Saturday, March 6, 2010

I really need to come up with something to write about. I'm afraid that [correction] --> MY <-- new friend Eddie, thinks I might be some sort of blogger who just pops in here and there, and leaves little comments, but never writes anything of substance. If only he knew how much I have written in the past...


  1. I was just thinking along those lines just last night.
    Not so much regarding Eddie.
    Just..... i miss CammyMou.

  2. The problem is that with the scheduling, and being indoors all the frikkin time, I just can't seem to find my "shangrila" here that was sooo inspiring in Fukui.

    It may also be that for the first time in years, my "inner me" is finally at peace. I've been thinking about that a lot these days, yanno. I have noted that when people are not settled inside, they tend to do a lot of blogging. That was me for four years. However, finally now that I am through those difficult years, my inner me feels really at peace, and is content to be in a "quiet period".

  3. Just thinking....

    I'm not at all settled, and yet i am totally blocked.
    I don't like to write about being unsettled and since there is little else going on with me ... nuthin to write about, yanno?

    Glad you've found your peace.

  4. You? Blocked? You've been posting up a storm these last few weeks, and month!!! It may not have been "original thought" but you have been one of the regulars these days, so much so that I've been rather amazed at how much you have been posting.

  5. Yes but it's been less than positive.
    Haven't posted anything in over a week, if you've noticed... not since my "Utterly Depressing" which was...

  6. I hear both of ya. I used to blog a lot then had so much trouble with mult that I got frustrated and didn't dare even try. Now it seems to be working fine again and I can't think of anything worth talking about that's positive cause life just sucks right now.

    That's cool that you're at peace, Cam. Hope I get there some day.

  7. You should read his pearl polishing blog.......... it's very good, and very informative. LMAO... I think you two (Eddie) compliment one another quite well....

    But we miss you Cam, but understand your living life to the fullest...

  8. Good idea, P.

    It'd be nice to have another MAN'S views on Eddie's sex blogs.

    And Cam, like Eddie, is very much in tune and respectful of women's needs characters.

  9. Jen - "haven't posted anything in over a week"... not true! Every quick thought counts these days since many people write their "blogs" as their "quick comments". And THOSE you have been posting like crazy! I've seen a couple of those a day for the past week.

  10. Actually, just four in the past week. But that's pretty good i guess, since i've vowed to only post positive thoughts.
    Have a good weekend, C!

  11. I miss your blogging. However, I understand where you are right now. I wrote last week or so about the need to return to blogging.
    Then again...peace is a good place to be at. :-)
    Love you my Brother.

  12. New Friend? I've been friends with Eddie since the 360 days.... Actually.. I think I've known him longer than YOU, Wouk!

    Wow... that's a long time.

  13. Uh uh! Nope. Not from this point of reference lol.

  14. I know personally I write to sort out my thoughts and emotions, when I know others won't listen in my "physical life"... so there is truth to some of what you type...

  15. I like to *get to know people* before I start blogging, and that is only because I am shy, busy, and *at peace* with myself. Don't be judgemental my friend.

  16. Well maybe your life is a bit busier now , and soon you will be more settled and will write again.

  17. Stefnee - There. Fixed it. He's new to me, I think.

  18. He thinks... hehehe...
    You're so cute, Mou!

    A brat...
    A stinker...

    Major Poopiehead...

    But cute...

    As a button!
