Saturday, May 10, 2008

Dreamscape: Torn Apart Together (2) [Society]

... We desperately needed the water to survive, but we feared what it brought in our midst, in our minds, and to our social networks ...

I can recall now, although the dream is finally fading after awakening from it 1 1/2 hours ago at 5:10 am, that we were constantly on the move from one ruin to another, sleeping under ruined buildings when we could, making small fires if we were able to find dry things to burn. But we were always on the lookout, always on high alert taking care not to be attacked by other clans, other individuals, other... creatures.

The current biggest problem was that the region we were in had been governed by a vicious military junta for a very long time and the military, and paramilitary forces had carte blanche to do whatever they pleased and nobody on the "outside" could say or do anything to stop them from the horrors they forced their people to endure (this must have come from reading news on current events in Myanmar).

Food aid would be welcomed, then confiscated and never delivered to those people suffering, even though the military and governing warlords always claimed that the food was distributed to those who "needed it most". No outside observers were allowed, no foreign aid workers allowed to follow their deliveries; everything had to be handed over to the powers that ruled the land. Just like what China is doing in Tibet, all news channels, and communications networks were controlled entirely by the military rulers so that no real information could leak out, or make its way back into the zones. Nobody anywhere knew what life outside their microcosm was really like.

People had become restless, they were forming pockets of ever-increasing resistance, fighting back in a "Robin Hood-esque" style of guerrilla warfare (much like what goes on in Iraq, Chechnya, Afghanistan , Palestine and other warring states). Of course they were considered to be "terrorists" in their attempts to destabilize the ruling party's efforts at reconstruction, as well as those who supported the military junta's existence (for the time being). But just like most every rebellion, or insurrection in the past history of our world, they were all based on a common desire to rise above the oppression, the ethnic cleansings, the numerous whatever'cides that the governments exposed their own peoples to. Without these "freedom fighters", fighting for the rights of the average man, woman and child in the street, many poor would have been worse off, many would have died in their squalor, poverty, and starvation.

This of course lead to the military forces destroying entire towns and villages that were believed to harbour these terrorist organizations (as Israel does in Palestine), bulldozing down complete family dwellings, apartments, holy places of worship. And of course this just further enraged the innocent, lighting a further fire within to continue to resist in hopes that one day they would be able to lift themselves above the horrors they had to face.

Everything was scarce: food, fuel, especially water, and we had "devolved" from our "abundance mentality" to "scarcity economics" which caused people to polarize, and resent those who had so much more than those who suffered with so much less. Of course this led to uprisings against the "rich" who where often just those who worked hard and had a good idea that they were able to profit from. These localized uprisings against the "aristocracy" were known as FrenchRevolvers, after the famous French Revolution.

To be continued...


  1. All this in one night's dream???

    OY, Cameron... the three brains!

  2. Jen - I probably have another three days of blogs to type up...

  3. Cam.... how can you dream so much detail?? You should be a screenwriter!

  4. Stefnee - I'd have to keep the insulin levels high in my body which would lead me to becoming diabetic, and that would decrease my quality of life.... This only happens when insulin is coursing.

  5. I plan on being on the first shuttle out of this mess!, remember "Come to the off world colonies, the chance to begin again in a golden land of opporotunity and adventure", thats for me along with my replicant lover, all this revolting, its for the peasants! =)

  6. How do you know your dreaming is insulin related? I dream in detail like this and then some just about every night! I am a lucid dreamer. Rarer than rocking horse shit...I know. I thought everyone dreamed like I do, but I found out this is not the case.

    I should start blogging my dreams. Let's all blog our dreams. :)

  7. Robin - Because when I stopped the high carb lifestyle (like you have), my dreams also stopped. I didn't connect that. But over time, when I would have high carb meals (or beer at night), I would have vivid dreams that I remember. Low carb days, no dreams I recall, no weird "nightmares". These days my food is continually low car except when I have a beer or something with dinner and at those nights my weird dreams return. But as you know, I am experimenting with BCAA, or a supplement that weight lifters use. When I looked into it, I found out that one of the mechanisms it activates is a 210% increase in insulin for building protein for muscle growth and regeneration.

    Now that's not something I really want because I know that increased insulin will eventually lead to an increased chance of the pancreas tuckering out, leading to diabetes. Also, and this isn't such a big worry for me, increased carbs, which cause insulin to be excreted in large amounts, get turned to bodyfat in even larger amounts, and over a prolonged period of time (this is why even small cakes can add unproportionate amounts of bodyfat).

    So, when I take the BCAAs and don't increase my carbs, the amazing thing is that ALL of the side-effects of a high carb meal hit me in the night (except the groggy sleepies): dry mouth, increased urine intake, dehydration, hunger, cotton mouth in the morning, AND a spike in bizarre dreams.

    And since I recognized this, being in tune with my body now more than most people as I have been actively testing things on it and listening for changes and results for 10 years now, I saw it for what it was. And I have been experimenting with taking them during exercise, after exercise, without exercise, and not taking them in all the same situations, then recording what happens.

    And I know beyond the shadow of a doubt now, that all of the side effects I had been getting from what I thought was increased sugar due to breakdown of the carbs I was consuming, is not directly related to the carb/sugars, but actually to the insulin that the body produces to combat those sugars.

    How could I have the exact same results without the carbs, if the only same thing is an increased insulin output, right?

    Ask Stefnee as well about her tests, and her kids and she'll tell you the very same thing about the change in dreams and how since she stopped eating most carbs, her dreams basically stopped. Also if she has something carby like the ice cream she had last night, or coke, or cookies, etc. she gets very weird dreams, and her moods are also dramatically affected. This same thing is even more pronounced on her children as well.

    It is fascinating "anecdotal research". Just fascinating!

    You SHOULD start blogging your dreams!

  8. Just like Seinfeld, my blogs would be about nothing...

    Hmm he had a hit. Maybe i could too!

  9. Jen - Maybe I should send you some of this white powder in an envelope and you can test the BCAAs to see if you start weird dreaming.... I never liked Seinfeld. I only watched a few minutes of a few episodes, but never even snorted.

  10. The only time I can say my dreams were totally whacked out and beyond my control was when I was trying to quit smoking and wore the patch to bed. Holy SHIT Batman! The box listed side effects and said if the user had vivid dreams the patch should not be worn at night. I thought 'Phuck that! I'm not smoking, what else do I have?' Those dreams were weird. A friend of mine said it sounded like an acid trip. Never done acid, so I have nothing to compare it to. All I can say is Fantasia has nothing on nicotine patch dreams!

  11. Maybe Stephen Spielberg tried to quit smoking in his early years, and just stuck with the patch through his very productive life!


  12. I wonder if those de-toxifying patches might have the same effect??? Hmmmmmmmmmm?
