Friday, June 6, 2008

Triple Decker Manifestations

I am slowly learning through reading, video, meditation, pilates, and especially breathing and being present and aware of my life that it really is possible to manifest your dreams, desires and goals, and make them a reality in the "now" and not some imaginary pipe dream "if only".

This video is 14 minutes short, but the things I talk about are having a monumental effect on my life, my attitude, my present now and my future.

I love you!


P.S. Of course "the system" cross posted this over to here after I transferred it to last evening. It didn't do it an hour later. It didn't do it 2-3 hours later so that I could catch it and delete it... No. It had to wait until I was in bed and unable to delete it before people commented on it here! It was not my intention to post this here, as you can see it is not in my video collection...


  1. Dude - I listened to you while I was eating my lunch. Funny thing happened a week or so ago - my creative whisperers have returned! Oh yeah - got lots of things going on right now. Too soon to share, but I haven't been visited like this in a long, long time. I'm very grateful. :)

    Good stuff.

    Ever consider what the symbolism is of the animals you encountered? Here's something for you to chew on:

    Bold Self-Expression and Reliance-Keeper of Stories

    Mystery, Magic, and Independence

  2. Robin - That sounds excellent! I hope you will be able to once again utilize your creatinve whisperers to your advantage. We are all growing through our connections, and I like that.

    Thank you for the info on the animals too.

    Yesterday evening before it got dark I just decided to go ride. So I went up my mountain and as I rounded "neo bear corner", I said to myself, "it's amazing how the other day I just kept seeing animals...." and as soon as I said the word "animals", a big bird flew out of the bushes right in front of me! I had to laugh!!

  3. Love this video, Cam... great!

    Robin.. what about a fox? There's one in my neighborhood and I see it when I run at night...

  4. Francisco says that the authors name (miracle of mindfulness) is Thich Nhat Hanh (Thich meaning teacher).
    Joaquin says, cool hair and he likes the book Secret
    Maria says she loves the Secret and it a a good book
    my kids read a lot
    I say
    TRADE ME!!!

  5. Stef - The Fox symbolizes cunning, intelligence, and camouflage. It's magic teaches us how to outwit our competitors. The message of the Fox may be asking you use your talents of silent observation and cunning in a positive way. Calling on Fox energy enables you to disappear in a crowd.

  6. hawks follow me in ANY country I go
    what does the Hawk symbolize?

  7. Hawks - Nobility, recollection, cleansing, messenger, observer, Solar, clarity, discrimination, inspiration,
    the soul.

    I FEEL hawks before I see them.

  8. awesome
    gotta cut and paste that for a reminder

  9. Kayak - There are all kinds of books/websites about animal symbolism. I have studied things like this throughout the years because I believe everything has meaning.

    The Creative Whisperers want me to do something with symbols...

  10. what about dinasours?
    dont laugh
    I really wanna know
    specifically the brontasourus (yeah Im a bad speller I know) and the Rex

  11. Sheila converses with hawks. All I hear is "keee keeee kaaaa kaaaa screeee".

  12. This is a hard one. Dinosaurs can symbolize something old/outdated. Dreaming of a dinosaur probably represents something that you feel is too big to handle or scary because it is unknown.

    A lot of books/websites talk about DRAGONS instead of dinosaurs.

    Sorry, wish I had more to say on this one.

  13. Tanuki is the Japanese word for raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides). They have been part of Japanese folklore since ancient times. The legendary tanuki is reputed to be mischievous and jolly, a master of disguise and shapeshifting, but somewhat gullible and absent-minded.

    A common schoolyard song in Japan (the tune of which can be heard in the arcade game Ponpoko and a variation of which is sung in the Studio Ghibli film Pom Poko) makes explicit reference to the tanuki's anatomy:

    Tan Tan Tanuki no kintama wa,
    Kaze mo nai no ni,
    Bura bura

    Roughly translated, this means

    Raccoon-raccoon-raccoon dog's testicles,
    there isn't even any wind
    but still go swing-swing-swing.

    It then proceeds to continue for several verses, with many regional variations.

    The hilarious thing is that this song about testicles is sung to the melody of an American Baptist hymn called "Shall We Gather at the River?"

    I'm not putting that music here. You can visit the link and listen to yourself. But I find that hilarious, singing about swinging testcles to a church song!

  14. not sure I WANT to disappear in a crowd?? I kinda like the attention...

  15. You and me alike.... that's what scares me about N.A. if I ever decide to move back there... I'll just become.... *gasp* ordinary!

  16. Anonymity can be a beautiful thing you a Klingon cloaking device.

    I doubt that either one of you would disappear unless it was your intention...


  17. Only YOU can allow yourself to be Ordinary, it doesnt matter what country you live in

  18. Cam - You won't be "ordinary" in Houston; however, you won't be so much taller than everybody either. There are lots of people in Houston in the 6'2" to 6'4" range. I've personally known 2 people who were 7'2" in high school. Houston was named "The Fattest City" at least once so you'll find that many of these 6'4" people also weigh about 350 lbs. Both of my brothers-in-law are in the 6'4" range. Although I'm short my son is tall. Carrie says at her work all the men are 6'2" and above.

  19. Song - When I visited Houston to meet Brian the first time.... I was shocked at how many obese people there were.... Truly shocked.

  20. Cam - I would think that sitting in the car on the way to and from work a few hours per day contributes to obesity. You can't move when you're stuck in traffic. I used to work 7 miles from home and it was a 45-60 hour commute each way. On the other hand, Sugar Land has won the Fittest City title 4 years in a row and we're only 5 minutes away from Houston.

  21. It is a surprise that Houston hasn't eaten you up then, with an insatiable desire to consume and expand (the proverbial waist). Interesting....

  22. I'm going to request to the universe that you become more proficient in your communication so that your videos don't have to be so long......

  23. Frankly, all I can take from you is about 2 minutes.......

  24. Morning, JI. I love you. Thanks for watching two minutes. I appreciate it very much.

  25. Can't you at least give us something to look at other than your ugly mug?.....go shoot some pretty flowers or something and show them to us as you speak. BTW...YOU TALK TOO MUCH...

  26. Fittiest city where ???? In Texas??
