Sunday, February 7, 2010

I McHeart New York!


The New York Burger is really good; it has dijon mustard like a deli sandwich and tastes great with lettuce, cheese and bacon. McCoffee is always good...

The Texas burger that was showcased as a cameo burger I didn't like when I tried it a few weeks ago on my way to Kobuchizawa; the BBQ sauce was too sweet. But it's gone now and the NYB will be here for a month or so after which tyey will bring in another Guest Burger.

Do other people around the world get these "novelty" burgers.

I McLove You!

Big Cam


  1. I usually stick to the Big Mac because it is my total favorite. I will have to look to see if we get those choices!
    Love you!

  2. Haven't seen them here, though i usually go for Wendy's burgers.

  3. I'm going to say that's primarily a marketing campaign for Japan... I haven't seen any commercials for those burgers on the US channels we get here. It's all the big mac wrap and such.

  4. I wonder if Paula would challenge McDs here after her gross-out readings? I just cant imagine the people working here doing that kind of stuff like. It's mnot just pimplekids working the grills here... more elderly than anything.. I wonder if they will do a Hawaiian burger? Big slice of pineapple? OMG it is hot in this train! But we made it back in one dehydrated piece.

  5. yay...

    Home agin home agin jiggety jig!

    Morning, Mou!

  6. LOL Cam... Read the book I suggested.... and you will have a better understanding of where I am coming from.

    I do not like companies who market to children its their parents who buy (and there are a few other companies on my shit list for this reason, not just McD) ... I do not like company's who exploit their workers and vendors... I do not like companies who allow those they purchase product from (Con Agra and the like) that have two sets of books for employee injuries and then when busted because of large payoffs or their untouchable status get slapped on the wrist with a minor fine, whilst some workers arm is mangled for life, and they don't fix the problems of unsafe conditions since paying the fines are much, much cheaper... all for the sake of keeping costs down... I could go on...LOL

    FYI did you know that McD's burgers are enhanced with "Natural Flavorings"... that are not natural at all... the FDA has a very loose standard on what = natural. They alter the natural state of beef to a degree that is very un natural and no longer considered food.... they do the same with their chicken.

    I agree, Japan is a different culture and your probably right in that the environment is cleaner and I wouldn't fear that so much there.... but still its what they stand for as a company overall that I can not palate.

    But that being said I know there its different and such is the way it works... you get pleasure out of eating there, and so for that I will tolerate your little escapades... LOL and I still love you! LOL

  7. You're so cute, P! It's just so easy to love and be happy for Cam cuz he enjoys life so much!
    I don't know what book you are referring to, and hadn't heard much about McD's practices. I just don't really prefer the burger flavor there.
    I do LOVE Wendy's for the burgers and the chicken sandwiches.
    Are they on the list?

    Tell me the name of that book and i'll be sure to check it out.
    I'm sure, as you say, things are probably very different here with the decidedly anti-regulations attitude here...
    From the picture you paint we're probably just a step or so above China, FFS!!! UGH!

    Thanks for the info, P.

    And CammyMou... i hope you had a good sleep with your nice full belly.
    I love you.

  8. That is the book yes.. and its very creepy.

    I am waiting for one on Walmart to emerge as well.... they have their own set of evil practices.

  9. Jen, below is the books name.

    And the only "Fast food" burger that will go in my mouth is In and Out... they use real ground beef.... and make their patties fresh at the location.

  10. I've had In and Out only once, in California. They don't have them here.
    I'm going to check into the only other fast food burger i like, Five Guys Burgers and Fries. They pride themselves on their fresh potatoes for the fries, but i can't recall how the burgers are made.

    I'm going to check out that book. I have heard of it. Gotta see where my favourites are in there.

    Thanks, you guys.

  11. I wonder if they'll make a Kansas burger?

  12. What do you think would distinguish it to be from Kansas? BBQ Sauce... texas. I can see that. Dijon moustard.... snotty NYC delish deli. I can see that. Manitoba burger.... frozen hunk of flesh. I can see that.

  13. Actually... Kansas City is the BBQ capitol of the U.S.


  14. I understand, but Texas already stole BBQ!

  15. I dunno... add sprouts and call it a tumbleweed?

  16. Not here we don't, sounds good if you like that kind of junk food. Hahahaaa.

    Do you ever eat REAL food, like stuff you cook yourself or friends cook for you??? LOL.

  17. OMG, Shayna...
    I get on him for cooking almost EVERY day. Now only breakfast and dinner. It used to be all three.

    McDonald's is just a snack for Cam... to tide him over til he cooks...

    I KNOW!!!

    He's a good cook... he just has a bottomless pit in his belly.

    But... i'll let him tell you about Oscar. ;-)

  18. Oscar is the name of my pet tapeworm who has lived in my left leg ever since I started draining my mother's milk.

    I cook breakfast and lunch together, eat brkfst and bring lunch. I have eaten lunch out less than five times these past five months. I cook a huge dinner when I get home and often bring extra real food like sausages, eggs, tofu, nuts, tuna etc as a snack if I have to work later. If I ate the McBun I would call it junk. But I never do. If I had shakes or juice or fries or McPies I would call it junk. The only thing I ever tide myself over with from Rancid Ronnie's is protein and 120yen coffee. And that is not junk food! (boogers or no boogers).

    I have to go and wash my bento bako now so catch you later gang. I love you!

  19. Cam, tried the New York burger tonight, and it is indeed much better than that crappy Texas one they had. It is, however, quite messy with all that dijon mustard when eaten without the bun.

  20. I`d rather gnaw my hand off than eat a Maccy D`s. Their additive and sugar laden `never seen a banana in it`s life` banana milkshake, however, is brilliant when you have a hangover.

  21. Matt - I know! Mine kept pulling a .imon and Garfunkle on me!

    NBD - Yeah but you guys drink warm, flat beer and eat sausages from blood (the irish in you) and sheep intestines (the scottish in you) so your opinions dont count.

  22. How very rude! I can assure you, sir, I have NO Irish or Scottish in me!

    I am partial to warm flat beer though ;~}

  23. OMG!!!
    Nicey, are you startin trouble over here too???
    And... LMAO at being insulted for Irish reference!

    You are too much, Mr. NiceButt!

    Hi, Mou!!!

  24. P. S., Cam...
    Nicey's a vegetarian so I would think he hates any kind of hamburger!

  25. HEY!!!! What so wrong with being Irish??? LOL That you don't have any Irish in you, I should be sending you some condolences...and my sympathy! But given that your kinda agreeing with me on this debate, I will pretend you didn't say it!

    Deciding instead to keep you as a comrade in arms against the McDevil!

  26. NBD - Them's fightin' words!

    Paula! Sic!

  27. Behave, You Two...

    And leave my Paula alone!

  28. I'm hungry... need food....

    Want BEEF!!!!!

    Later, Peeps... must go hunt now...

  29. Don't go to McDonalds! That stuff'll kill ya!

  30. Yea you have been warned.... LOL Dont be such a smart ass! Or I will sick Jen on you...

    But that being said seriously consider doing the experiment... save a burger for posterity.

  31. I will. But the bun must be discarded, and all the condiments must be washed from it to be able to do it properly. I wish I didn't have to leave it any where NEAR my air source, though...

  32. I know you can put it under a glass bowl or something to keep it from making contact with your sinuses... Ask for it dry, with no frills, and yes the bun just gets rock hard. I have had that experience before when the kids left bits here and there in the car. Fries are freaky too because they NEVER CHANGE.....

  33. Is this what they mean by fossil fuel?

  34. Oh dear Paula........what a conundrum. On the one hand I`m sure you want to berate me loudly for my dissing of the Oirish; on the other hand I abhor Maccy D`s.

    What`s a girl to do, eh? ;~}

  35. Cam, don`t you be worrying about me. I`ve survived perfectly for years now without having to resort to eating rotting flesh, and in the case of Maccy D`s, pulped up brains, spinal columns, eyelids and innards.

  36. LOL Charm always wins.... despite all else. LOL (batting my eyelashes)

  37. FYI Cam my darling, dear, sweet, eater of meat.... there is a documentary I want you to see... with "all your free time"... LOL Its called FOOD INC. and I think its out on DVD there? If not is surly should be soon. Its undercover footage of a lot of the corruptions and blasphemy that goes on in the American food processing process, and they do a part on McD's. But its also a lot of other food items etc.. it will give you a whole new reason to eat whole, in their original state food products that are preferably organic.

    Our FDA guidelines are not protecting us as well as we think, and they are an area that needs change.

    I wonder if when you eat a McBooger you realize that you meat has been processed through an ammonia wash?? I don't believe that is really beef... but wait ammonia is a natural element after no bother it falls under the "natural stuff...


  38. OH and are you implying Irish are ornery?? LOL HELL I know that... were also stubborn, and hard headed... but charming too.... at times.

  39. OK...EW!

    You guys are too much...
    But you're such adorable sparring partners.

    I'm off to meet Kerian for dinner, then she's going home and i'm hunkering down in front of the tv til i zone out... need mindless distraction, yanno?

    Later, you cute devils.

  40. Paula you are most definitely charming... charmingly ornery.... hehehe...
    Come to think of it, so is Nicey...

    I think he's lyin... must be sum Irishter in 'in sumwheres. Them Irishters and Anglishters is all mixed up anyways yuhno!

    hehehe... OK, i'm so hungry i'm geting giddy... gotta go!

    Love you guys!

  41. Cut it out, you three! What with boogers, and ammonia washes, and brains and bits you're making me hungry again!

  42. No REALLY, I have no Irish in me at all.

  43. You guys didn`t get Mad Cow disease over there, did you? ;~]

  44. Yes, we have our own mad cows. But the US beef society kept sending us frozen bovine spine etc. when they were specifically regulated NOT to send it. Thus it is kind of hard to find the delicious american beef, and so we must suffer through untasty australian beef.

  45. What`s wrong with good old Brit beef? We`ve been given the all clear, haven`t we?

    Not that I could give a baboons arse, really, not sure why I`m getting so indignant.

  46. Cuz you're a proud UK KUTIE, Steve.

    Don't want anyone dissin BritBeef... even if it is vile dead flesh, right? LOL!!!

  47. Too right! It`s OUR dead rotting flesh! Go Brit beef!

  48. *coughing fit*

    Damn you...
    Both of you!

  49. Oh my.... put a Canadian and a Britt in a room....... and one will certainly be amused! LOL

    As if it matters, I ONLY FLY international on British Air..... LOL

  50. Yes? Well done you. Me, I only fly Virgin! ;~} Although when I was extremely poor I used to fly Garuda Air. That was an adventure!

  51. I thought only Virgins were allowed to fly with them??

  52. Garuda? It certainly helps if you`re drunk

  53. No Virgin Air....ah.. never mind it was a "cheesy" joke...

    But I agree to loose ones virginity and drink never hurts..... :-)

    Yea I know... cheesy!

  54. I knew what you meant; I was wagging ya ;~}

  55. hehehe...

    I love when Nicey wags me ;-)

  56. Waggin' the dog, were ya, NBD?
    Brit Beef? I thought all you pommies ate were fish & chips, meat pies, and... and... potatoes! Oh yeah, scotch eggs and chutney.

  57. Sorry to dig this up. But ...................

    Scotch eggs and chutney!? What decade is it in CamWorld? The discotastic `70`s?

    As I`m sure you`re aware, we`re so well known for our eating of beef, the French call us the Rost Beoufs.
