from where the seas had receded some. Not much had survived "The Great Flood" which had put Japan, and most of the land mass of the earth permanently under sea water...

Yes, this was the future, the future after consecutive cataclysmic catastrophes that tore through all of our civilizations around the world, wreaking havoc, killing hundreds of millions, uprooting hundreds of millions more, destroying entire civilizations, forcing us all to live a "Road Warrior" existence, something feudal, something akin to "Waterworld" where the main commodity, the most precious and most scarce resource had become... fresh water.

Everyone was battling for the water; there were water wars going on all around the globe. We in our "wis-dumb" made the critical error of trying to focus our technology on replacing fossil fuels with bio-fuels when we should have been thinking about developing technologies that would easily convert salt water, a growing resource, into potable water, a rapidly dwindling resource in the 21st century.

There were sharks swimming through the lower levels of most buildings, along with many other strange and unknown creatures that had decided to come up from the depths of the deepest darkest unknown parts of the trenches in the seas and oceans. Many of them were "Cthulu-like" nightmares both in form, and in character, and some claimed that they were the ancient races of Atlantis come back to take what they believed was rightfully theirs. They were dark, deadly, dangerous and many a person would disappear in the night, never to be seen or heard from again. It was a terrifying time.

Our technology, having taken a giant leap backward prevented us from going too deep to explore, or conquer, or even to defend so we were much more vulnerable than ever before. Finally we had stopped being the top predator, and had become one of the prey. We were forced to live and die near the surface of the seas, dependent upon them for navigation and commerce, and fearful of them at the same time. Even those who attempted to break away and move inland were never able to survive completely away from the oceans that became known as "The Giver". The giver of life.... the giver of death....

And of course as the human race continued to try to survive from being preyed upon, having the nature that we have, we were also continually at war with one another in an attempt to expand, to take, to conquer the weak, or the sick in order to expand our need for greed, our need for more, our desire to take all...

To be continued...


  1. I so wanted to finish this and comment, but i really need kwoffee to get through this.

    I love hearing of other people's dreams.

    Especially since i apparently sleep like the dead and don't have them.

    So i'll be back in a few, freshly cafienated to share in your dreamscape.

    I love you, Mou!

    Almost bedtime again there, so...

    pleasant dreams!


  2. Good lord after all that you need a trip to Santika Day Spa!

  3. Spa... did someone say SPA???

    I'm down with that.

    And Cam could use a day at a spa....

    You deserve the works, Mou!

  4. Hmmmm.... with the night and morning I have had,I am really not sure what to think of this. Other than you have an active imagination, and it reminds me why I dont like to swim in dark water.... I need coffee too and some good hard cardio to put my mind at rest.

    Have a good night...

  5. Here is a link to a vid of it I have on my site, just looking at it relaxes me......

    Day Spa Melbourne

  6. Oh and one more thing....this quote from Alistair Cooke, It's something I try to live by and have since I first read it years ago in college.......

    “In the best of times, our days are numbered anyway. So it would be a crime against nature for any generation to take the world crisis so solemnly, that it put off enjoying those things for which we were designed in the 1st place: the opportunity to do good work, to enjoy friends, to fall in love, to hit a ball, and to bounce a baby.”

  7. I had a weird dream last night Cam.... I can't remember much of it... like... it's on the tip of my brain just out of my memory... but it also had to do with this line of thought.... that humanity was no longer at the top of the foodchain.... !!

    I remember.... there was this inner sanctum... where only the strongest and healthiest humans had gathered... and we were sent to the outter fence every day to scan the Lesser humans and choose any healthy/whole ones to come and join us... some of these people at the outer fence were complely intact mentally, but were maybe handicapped... and we wouldn't take them in. They were arguing with us... calling us prejudiced.. but we were insisting on only taking the best for the survival of the Race. Many of these people were almost animal like.... raping women... stealing .... killing... yelling and screaming... We always patrolled the fence armed with guns,... I was inside.... my children and husband were inside...... I just remember feeling no pity for the people on the outside. hmmmm weird. Damn that ice cream.

  8. That's quite a dream, Cam.

    Hey! Have you ever tried to pull other people into your dreams? It's a spooky experiment and should only be attempted by the bravest. Try it. Choose your people. Let them know you're going to pull them in and see what happens.

    I'm not going to say much more, but Steph and I have tried this. The results are SHOCKING.


  9. Were you eating something like Tofuti???

  10. oh, Camster
    I luv you
    you took care of my babies when the world came to an end

  11. ok, maybe I was supposed to get something else outa this blog
    but I sorta missed all that as soon as I realized that YOU were taking care of MY babies

  12. This is only part 1 because the dream was so long... I'll write more today.

  13. I've done that... pulled other people in.... it's cool.

  14. ... that thought alone could create amazing dreams in itself! *whew*... hot in here...

  15. Were they able to confer what happened in dreamland?

  16. nah.... but I love the feeling of.. knowing a dream is a dream... you can control it.. manipulate it...

  17. Try it again. Do what I suggested above then compare notes. I'm telling you - the results are shocking...

  18. Yep. That's me. Controlling and manipulative in my dreams. I'll write more soon.

  19. In the Wim Wenders film "Until the End of the World", there is a device that was orginally planned for a blind woman to see recorded images , the device is later used by the main characters to record their dreams which they become addicted too. Its a good film its came out in 91 and its set in 1999
    good film.
