Thursday, May 1, 2008

May Day! May Day

Mountain biking in the backwoods of Ura Nippon.

This is my back yard.


  1. If the blog of this shows up, please DON'T COMMENT THERE! I am not double posting. The system seems to be doing that to me lately!

    CG - Go watch this on YouTube, man! That's where you belong!!!

  2. Dude! This is a bizarre video. Omni whatever...I like it. I do not want to see you get torn apart by hunting dogs and/or shot/cut up by a hunter. Eeeeewwww.

  3. you look cute with short hair! Bien chulo ; )

  4. One of the things that I took away from Japan during my visit was the sounds of water was so tranquil and peaceful to have that, and is one of the first things I think of when remembering Japan. Was that the road just past the bridge, that we walked up a little?

    Great video and the yellow flowers were stunning! Did you take any stills of them?

    Glad your off riding, I am out the door now to take the dog for a hike. I don't work until 2 so I can have a lazy morning...LOL Well not lazy by some standards... since yesterday I clocked 7 miles and hopefully this morning will do 5 or so...LOL Perhaps a better way to say it would be relaxed and not rushed...LOL


  5. All you needed was "Green Gargantua"

  6. looks like a nice ride.. I see you have one of those hydration pack

  7. passionate4jc wrote today at 9:38 AM
    Omni-whatever? Ha ha ......beautiful countryside. Thanks for letting me ride in the basket.

    carolinadreamz wrote today at 7:34 AM
    So good to see you and your neck of the woods!

    timecoding wrote today at 6:20 AM
    "Omnipotent" (the antonym of which is "Nonimpotent." (Wait, how does one say that in Nipon??)


    Climbers have a saying, "The Mountain Doesn't Care."

    Thanks for the tour!

    stefnee11 wrote today at 5:46 AM
    Hey you! I found this on youtube and commented there! *smooch!*

  8. The view is a great one man. It would be a nice ride I am sure. Thanks for thinking of me man. Although, I don't fancy the idea of being shot by hunters and/or then mauled by their dogs.
