Tuesday, June 3, 2008

There is bacon?

Alternatives to the daily regimine of bacon.....

On a side note, I just got freshly picked onions from the neighbours that have the new baby; not from The Dickheads.

I love you!


P.S. If the video does not play properly, or looks strange, give it a few minutes to finish processing. You may have to just let it load first otherwise it seems a bit choppy (it isn't really). I notice that when you upload video directly to Multiply, there is some process time required, unlike transferring from YouTube (who already does the processing and checking [for porn?]).

I'm off riding!


  1. I can't view this at work, but I will at home.

    Can I just say... there is no alternative to bacon.


  2. Deb - No alternative to real bacon. You are correct. But sometimes it is better to suffer the slings and arrows of the dearth of bacon, than to eat what the Japanese call "bacon" (notice the rabbit ears around the word "bacon")

  3. Darth Bacon? Was he one of the Sith Lords?

  4. Fish Heads

    Fish heads, Fish heads
    Roly poly Fish heads
    Fish heads, Fish heads
    Eat them up, Yum

    In the morning
    Laughing, happy Fish Heads
    In the evening
    Floating in the soup

    Fish heads, Fish heads
    Roly poly Fish heads
    Fish heads, Fish heads
    Eat them up, Yum

    Ask a Fish head
    Anything you want to
    They won't answer
    They can't talk

    Fish heads, Fish heads
    Roly poly Fish heads
    Fish heads, Fish heads
    Eat them up, Yummm

    I took a Fish head
    Out to see a movie
    Didn't have to pay
    To get it in

    Fish heads, Fish heads
    Roly poly Fish heads
    Fish heads, Fish heads
    Eat them up, Yum

    They can't play baseball
    They don't wear sweaters
    They're not good dancers
    They don't play drums

    Fish heads, Fish heads
    Roly poly Fish heads
    Fish heads, Fish heads
    Eat them up, Yum

    Roly poly Fish heads
    Are never seen drinking
    Cappacino in Italian restaurants
    With Oriental women...Yeah

    Fish heads, Fish heads
    Roly poly Fish heads
    Fish heads, Fish heads
    Eat them up, Yum

  5. I could eat a fish-kebob every day. Here they just hand you the smoked fish in a day old newspaper, I think a stick is far better. My second favourite protein after bacon is turkey. I get turkey steaks every week and pace them out so I never run out. I love turkey. I am not a fan of turkey bacon, however. Turkey should be turkey, and bacon should bacon. The only time they should be together is when bacon is wrapped around the turkey.

    I did get a gross out moment when you started eating raw bacon. Thanks for clarifying the almost prosciutt-ness of the meat substance.

  6. The minute he started chomping on that thing, thats exactly what came to my mind thank you dunnster for printing the whole song LOL!!!!. I remember that so well from college!

  7. Lyvvie, try the beef bacon, its really good, its not as salty. but SO much better then turkey bacon

  8. Kristen & Dunnster - I have never heard that before, nor do I know any music that goes with it, so it just looks like a fishy poem to me.

    Kristen - So, since you are fixated on beef bacon so much, why not tell us where to get it in the USA? And no sneaky, underhanded links to wicked good Wal-Mart chocolate cakes, either, you naughty carbo-temptress, you!

  9. I have never had fish like that.. although, Sp is sitting here with me and he thinks that looks cool! Not much fish around here... can't buy it fresh anywhere. At all. Always frozen. But... I have bacon, so nyah nyah.

  10. Well I live in southern california, so when I need food I go to the GROCERY STORE, I have found them in several major store chains througout southern california, Now if someone lives in Lower Slobovia, I cant help, them but I suggest a the next time they are in their supermarket or where ever they purchase their bacon, thats usually a good place to begin. And I cant even remember the last time I had some bacon period, I may have had some in a salad I had from work, but thats work and it was just small bits' So "fixated" is the wrong word, you should not be poo poo-ing it because its not pork when you have NOT tried it, Especially after seeing the stuff you were complaing about in said video and the fact you live in a country that cant keep its people in butter. =)

  11. Stefnee - I know what you mean. Winnipeg is not a good place to eat fish. It is located in the very center of the North American continent, and all we ever got was bony as hell, not very tasty lake fish (pickerel, walleye, jack, perch, trout, etc.) or, more often than not... frozen fillets. Now Japan... is a fishlover's heaven, let me tell you!

    The thing is we stopped eating fish really because Mayu gave up being a seafoodtarian after 17 years of thinking meat was too disgusting to even touch. I've talked about that before.... So after eating fish and seafood for that long, one gets kind of tired of it. Of course I continued to eat meat, but I'll tell you, fish smells linger longer than meat does. There is something most definitely different about the fish oils (Omega non-parent fatty acids) that go "bad" when cooked (i.e. denatured through heat).

  12. Kristen - I'm not putting it down at all! Au contraire! I would LOVE to try some if I could find it here. But it isn't here. Not "here" anyway. I'm just teasing you like you tease me about my "bacon addiction". I am hoping that others out there in the "real world" find your beef bacon and give it a try. Since we already have decided that turkey bacon (turk-on?) is not fit for human consumption, I'm hoping that bacon tastes great! I love you!

  13. yeah... we can catch walleye around here.. and catfish (which i think tastes like mud) but fresh fish is unheard of.

    I remember when I visited my brother in Georgia, we went to a grocery store that had these HUGE tanks.... like... rows of them similar to a meat aisle.. and you could choose the fish you wanted. They would catch it and clean it right there!! oooooo and it tasted soooo good!! I was shocked! *sigh* now.. i want good fish.

  14. P.S. I know you've worn it before, and I don't know if I've ever mentioned it... but I absolutely love that teeshirt. Very Shel Silverstein

  15. Hmm... I wonder who the artist is....

  16. Yeah and I bet she like the rest of us has BUTTER in her fridge, right now I actually have some really good Challenge "European Style" butter and some really good Unsalted sweet butter and Butter was on sale recently so I got a couple of bricks of just some plain good regular salted butter....

    Poor Cam its Margarine for him! hahahahahaha!!!!

  17. I *do* have butter..... salted. I plan on feeding Cam a diet of butter and bacon when he's here.

  18. When I poach fish, (usually salmon which is what I love and full of Omega's) It does not linger so I tend to poach fish anymore then fry it up so maybe try? but then also my fish is usually the fillet. As for you trying Beef Bacon if you find it, I dont know if restaurants use it , its more I believe an alternative that you can get in the Markets.

  19. Please give him some veg too, one thing I notice is that people with heavy protien diets especially fried foods tend to have that come out through their pores, There is nothing worse then being next to a guy who smells like chili. But then again he uses that Pig cologne, just make sure he uses a good soap to wash LOL

  20. Don't worry, plenty of veggies... I've started getting some things from the garden already. Picked radishes yesterday...

  21. Mmmmm that sounds good my sister and her ultra green thumb has her veg garden already growing like mad, Last year her squash went crazy and they were HUGE, and she had tons of roma tomatos and so far this year her Lemon Tree was so full of lemons and big lemons the poor branches were sagging, So I have been raiding lemons like mad, I use them for cooking mainly along with fresh limes, this year she is giving bell peppers a try again, they were good too.

    the only plant I dont kill is the Aloe Vera.

  22. Cam, T1&T2 giggled at your fish... they wanted to know if you could bring one *giggle*

    Maybe... that Monday in Wichita, we could find an Asian market?? I've never been inside of one....

  23. Kristen - It's the carbohydrate BEAN and the oil spices that makes chili guys stink, not the meat. And trust me, I eat a ton of veggies! I bet you I eat more than you do! By the way, you live on the coast and fish in California is pretty darn good. Stuff that comes out of the sea is so much better than lakes and rivers; I think the "salt curing" has something to do with it.

    Stefnee - Maybe. But I didn't cook it. I bought it like that. I just took it out of the saran wrap, and dove in!

  24. Believe it or not We did teach him some manners while he was growing up.. I think he
    remembers most of them and usually doesn't embarrass anyone in NA when he goes out to eat.
    Just thought I would let everyone know.

  25. I learned how to slurp pasta in Japan!

  26. You probably do eat a ton maybe too much I also eat fresh fruit, Yes I know fish out here is good, I got news for you, you live near the ocean infact your country is a giant island, you should have fresh SEA food coming out of your ass!!!

    Oh stefnee, With the huge influx of asian communities here we have some massive shopping centers with all Asian stores one close to me is called Hong Kong Plaza its amazing they have massive tanks of fresh seafood and they have all kinds of really good yummy stuff! , Im going to see if they have "Fish on a stick" it may just be a traditional Japanese thing which means I will have to go to the Japanese supermarket chain called Marukai, they have all kinds of things.

  27. Kristen - I know. The fish here is awesome. The only problem is that as I said earlier, with Mayu being a "vegetarian" for 17 years, we ate way more fish than I wanted to. And we are both kind of "fished out".

  28. That I can understand, I get that way with chicken! ick!!! thats when I need a big burger or steak which if its a burger, I just make my own anymore.

  29. That I can understand, I get that way with chicken! ick!!! thats when I need a big burger or steak which if its a burger, I just make my own anymore.

  30. Jim, Cam probably has more manners then most of the guys I know here and could probably teach a few of them a thing of two.

  31. When your in the US let us know your Phone # as we can call for free.!

  32. Dad - Will do. I'll have to get permission from Khanada in Houston, and The Fabric Goddess in Kansas to give my father their cell phone numbers as I won't be traveling with one.

    Night gang!


  33. They might have land lines too honey, I do, , also when your in both places make sure you try the BBQ in both places. both claim to have the best and from what I have seen both look delicious especially the BBQ pork, thats my favorite!

  34. Done. Cam, I sent all of my contact information to your father already!

  35. Kristen.... His mother taught him well. I taught him how to ride a bycicle and that has really worked
    out OK. He still knows how.. and has incororated into his own entertainment and pleasure. I think that if you took his Bike and Bacon away from him it would be like taking him off life support.!

  36. Oh, to suffer the slings and arrows of my own father's wit!

    And to think that our beautiful Ebony Goddess was chiding me for "teasing my father", and insisted I should stop! He loves it!

  37. *sigh* gotta talk to Mr. PoliceManOnMyPorch now.

    The Boy's bike got stolen. Again.

  38. I had three stolen by the time I was finishing university; two out of my back yard (big horkin monster 10speeds), and one had the chain lock cut in front of the church when I was watching a movie. That was before "kryptonite" locks existed.

    I'm sorry to hear this. I know what it's like to lose bikes. (my car got stolen once, too...)

  39. *sigh*

    At least the Police Officer was hot. *wiggles brows*

  40. ewwwwww. Fish scales...ewwwwww.

    I'm terrified of eating fish with bones still in it. ewwwwww.

  41. No fish scales on these fish.... Delicious!

  42. And you thought Bacon was only good to fry up and eat...............................http://www.dlisted.com/node/26385
