Sunday, March 14, 2010

Goodbye Hello

It is a grey, overcast day here in Kobuchizawa; the kind of day where a blue-eyed fellow might feel the need for sunglasses just to take the edge off the squint. The kafun or cedar pollen seems not as bad today as my eyes are not itchy. But we aren't out of the water yet for I do sence a touch of stuffiness that has come upon me since arriving.

I am just over halfway through the 14th Cadfael medieval crime story... it is the last book I have. I don't know how many more there actually are but I presume I shall be saying a prayer for our good monk Cadfael on the train ride home tonight as I close the book on this chapter of his life and ponder the next series of about 25 books that have also been in my collection since about 1991...

Dragon Ball!

The first one had me laughing at the stupid antics so much even though I could not read it at that time that I decided to collect a bunch and keep them for the future, when I could read them.

And guess what?

The future is NOW!

I love you!



  1. 20:50... I just finished the last book in my possession. It was spectacularly written, expressing the evils of mankind in such a deep way as to leave you blinking...

  2. Glad you enjoyed it, Sweety. Is that the series that Darrell gave you?
    You are such a voracious reader.
    So... what next?

    What's next for me right NOW, is heading up to Sue's. She got us guest passes to some exclusive fitness center and we're going solely to use the hot tub, sauna, and maybe the pool.

    Trying to melt away some of the stress of the past month or two... though i have been feeling a lot better lately.... you know?

  3. Wow! That must have been a fabulous read! Get your yum, hon... lol... It's gotta come from somewhere.;)

  4. Courtney - They started off really good, got a little lame around #8, but then picked up again and the rest were stupendous! It really was good to get to know the characters over a 10 or so character year span.

    Jen - Yes, it was. And it was great! Now I'm wondering if I should dare google this series and find out that the author wrote another... 15 books. With paperbacks these days costing $15 or so, I'd hate to find out that I have to shell out that much just to read the rest of them until she decided to retire Cadfael...

    If anybody wants this series, I will be happy to post it along to you. Just paypal me for the postage and it's yours!

  5. Any chance she's on Kindle?
    Wouldn't THAT be awesome. You wouldn't have to have a bunch more books crowding your shelves!
    Had a GREAT day at the gym.. and my pass is good til the end of the month! That's two more Mondays, plus maybe we'll hit it some other days or evenings. They don't close til midnight!It's a HUGE, awesome place!
    Now i'm stoked and hungry... again! Ate lunch there, but.....guess my metabolism's been charged.

    Hope you have a great Tuesday, Sweety!
    Thanks again for the great chat yesterday!
