Thursday, February 4, 2010

22:34 Shinjuku

I just finished my DQPw/C and a coffee @ McDs.That's my dinner tonight.

After work I headed into Shinjuku to meet Kayo at the Starbucks Southern Terrace. We talked for two and a half hours and then walked about 15 minutes to a ginormous (pay per entry) park in Shinjuku that she wanted to show me because I talked about how much I loved the serenity of Fukui. Kayo went to vet school way up in Aomori prefecture which gets more snow and lower temps than Fukui (but less humidity) so she knows what I miss. She was born here and just came back to Tokyo a few years ago. But once from Tokyo always from Tokyo. Just ask Mayu.

Anyway we talked about science, dogs, horses, cancer, nature, obedience training, education, death, life, personal views and a whole lot more. A body can say a lot getting a numb bum in STarbucks with one beverage for over two hours.

So we said our goodnights and promised to keep in touch (she wants to learn English informally which suits me fine since neither of us has time for formal weekly meetings). Then I came back out into the chilly night and over to McDonalds for dinner.

It's 22:30 so I guess I'll be getting home about midnight again, hitting the shower and passing out about 1am to get up about 6.

Life is zipping by and these little interlude NOW moments are what make this busy as hell Tokyo life kinda enjoyable. It's the meeting of the denizens of Tokyo that makes it worthwhile.

Let's see what the weekend brings, shall we? I don't know what's going to happen Friday and Saturday but I'm going to meet up with Masami on Sunday for coffee and chats. I imagine we'll wander somewhere...

I love my denizens!

And I love you!



  1. I don't know about having McD for dinner, discusting junk is not good for you.
    I must say your life is interesting, you always write great posts. Do you ever really relax, like be lazy now and again??? LOL

  2. Wings... McD's is not disgusting.... it's meat. When you don't eat the buns (Cam and I both discard them) and eat the meat.. there is nothing unhealthy about it!


    now I want a cheeseburger... sans bun, of course.

  3. Thank you for stating it extremely concisely and directly to the meat of the ... the... the... the thing.

    Wings - it's only disgusting because people have been brainwashed to believe that. The protein is good. Very very good. Discard the buns and see!

    Yes, I relaxed for 20 years in Fukui. Stefnee taught me how to sleep with my runners on.

  4. Wings - *hangs head*... I'm sorry... I've tried, but I fail miserably at doing "lazy".

  5. LOL Thought so, how about telling the secret of just WHERE you get all of that energy??? I sure could do with some. Maybe I should try McDs again!!!

  6. I don't care if it's disgusting or not, McD's is awesome.

  7. Wings - Go to McDs, order the biggest fattest, meatiest burger you can get. Skip the fries, skip the shake, skip the ice cream, skip the hot apple pie. (this is a test, so follow the rules). Then take off the buns, wipe all that delicious yellow cheese-like product stuff and the (too sweet, unfortunately) red catsuppy stuff with whatever onions, pickles, etc. might be there onto the meat, and JUST EAT THE MEAT.

    You will see a HUGE difference in energy.

    And taste.

    And you won't bloat up like a fat kid gorging on "Rancid Ronny" bodyfat producing product lineup.

  8. Wings don't listen to Cam~!~ (sorry my brother, but I have to jump in here just this once...) But I still love you!!

    Your right in that McD's is gross!!! And not food fit to eat... bread or no bread...

    I still can't hack the fact that those damn things are slapped on a greasy grill by a 14 year old who wiped his ass with his hand and didn't wash under his fingernails.... or scratched his balls or picked his nose..... THAT is a BIG reasons I wont touch McD's but the other is they are totally inhumane in their slaughtering house practices... and the treatment of the slaughterhouse workers, not to mention McDonlads employees... this is the same reason I won't shop at Walmart.
    I know that bad habits are also found in the 5 star places... but at least the person working the grill is just being vindictive and malicious, and NOT because he is too young to know any better! I can not in good faith as an American seeing our demise economically support business like McDonald's (and large corps like them) who don't give a RATS ass about our country, nor do they care. But stand behind the "American Brand" with pride all the while, changing our economic stability by undercutting cattle ranchers and farmers alike, offering them "too good to be true" contracts that really make them nothing more than modern day surfs.

    I will eat meat... but try to eat free range, grass fed, and cooked by my own clean hands. LOL

    There is a great book you should read Cam, called Fast Food Nation, by Eric Schollosser... if you do I suspect that will change your perspective. It deals more with the business practices of large McD's as well as others of course but its eye opening.

    But that being said Japan is a different country and their ethics of cleanliness are superior so its a different ball of wax...entirely. I even saw that the circle K's there are very clean and the food is well kept, so much so I ate a Frank from one! BUT here... in the states... its just eeewwwwww....... and also putting us out of jobs.

    I love you Cam.... but I am totally out on McD's...

  9. Darn. I wanted to go and have their Mega McBooger Muffin with Cheese this morning! Now you ruined everything for me! I guess I still love you. Kinda.... Sorta...

  10. Hooray for Paula, to be honest Cam, I don't eat a lot of meat of any kind and that is just because I don't like the texture of it. We now have a show on TV that is called "Kill it, cook it, eat it." and believe me I will never eat meat again, they are killing 3 month old baby lambs, goats, and anything that walks on four legs, why? because they say the consumer wants the youngest most succulent meat. Please excuse my french here, "Bullshit" The gready farmer has the audasity to say they have the best life they can be given before they are slautered...since WHEN does one call three months old life??? How would THEY like their baby's slaughtered at that age to feed the lions, and have one say "they had the best life one could give them"??? GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR, I am so angry I feel like starting a bloody riot.
    Sorry about that dear one!
    Back to the burger, cleanliness in these places in New Zealans is not the best and not only McDs. Wouldn't touch it with a barge poll. However, any other hints on where you get all of that energy???
    Love you too.

  11. Ummm. ... abstinence? or, lack of opportunity?

  12. Don't your workers wear gloves in the US?

    It's a health requirement here that hair be in nets and hands be in gloves.

  13. Deb - Maybe American boys have ginormous nostrils so they can still gold dig with latex on...

  14. Deb. Nope its not, the requirement is that they wash their hands after using the bathroom, but.... that being said I have watched them walk OUT without doing so on more than one occasion. Hair nets are only required if you have long hair. But a cap is sufficient as well...

    I have traveled to several other countries and found that our standards here in the USA are far less than those in other countries. Even in the grocery stores.

  15. I was shocked (pleasantly so) when everyone in italian grocery stores (in the north) put on latex gloves to handle the vegetables, then took them off again when done. I caught hell for not putting them on, but I didn't know!!!!

  16. I haven't seen the customers doing that here but, I have seen the staff with the gloves on.

    As for the other rather gross comments by you dear one, sadly, oh so true. LOL

  17. Yes its true, in Italia, north also the customer wears gloves and never touches most things with their bare hands. The staff is all dressed for cleanliness and is sterile and gets most food items that are not in a box for you.

    Here in America we like to "fondle" things, including our produce..... LOL

  18. And yet... though everything in la bella italia looks... bella, quality sucks the sweat off a goober-slingin' McPartTimer's teenage testicles.

  19. You know how to really make a girl gag.... LOL

    Italia has their trouble spots, whats the name of that fast food place there? Spitzaco or something? Its usually Orange and white... and they are usually attached with a BOOGER King..... In my expirence they are really very dirty!
