Friday, February 19, 2010

A Tropical Getaway? That's Complete Bull!

Tonight I decided to skip my 693katsu dinner (tonkatsu=pork cutlets) after my workout and bat, come back to my station, Shinozaki, and eat at the Cheap Chinese Chain Choint above McDonalds.

Well it is fairly obvious I didn't make it to Bamiyan, by the photo you WILL see on your monitor. After all, what kind of host would I be if I ignored the latest guestburger, arriving today all the way from... you guessed it: Hawaii!

This burger has an interesting flavour that I cannot quite place. Egg-on-face (of burger) is nothing new to this seasoned burger/deli afficionado. But the sauce... it leaves one pondering life with the eyeballs up and to the left in the eyesockets.

Slightly but not at all coyingly sweet it left me thinking deeply about the foods and wondering exactly what the connection is. Just because the flavour is subtle and unknown to me does not mean there is a connection. I mean one might expect slices of pineapple or poi or even dolphin perhaps, in between the patties, but one would be mistaken.

I look forward to getting Matt's take on this mysterious proteinaceous neo-bovine guestburger and hope that he might perchance be able to shed some light on this burger's unplaceable gustatory sensation.

I McLove You!
(OK Sis, give it to me...)

Cam Gib Eht


  1. So... that's an EGG on top of it?


    But better than pineapple...ew...

  2. We have an Aussie burger (at hungry jacks - BK for you american type peeps) and it has egg and beetroot in it.

    Our hawaiian burgers have pineapple, lettuce and chicken.

  3. I am going to say two words... FOOD INC. and if you read the book, OR see the movie I guarantee to you that you will no longer ponder the "secret sauce" but instead will ponder how the FUCK can they say this is 100% beef..... or you will understand that way before the ever so long and grotesque AND chemical processing of it... long long ago, the poor bovine that this meat was taken from, might have been a cow, sure, but it too was pumped full of hormones and antibiotics making it less cow and more chemical compounds...

    Oh and I wonder is the sauce teriyaki perhaps?

    I am going to have to go ahead and throw out the DOUBLE DOG DARE, for you to read the books I suggested...... I promise you, it will make you think before you order there again... UGH!!! you stubborn male you!! LOL

  4. And if that`s an egg I`m a Thai ladyboy!

  5. It IS an egg, Steve! You know how they cook an egg in those little round ...framethingies so they are perfect for the bun or english muffin, or bagel... and they don't fry them they mocro cook them, giving it that artificial look... so apetizing... kinda sorta ;-)

    I've added egg to ground beef with onions and peppers as sort of an omeletty type thingy.
    Nice source of extra protein and very yummy!

    And what's this Thai Ladyboy thing?

    So THAT'S where you got the NiceButt moniker

  6. NEVER order the Hawaiian hamburger! Do you want Samuel L. Jackson to shoot you in the face, or something?!?!

  7. OMG!!!


    Never saw that movie and now i know why!
    They make it seem so innocuous with that ubiquitous dance sequence, when it's actually a blood bath!!!

    Gonna need some deep breathing to get to sleep now.


  8. I have a craving for poached eggs right at this moment.

    I don't even like eggs and if I have to have them, I'll have the scrambled - poached being the worst way to have them.

    What the hell...

  9. Sorry Jen, but I did preface the video by saying Samuel L. Jackson will shoot you in the face.

    That said, there is a sort of moral emptiness to Tarantino's films, as entertaining as they are....

  10. Yeah, and i was ready for that one guy .
    Then i kept thinking they'd leave, but nooo... LOL!

  11. if it`s an egg WHERE`s the yolk? Huh? Tell me that miss smartypants

  12. It's there... you can see it just barely under that gloppy sauce!

    Look closely! It's the sauce that's probably the yucky part. I don't like ketchup on my eggs so any other sauce would be equally YUCK!

  13. As it goes, I don`t think I want to get too close to it!

  14. Maybe your pregnant! LOL that happens sometimes.. you know, you get the cravings...

  15. Yea, it might jump up and take his nose off Jen... then what would you do? Oh wait, you could go there nurse him back to health, and then some.... :-)

    My mind is utterly "twisted" this morning and I have decided today to post my random thoughts, in my replies.... watch OUT.

  16. Paula I am not ignoring you. I have yet had time to find the book is all. Please give me more time.

  17. Since your in Japan, and busy... and all that stuff, I will be lenient... but not so much so that I won't remind you every time you tease me with a big old funky nasty looking burger that claims to be beef... Yes, your going to hear it from me every time, but I also know you like to get my blood pressure up.... LOL So i don't plan you to stop teasing me anytime soon....LOL

  18. Give to him, P!!!

    The Wanker's always teasin me...

    Like that Nicey Guy... only he calls it waggin me.

    I would like to visit his island paradise and nurse his nose back to health... after the burger bite... or his frostbite from surfing and diving IN THE WINTER!!!
    Foolish Boyz!!!

  19. That`s the second time my nose has come up in conversation today!

  20. I got yer nose, Steve!

    and your back and any other various and sundry parts.

  21. Good to hear my various and sundry bits are in good hands, Jen

    I have to tell you, it`s a mighty fine specimen of a nose! ;~}

  22. I wouldn't know, Steve since the only pics of you are teeny tiny!!!

    But i know from noses... and, i've been with enough Jewish men (or boys) to gain quite an appreciation of all their "parts".... hehehe...

  23. I`m acclimatising you slowly. I`m not sure you handle full exposure ;~}

  24. Oooo...

    Full frontal Nicey!

    Me likey!!!

  25. Oh... my... Jen, you went "there"..... LMAO, but I can confirm she is indeed correct...!!!

  26. You know me, Paula... very weak filter...

    Whatever's in my brain comes spilling out eventually... LOL!

  27. And here I thought I was the only one with that problem ...

  28. Although I am trying to figure out how my wanking Cam about his ingesting "fake beef" suddenly went to the topic of Jewish men and Magnums? LMAO....

  29. OMG!!!

    I'm not touching that... nope...

  30. I unceremoniously, without thinking left out the all important "with" as in wanking with or screwing with, or messing with.... yea the WITH would have been important to remember in this case.... yea very important. (blushing)

    Now I am going to extricate the foot from my mouth, and delicately with as much grace as I can muster, and exit stage left... going out for a nice LONG run to get some of this mischief mind out if by nothing more than sheer exhaustion....

  31. Although, before I GO... I can not help but note that you very cleverly got the attention diverted from the other "topic" of that post.... with exceptional craftiness, and dare I elude to ummmm "skill".....

  32. Have a good one, P!!!

    I can see you giggling down the road...hehehehe...

  33. It's his forte, Paula.

    He's a talker, this one.
    I guess the Universe sent him to fill in the gaps left by Cam's time diff and new busier schedule.

    They're equally... troublesome though.
    But both so cute they get away with it.

  34. Paula was talking to me? I know I have ` skill `, but I have NO idea how the topic turned to Jewish men and magnums; you`ll have to ask that Jen.

  35. Wait... it was Paula who talked about your nose being bit off by tha nasty burger...

    Yeah... she did it... yeah... that's the ticket!
