Saturday, May 24, 2008

New Jersey Revisited: My Yahoo! Auction 2

Two more jerseys that I got for a sweet song at Yahoo! Japan Auctions arrived, and they are great!

If this video also shows up in a blog, please do NOT comment there... thank you.

I love you!


  1. I sure wish we had more control over the size of the video...

  2. This video DID show up as an autoposted blog... and I deleted it. Luckily I caught it before you had the chance to get confuddled.

  3. Poor delivery guy getting stuck in one of your vids! LOL

  4. They're some great looking shirts, Mou.

    Not as great as the Cameron one but still nice.

    Check out the yellow one.
    The logo ABB.. i think i used to go to one of theie divisions here in Jersey when i was an interior plantscaper.
    Asea Brown & Bovari, yes? Or does it even say at all?

    No matter... it just struck a memory cord...

    Enjoy your day/evening.

    I love you.

  5. Don't ya just love getting jersey's off of eBay?

  6. We don't have eBay here. I get them from Yahoo Japan Auctions which is amazingly successful here in Japan (whereas it failed in the USA because it couldn't compete with eBay). But yes.

  7. I got outbid for a moonstone ring this morning. I'm still bummed.

  8. Well, there are probably a billion other moonstone rings out there, so go for another one and don't waste even a moment of energy "bumming"! The auction is your oyster!

  9. You know what's better new shoes via!!!! =)

  10. I have been searching for THE ONE for a long, long time. The one that got away was pretty damn close.

    Heading over to Ebay now...

  11. Kristen - Is there a link where we can find your beef bacon? We have been discussing it among other kinds of bacon on another blog and when I told them about what you said about the cow bacon, nobody knew about it. I wanted to share the info so others can try it and see what they think. They concluded that turkey bacon was almost as bad as eating turkey fertilizer.
