Thursday, June 12, 2008

It's a Journey, not a Trip

This is my last blog from Japan for a few weeks.

Tomorrow morning at 7am Mayu is going to take me down to the local train station where I will start my journey to Houston, Texas, work there for a week, and then head over to Stefnee, Kansas to holiday for a week.

I have decided that these two weeks I am going to be taking myself on a "training journey" where I will be putting my money where my breath is, you could say.

I have been doing all this NewAge Wackhead talking about breathing, and being present, and aware, and conscious of the NOW moments for a while now, and some of you may be thinking, "has this guy been breathing too much fermented garlic juice or something? Did he hit his head on one of his bike rides and just not tell us or something? Is he dying of cancer or something?" No(w). No (w). No(w).

But I am serious about what I have been talking about.

And now it is time to take myself on some personal "shugyo" (training) like the monks might do alone up in the mountains by themselves to train their mind, body, and spirit.

The next two weeks, I am going to practice very hard at truly being 100% present in the moment of those 1,555,200 seconds that I will be away. I will follow Agreement #4 in "The Four Agreements" and DO MY BEST. And I will be very happy with doing the very best I can, even if it isn't perfect. I already am extremely happy with the excellent results I achieve during those two weeks. I can see it, feel it, imagine it, emote it and just simply (k)now.

"Be, all that I can be, in my breathing...."

What this means is that I will not be looking for things to blog about. I will not be taking photos to share with the world. I will not be making videos, processing, and uploading them at night after the day is done.

Instead, I will be spending every waking moment with the people that I am with, totally present with them, totally immersed in them, there, then, now, and as Thich Nhat Hanh says, practice "active meditation", or meditation in action.  (Passive meditation occurs when one sits quietly in a quiet place immobile and meditates).

If I find something tremendously profound, sure, I may share it on the blogs, but I won't be focusing on "what can I blog about". In the evenings once I am alone, if I am still awake, I will spend the time focusing on my breath, on meditation, on being present and aware, on communication with my subconscious and superconscious, developing the connection through my NOW moments, and through my emotions.

I will not be taking a trip this time around. I will be taking a journey; a journey of spiritual shugyo, or training the spirit, and the mind to help me grow into the new person that I am working very hard to become. One day I will be ready to divorce the old me from the new me, and that will be a day for quiet celebration.

It is time for me to stop "just sucking air" and transform.

Here's a thought for you to breathe over...

If any of you who come to read me or visit my page regularly want to give this "breath thing" a try, why not take the time you would use visiting me, or commenting on my blogs, videos etc, and actively block off that time and just practice breathing, being present, being in the NOW.

If it is five minutes a week that you visit me, then why not try doing nothing but breathing, being present and saying to yourself something like, "I am aware of taking in a long deep breath...... I am aware of exhaling a long, slow breath...." for five minutes and thinking about nothing else? If you find your mind wanders to other thoughts (and it will, I guarantee you this), just be aware of those thoughts, note them, then envision a paper bag on the right side of your mind that you can take those thoughts and put them in. Then go back to your breathing. And when another random thought pops in (and it will, probably with a vengeance), just do the same thing... be an observer, and put the thought in the paper bag.

This may sound weird, but the results you get from practicing this are unbelievable. You can actually become a "third party observer" of your mind's thoughts and not be emotionally attached to them. It's wonderfully liberating because we are so linked to our thoughts through emotions and physical responses and don't even realize it. But by practicing this regularly, it seriously allows you to become unaffected by the thoughts in your mind. And when you realize you can do this, this is when you finally understand that you have a mind, and the mind has it's thoughts, but you are NOT your mind. You can separate yourself from those thoughts that come and go, from the memories, from the past pains, and emotions, from it all. And the only way you can actually separate yourself and observe your own thoughts is if you are not your mind. If you were your mind, you would not be able to do this. But it works. I've proven it to myself that it works.

It is liberating, believe me. This is how I have been rewiring my neural net these past six months. And I have to especially thank Dharma for helping me with this by providing me with the tools to allow me to start working at this. Without her assistance, I never would have been able to come to this first step in a lifelong positive, active transformation that I am heading on. (I love you, Abby!)

Jen knows this works. Stefnee knows this works. They too are working on doing this same thing, and if you think I'm too wacked out to make any sense, ask them. We are all running on parallel tracks heading into our own various destinations, at different speeds that suit our needs, and the lay of the land as we track through it, but we are all working on transforming into more aware human beings. It is a wonderful thing to see them transforming and growing, and and wonderful to  know they see changes in me.

Enough of the NewAge Wackhead stuff, already, Cam!

OK, OK, Cam...

So if you don't hear from me until I get back to Japan in July... you know where I will be, and what I will be up to!

I love you!



  1. Thanks, Deb! While I'm there you should call me up at (phone number is there) and order some of those PEOs! Wouldn't that be too cool!

    I love you!

  2. I should have said Have a fantastic journey!!!

    I'll contact you Cam, because a healthy dad is an alive dad and I want him around for as long as he can do it.

  3. Deb - You know what I want you and your Dear ol' Dad to do? I want you guys to kick the bucket list. And I don't mean create a bucket list, I mean to kick that ol bucket list, punt it as far away as possible so that the thoughts of "things to do before I push up daisies" never even needs to enter his (or your) mind!

    I love you!

  4. Have yourself a fantastic time. Even though it does sounds a bit like a busman's holiday, you seem the sort to find fun in any situation. Safe travels!

  5. You should read "The Way of the Peaceful Warrior" & The Sacred Journey" by Dan Millman. They fall right in with this blog. PERFECTLY!!!

    Not easy to do, living in the moment. The only things that gets in my way is my job.....but I am working on it.

    XOXOXO Be safe Camalicious!

  6. See you when you come back, WhackyMou!

    I love you!

  7. Linda - You can work at little NOW moments in your job, and then it will no longer get in the way of doing so. Remember that everything is only an infinite number of NOW moments strung together.

    I'll put those books on my Amazon list for when I return!

    I love you.

    Jen - Thanks! I love you! Have a great weekend and week and keep on practicing being the observer of your "stuff" like I'm going to do! I love you! Oh... right, I already said that... now I'm a stalker, great....

  8. Have a great trip! I'll mind the fort for you.

  9. LOL!!!

    Laughing at and loving you to NA and back, Mou.

  10. Geez...good riddance!!...Perhaps now we can all get a break from the BREATHING seminars!!!

  11. Have a wonderful holiday Cam and I am aware of breathing in and breathing out ~ I have been practising living in the moment and appreciating everything around me more and more lately, and getting my husband to try and be more positive because being negative has become a habit more than anything with him, you know without realizing it complaining and moaning can creep into you and ingrain itself in your mind. Yesterday after listening to him complain all the way to Shippagan I said to him now tell me one good thing you did today, he looked at me and said like a grouch there was nothing (he is fishing lobster and prices and catches aren't that good right now and I do understand the stress, but dwelling on it only adds to it) he went into the bank and there was a long line up and I think he had time to think, when he came back he all of a sudden said to me, there was a good thing, I was with my son all day and it was a beautiful day !!! And he was smiling , so it worked for him and he looked so pleased and I know it took so much stress off, it's a habit that I hope will grow with him, I have always been pretty positive person, it's just does nothing for you to dwell on your problems , it changes nothing, if it could well then I would complain all I could lol

  12. LOL JOSE you scared me but made me laugh laugh laugh !!

  13. Have an amazing trip, I'm sure that by living the NOW you will have the time of your life. It is interesting, I was just writing about the same thing on my official blog. Hopefully I'll finish the entry by the end of the day. I will take 15 minutes to go within right now ;) Thanks for the reminder.

  14. Don't lose your luggage. You hear me now.! Enjoy.

  15. Dad - Will do! I'll tell you how awesomely hot Texas is so you can consider moving down there if you want to become a snowbird.

    Clary - Thank you for visiting! It's not that often we cross paths, but I do enjoy it when we do. Enjoy your 15 minutes of breathing... I love you!

    Sharon - I am really glad that you are finding this works as well as it does for me. Keep on giving the lobster guy little hints like you just did. And if they don't work, take a pair of lobster claws and clamp them on his willy in the middle of the night!

    By the way, don't worry about JI there... I think he has been listening to me too much lately and hyperventilated.

    JI - Breathe with me now.... "I am aware of my deep breath in........... I am aware of my long, slow exhale.........." Let's try it again and see if we can keep it up for one minute and twenty seven seconds, shall we? I love you!

    Jen - Catch you on the rebound, yo schnitzl!

    Matt - Thanks so much. I need a good man here to keep an eye on the fort, the gate, and the girls! I love ya man! Hope your return jetlag is gone and life is back to normal for you!

  16. Awwww... jim... Dammit you're makin me tear up.
    I hate goodbyes.

    What a cute Dad!

    I love you Jim!

  17. Yup... You... and that adorable dad of yours!

  18. And one more thing.....Make sure you wash your tomatoes well before eating them. Don't use soap
    that may make you ill but rinse well with water..

  19. I'm growing my own!

    Safe and organic.

  20. Cam you will not believe what came into my spirit this morning as I was thinking of breathing and thinking of you and your journey this time.!!!!!!

    Remind me when I talk to you again to tell you about it. It will give you goosie bumps!

    BTW...I know you will know what I mean but we should call it "Breath" or "The Breath" Or "The Breath of Life" or "The Breath of Love" or....hahahahahahahahahah stop me anytime. You know what I mean.

    I love you

    Have a wonderful journey...see you soon.

  21. Good stay off this thing for a week,or two, hopefully you left the camera's and other recording devices behind????

  22. Dad - Can I pee on them like you taught us to do in order to clean stuff off when we didn't have water available?

    Kristen - Bye Bee!

    Mavis - YES! Write me, please! Details in a long email so I can enjoy it upon my arrival. I want to hear about this. Very very much.

  23. eww!

    no pissing on tomatoes!!

    we can't even get tomatoes in the stores anymore... mine will be ripe soon.

    Cam.. you're gonna help me weed... right?

  24. Stefnee - Yep! I love pissing on the weeds!

  25. Morning Jen.. He may ACT growed up but he still needs some guidance one in awhile.
    Still getting rain showers. The only good thing now is that I can send them on down to Robin..

    I grow mine also but they won't be ready for awhile yet.. Not even a flower yet ..

  26. Oi Wackhead! Quit defending what you believe in and just BE.

    Have a glorious time on your travels and remember: Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart.


  27. Enjoy the journey honey. Jl will just have a coranary before you get back to giving us updates and stuff. I suppose I can give him stuff to gripe about. Yeah, I know you are reading this Jl-I love you too ya know!
    WHen you come whizzing (oops should not have said that by to Kansas give me a nod or something. Ya know Stef and I are only 8 hours away I think. :) Give her some lovin' for me and the weeds too!

  28. I am missing all the blogging already! I don't think I like this absence of Cam business...not at all!

  29. Dont fret for too long he deserves an offline break, who wants to be on vacation and sitting in front of a computer IF you dont have too

  30. If you took his PC and food away from him.. Even limit his food he would dissapear.

  31. All I have to do is stand sideways for that, Dad.

  32. HEY! You're supposed to be working, Cam! ;)

  33. Sunny and 23 C to -day... Supposed to be 25 to morrow.! Maybe summer has arrived.
    Couple of days in the sun and I'll look like Jen's brother.

  34. Food yes, computer no, whey they become extentions of who we are then we really need to turn them off get up and back away slowly and go find something else to do
