Thursday, June 5, 2008


I think being present, and aware of the NOW suits me. 

Why do I say this? Well, I have to admit, I have rarely ever dwelled on the PAST. This isn't a recent thing, and you can ask my partner of 20 years about this if you wish. I have always looked at my successes and my failures as things that have been part of my "total running education" that has helped me to grow into the person I am NOW.

I must also admit that I have repeatedly (year after year) failed miserably in my attempts to use schedule books, daily planners, calendars, and those things where you pen in your FUTURE. I just don't need them.

I have never been able to use a schedule book; they have never worked for me. I've tried for 20 years, but they always sit empty, unless I use them for scrap paper (which is also a good function I guess).

Whenever people have asked me what my FUTURE plans are (it frustrated Mayu to no end), my response was always, "it doesn't matter to me because what I am doing right NOW is more important". I have also said, "I don't know, but I'm comfortable with that." And when asked, "So what do you want in the FUTURE?" my reply has always been, "I don't know because I am happy with what I have NOW."

This was probably the biggest problem for my former employer because he always needed to have 5-10 year FUTURE business plans. Oh well..... That's one of the reasons I am not there anymore NOW, probably much to his relief.

I have come to understand in my own way that for me (maybe it is different for you, and that is perfectly OK), to move into the "FUTURE", I can only move through an infinite amount of NOW moments. By focusing on those NOW moments completely, I always get where I want to go (I have 42 years of experience to making me a pro). But by focusing on the next step before I get there (not "thinking" about it, but I mean worrying about it, focusing too much on that being more important than this now), I lose sight of where I am right NOW . That is when I start to have problems because in those circumstances (and they happen in life of course - they need to occur at time) I am not giving my best to the NOW moment. In these times the structure, the web, starts to fall apart.

So for me, this concept of being present NOW, and focusing on right NOW (like this blog to you.... nothing else matters at this moment than to share these thoughts with you NOW), comes with ease.

But for many others, this is difficult. I think that it really helps to keep me calm, and at peace. I feel this way because I know I can control what I do NOW. I also know that I cannot control what I might do tomorrow because all of the things I might imagine, or envision (with only part attention because I think about the day after tomorrow, and the day after that, too if I have to schedule future plans), all of the conditions will not be set until that very moment comes, "NOW". And at that moment, that "NOW moment", when faced with those motions right NOW ... that is when I can make my appropriate responses, take the appropriate actions that best suit the situation I face.

Right NOW .

I am aware of my breathing....
I am aware of my body...
I am aware of the energy connecting me to the Universe...
I am aware of the noon chimes...


And I am aware of you.

I love you.



  1. I wouldn't say I dwell on the past, but I think the past is important because it defines the person that you are NOW and the past is what leads you to the NOW and if you've taken a wrong turn, sometimes going back into the past can be helpful.

    The future can take care of itself, which is why when people ask me what I want to do later on in life, I say I want to be a Charlie's Angel or a firetruck. Neither choice is realistic but it gets people off my back.

  2. Firetruck - I have come to believe that the past WAS important, but not any more because I am who I am NOW and the things I do NOW, although based on what I learned from the past will take me to the next NOW moment. I don't believe I can go back to the past, and I don't honestly think that reassessing the past will help me to change things, because the past is gone. I just see it as having to look at what the events of the circumstances are NOW, and then basing them on what I know NOW, and then stepping into the next NOW.

    So in a sense, it is important, and it is what has defined us to be able to take that next step into the now, but there are far too many people out there who wish for a future, that is based on the emotions from their past. And this is where ego steps in to try and make our future comfortable to itself, by keeping it the same.

    And then we become afraid to step into the next now and CHANGE. Stepping into your fear is a scary thing, but I am learning this year that it is necessary if I want to transform, and to stop just "sucking air".

    It's a hard thing to do; very hard. But it is something I want to try to see how well it works. It's how I want to change myself and learn to step into the next NOW, transformed.

  3. Well, Cam, right NOW I am writing a reply to a wonderful friend. Being in the NOW is good because you can be so aware of things. Like breathing or loving or......blogging *grins*
    So, NOW that I have said this, I am NOW going to tell you I love you. And NOW going to read elsewhere.

  4. Michelle - When you actually start thinking about it, and really realizing what it means to be present NOW in every little thing you do... suddenly the entire experience takes on an almost "zenlike" experience! Well, these are just my wackhead thoughts, anyway... I love you now. And I love you... now. And... I love you... now!

  5. NOW is 17 days until you're in my town.

  6. Now is also the time I tell Stef hello *waving*

  7. I wish some others could live in the NOW but I suppose we can only control what we do.
    I love you right NOW too.

  8. Sorry, but this time, I'm all hers!

    (well, hers, and Scott's, and Simon's, and Silas', and Spencer's, and Shasta's, and Toby's, and SJJ's, and Kent's, and Stefnee's mom and dad's, and Ronn's, and the ghost's, and .... whew! )

  9. Of you don't need a planner...YOU DON'T WORK!!!. I would not need one if I didn't work.

  10. Right NOW I just finished writing a list of all the things I must accomplish today or my boss will fry me up in bacon grease. This morning I've worked on our itinerary and meeting agendas with the music company executives for next week. If we didn't plan ahead in the music industry we would have a whole bunch of angry bands and fans. So...I'm focused right NOW on planning and preparing for next WEEK for the meetings in L.A. LOL!! I'm not at all an "in the moment" kinda person. My son is moving to Berlin and I'm already missing him.

  11. Song - But that's perfect! Don't you see? You are focusing, making your itinerary for the following week, but focusing on doing that right now. That' s exactly what I'm talking about! You aren't worried about what's going on next week, but rather right NOW the most important thing is the schedule planner. And that is perfect.

  12. Yeah, that's true. The main thing is having everything ready for when next week gets here.

  13. Great! And when the string of NOWs arrive next week, then it's super easy to be in the NOW at that moment and not worrying about what comes "after" that, but be totally focused on what is going on... "now". Excellent job!

  14. excellent..NOW and enjoy your PRESENTS!!

  15. I remember those noon chimes, its really a cool way to mark the half day.

    I was just having a conversation with this guy at Starbucks about this very subject! How Ironic!!! He used to be a customer of mine and we were talking about things and I told him I couldn't control things and that I was learning to appreciate the day, the moment, enjoying a coffee or the walk with my dog, and not trying to control so much my future but just trusting it... so to then read this, its very suitable..... and very true.

    All we know for sure is this moment, we can't even control the afternoon...let alone next week or next year... we can have goals and wishes but we cant stew or worry over them. Only put them out and work towards them, but not so much as to loose focus on the here and now... Good topic Cam.

  16. Speaking of NOW, now I am going to put this computer aside and go enjoy the day by the pool with my friends..... Shelly and Christine.

  17. Paula - I hope you had a great NOW moment with your girlfriends! Now moisturize! I love you!

    Jools - Thank you very much for visiting!

  18. And NOW that the Grasshopper has spoken we will hear from the ANT...

    Won't we????

  19. Hehehehe...

    Your dad's so cute!
