Saturday, February 27, 2010

had an excellent day at work. The first seminar was superb; the doctor showed in detail movies about an eye-related illness and cutting into the eyball to repair the damage! Wow!!! The second doctor talked about immunology... and suddenly I was very sleepy. All in all, it was OK. I ate three obentos so was happy. Cooking dinner now.


  1. Watching a scalpel cut off the outer layer, and then peel the surface of the eyeball back, only to cut directly into the eyeball and then either insert a long-term device the excretes steroid, or using a high frequency laser to burn off the clouding (similar to cataracts) off the cornea and lens was fascinating! Apparently the eyball is 99% water, and when the surgeon cut into the eyeball you could see the water spurt out!

  2. I'm so glad i've given you the opportunity to delve deeper into that description which i KNEW you wanted to elaborate on.

    I'm sorry, though... i won't accommodate you by squealing in disgust.
    You got enough satisfaction just writing it out.
    I'll simply send you to your dinner with a simple ..... sigh.... Cameron.....

  3. No... it's OK.... I actually disappeared because my mind created too vivid a description, and I was heaving....

    Almost lost my entire dinner. Had to rush to the bathroom to lean over the toilet as it was that close....

  4. LOL...

    YOU DID NOT!!!!

    You're just a ginormous Poopiehead!!!!!

  5. Yes. I did.

    And it surprised me because I've never reacted that strongly to my own vivid imagination.

    I had to go face down on the pillow in the bedroom for a while and do some deep CO2 breathing to calm down (like breathing into a paper bag)...

  6. awwww... Sweety...

    I'm sorry!

    I thought you loved that sort of gory stuff... i thought you were getting a kick out of trying to gross us out.

    Sorry, Mou.

  7. I freely admit to being squeamish about eyes. Brains, on the other hand are fascinating! You`ve not lived until you`ve held someone`s {preferably dead} brains in your hands. What a wierd, unexpected sensation THAT is.

  8. IMO, the worst thing about autopsies is the smell :~D

  9. But, I`ve barely started ......................


  10. gross, i just came to see if you were being evacuated
    not to get grossed out

  11. oh my GOD!!!

    Eyes.. and teeth... off limits.

  12. *bends over in gleeful anticipation of a royal spanking*

  13. Oh jeez stef, I actually glossed over that when it was in the blog entry but you just HAD to put it in the comments, too.

    Huh? HUH?????

  14. Ok, Jen would not say it but ewwwwwwww.
    *runs to bathroom holding hand over mouth*
