Monday, February 1, 2010

Four for the Price of One!

I just got home. It's 4:20am.

Stuffing my face with sausages, eggs, sauteed vegetables and steamed other vegetables. I think I'll skip my triple espresso this morning, have a shower, shave, then hit the sack and get up again in... about an hour and a half?

The third best part of the entire adventure (eight hours on the train that normally takes two hours) was that they gave us ALL free cab rides to our homes. Can you imagine how much THAT must have cost? For me to go from Shinjuku to here by cab was $100!!!! Wow. But that's not the BEST part.

AND.... another fantastic thing (i.e. the second best part) was that I had a great long talk with the cab driver all the way home. We talked about buddhism, the Dalai Lama, China business, the food industry, Toyota, and so much more. He lived in China for five years and worked managing a food company over there that exports the foodproducts back to Japan. Very cool guy. We stopped at a Seven Eleven so I could get some food (the good food was all out thus I'm eating now) but I bought him (and myself) a can of hot coffee. We drove, talked and sipped coffee all the way back!

The best part was that I rode back with a woman heading in my direction and we chatted all the way back! Finally I said to her, "Well, out of this long ride, a really good thing is I got to meet a new person: you. My name's Cameron."

She introduced herself as Maya, and just as she was leaving gave me her business card as she got out and said good night.

So there you go! I only had to stay in the train for eight hours to meet someone new, have an amazing conversation with a former businessman cab driver, and get a free $100 cab ride all the way to my front door.

What an awesome deal!! You can't beat that!

Have a great day. Mine starts very soon... but first I must get these vegetable fibres out from between my teeth.

And maybe I WILL make that bedtime triple espresso to help me sleep.



P.S. I got to eat the first snow I saw this year as well. So I carried on an annual tradition. Four for the price of one.


  1. Unexpected encounters, like that, almost always turn into wonderful adventures, whichi we remember for a lifetime. Cherish yours. You can sleep tonight.

  2. Sounds like a perfect day ootnaboot!

  3. Very cool experience. Although i KNEW you'd find the fun and adventure in it all.

    I only worried about your stomach. OY!

    I KNOW how YOU get when you go hungry for too long...YIKES!!!

    Glad no small animals crossed your path or that there was no one on the train with some little foofy dog.
    That poor thing would have been a goner!


  4. I still have two cans of coffee.... I'm saving them.

    not sure for when... but I am. :)

  5. Stefnee - for when the cows come home!

  6. I love how you get all the positives out of an experience.

    Anyone else would have bitched about the 8 hour wait.

    Love you, Cam!!!

  7. I hope you get some sleep tonite... but what an adventure! Sounds incredible!

  8. Did I ever share with you about London? I think I did? I had a whacked up experience but in the end I made a friend, we shared a glass of wine, and it all turned out well... fortuitous encounters are always the reward for staying positive and finding the silver lining!

  9. I luv your outlook on life and your sense of adventure. So glad you finally got home and something to eat. You can always catch up on the sleep sooner or later. "Like crash on the couch". LOL
