Friday, February 12, 2010

A Valentine Greeting from The Universe & Cam

Yesterday I received the following memo from The Universe. It makes perfect sense to me, especially when I see the trials & tribulations, pains and hardships, suffering and sorrow of yesterday's NOW as lessons that have helped me to grow into an even better person today's NOW. They provide me with the ability to step into my fears and overcome future hardships so that I may strive to become an even better person tomorrow.
Tonight once I get my cleaning done here, I'll be heading out for the evening. I love the fact that for nearly 20 years I had basically only Max (Saturdays) and Mayu (evenings and Sundays), but now I have Mayu, Masami, Maya, Miyuki, Kayo, and Kyoko to learn about all these new NOW moments that will take me into my future. It sure keeps me busy, let me tell you!
But do I regret that I don't have much time on the internet anymore? Do I regret that I don't sit around my apartment with tons of free time to ponder? Do I regret that I rarely write long blogs (I write many from my keitai so still do write a lot as the ootnaboot thoughts come to me). No, I don't regret. I cherish. I am grateful. I am thankful.
Everything changes. Everything.
The internet and those bazillions of words I wrote over the past five to six years served me very well. They helped me to meet so many wonderful people out there far from me, people I love and cherish deeply. Through them I grew, I expanded, I felt joy and sorrow, I changed. 
Now, as my life has turned to a more "physical" fast-paced (frenetic?) phase, moving (running?) forward with the people around me, smiling, laughing, discussing, seeing and more... "I'm lovin' it!" Finally I can communicate with people right across the table from me, or behind me at the desk, or in a meeting, or at a bar, a coffee shop, a restaurant... I am experiencing a part of life that I have not yet had the blessing to enjoy.
And I love it.
Everything changes. Everything.
I love the changes.
I love the growth.
And I. Love. You.
Tomorrow I'm away all day with Masami going to Yokohama. One of the managers at the company invited me to his daughter's art exhibit. She is really quite good. If I can get some images to share with you, I shall.
Then on Monday morning, rather than hang around here, I'm going to meet Mayu at Starbucks for late morning coffee before heading out to Kobuchizawa. It is supposed to snow so I may not get back at 9pm Monday night.
I work overtime on Wednesday, and likely will get to the gym at least once on either Tuesday or Thursday. Probably I'll be out for dinner with someone at least one night during the week and maybe again on the weekend. On Sunday I have a hair appointment so that will be an adventure. On the next Monday I'll be meeting Kayo in Shinjuku for coffee and then a walk to a ginormous bike shop because she is interested in looking at a bike for herself (she thought to get a mountain bike, but after she told me what she plans to do, I recommended a crossbike instead that should better suit her needs, so she wants to go with me to see crossbikes.) On Saturday Feb 27 we have an all-company all-day training seminar so that day's a full work day. And on it goes. It's a nice, fast-paced life keeping me very busy, and training me to learn to sleep with my Chuck Taylors on, and build up the skills for big-city-living, so that in the future if I have an option to move again to another big city for work, I can say, "Yes, I can!"
Because I'm ootnaboot on February 14th, I want to wish you all in advance,
Happy Valentine's Day!
Think that it's fun, that you're guided, and that all is well;
that there's time, that life is easy, and that the best has yet to come.

Think that the reasons that elude you will one day catch up, that the lessons that have stumped you will one day bring joy, and that the sorrows that have crippled you will soon give you wings.

Think that you're important, that you cannot fail, and that happiness always returns.

And think that you're beautiful.

I do.
    The Universe
And so do I.
    The Cam


  1. I got mine today too.. made me smile!

    I love that I can read my notes from the universe on my phone while I'm at work... makes me happy.

    I love you Wouk!! Enjoy your weekend ootnaboot with your friends in Real Time!

    many many kisses


    Your Stephanie Lee :)

  2. Yes, The Universe is one Amazing dude... and doesn't he just have the most amazing voice?!?

    And you enjoy your weekend too, MyGoddess!


    Your Wouk

  3. Hmm... trying to remember what he sounds like in my head....

    how about you? What's yours sound like?

    I think mine is the same voice from the meditations.

  4. That's the one! Haydn T. Universe.

    Today I'm walking around hugging HotKittyMoo. I love HotKittyMoo!

  5. He sounds like Mike Dooley to me... i have to try not to see his face when i read the notes.
    I thought my Universe was much cuter.... hehehe...

  6. It's like I'm watching the emergence of a spiritual butterfly

  7. Love your post Cam, you are one fantastic person and a joy to see you so full of life. Keep on doing what you are doing my friend and you will never go wrong. I have come to the conclusion from reading both your and Jens comments that Your Universe is a different one from mine. I take it yours is a person???

  8. Not exactly, Shayna. It's is a spiritual concept of course, derived from writings on the Laws of Attraction as written in many books like The Secret, which is where most of us came to know it. It is the force within all of us and everything.

    However, this site is a reference for many things Universe and we can sign up to receive daily messages or "notes" from the Universe.
    They are words of support and encouragement to remind us to trust ourselves and the Universe. and...well.. here... see for yourself..

    Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®
    © ®


  9. My Universe fancies me; it told me so.{[not that I`m too surprised * snerk * }

    I had to google it after JEN wouldn`t tell me what it was ;~}

  10. I forgot you asked, Steve!!! I sowwy Sweety ;-P

    And i'm sure the Universe fancies you...what's not to fancy.. you're adorable!

    A brat and a poopiehead, but adorable nonetheless .

  11. Don`t you worry, Jen. Do you know how many pages on the universe had to trawl through?

  12. Oh, here we go.. he's layin on the guilt nice and thick. Gonna make me squirm on that one are ya?

    See... Poopiehead!

    Don't worry though.. Poopieheads are loved too.
    By the Universe ... and by ME.. Just ask Cammy!

    Who luvs ya, Baby...err...Babies?

  13. UGH!!!!


    I so wish they weren't so cute.... sigh..

  14. LOL there is always "Bob"..... for such a time when we wake up , from all the romantic fantasy and realize we really don't.... LMAO...

  15. Thanks Jen for the link, we ARE talking about the same Universe then. I have a library full of books including The Secret.


  16. There is only one energy, one universe.... all living in and around us. People call it many things, but the simple truth is it is......

  17. ((((((((((((((((((((((((hugs from acrossthe world....ive ben bsuy also lost touch...but sending loving energy your way ))))))))))))))))))))))) enjoy the wonderful moments in lifexxx
