Sunday, March 28, 2010

Continually Amazed & Delighted

It never ceases to amaze and delight me...

The variety of edible fungi in Japan takes mushrooms to an entirely new level of culinary ... fungigasmic heights!

From left front, clockwise we have:






And there are several other varieties as well that were not in the supermarket today such as:

Matsutake (quite expensive)
Regular Mushrooms (brown and white)

And others, whose names I cannot recall.

They are all delicious, even the variety that go all slimy and goopy when you cook them so it is a pleasure to do my weekly shopping and stock up for my meals!


  1. Drowning himself in the English Channel, to get away from "da horra" that stuck in his mind after innocently opening this blog?

  2. I hope he finds you and smacks you with his nightstick... hehehe...

    It's a good thing you're cute.
    A poopiehead...
    but cute... sigh... Men!

  3. I LOVE mushrooms! A sign of spring.... funny and very true story. My mother was out picking Morel mushrooms back in Iowa. While picking she went into labor with me, she kept picking as long as she could, went to the hospital and had me. Just as soon as she was back home she put me in a sling, and went out again to pick mushrooms.

    So in essence picking mushrooms was one of my first "outings". LOL It was a family tradition... for years and years. My grandmother and aunts, mother would go out in spring and pick bushels of them. We would have them all year, because they would dry them in the oven. BUt we would also treat ourselves to them fried in butter... OMG... fresh morels this way are DIVINE.

  4. LOL! Paula, well no wonder you love them... How else could you feel about something you been involved with since you were in the womb?!? ;-)

  5. No kidding.... and for those wondering, YES my parents were totally hippies..... that is why I am the way I am..

  6. Oh yeah... that makes sense now...

    Hippie freaks were prolly smokin them 'shrooms too... LOL!!!!!!!

  7. Not those... they are far to tasty to wasty.....

    But something like that, probably......

  8. * sigh *

    Is this the BEST you can do, Cam? Come the Revolution, Comrade, you`ll be first against my wall.

    In the mean time, lets hope this:

    `` A woman died from poisoning after eating death cap mushrooms she mistook for field mushrooms, (via @bbcnews) ``

    doesn`t happen to you, eh.

    Have a nice day :~D

  9. Steve, those look nothing like morels, but even so, you really have to know your botany before you venture into the woods to pick anything.... that is just common sense, really. But its amazing ... because like I always say, common sense isn't all that common. LOL

  10. Like this, Steve

    hehehehe... Get em Officer Nicey!

  11. Jen - Good one! The perfect photo to put up here! Hey... isn't NBD a BRITISH cop? Unless I am mistaken, they don't carry firearms, except under certain situations... So unless our buddy belongs to some crack secret agency, or protection unit, or ... um.... anti-terrorist unit or something like that, likely he won't have a bullet to put into my back, and instead will have to either tazer me to death (Steve - do you guys have tazers... tasers in the UK like the cops in the USA do? I don't know), or rub poisonous mushrooms all over me and let me writhe in a slow, anguishing painful death until I start to sprout nonsense...

    I love you!

    And I cooked one of the mushrooms for breakfast and lunch today. MMmmm mmm goood! Like Paula says. Mushrooms are delicious!

    Of course, being Canadian, I'd lend him the latex gloves I keep in that blue denim HippyDippy Doraemon Pocket of mine, so that he himself doesn't suffer mushroom poisoning.

    NBD - I don't pick them off the ground, I buy them in a supermarket. I'm safe.

    Thanks, Jen! Jove & Hegs!

  12. Cam...

    "N"BD... not M...

    Did you do that on purpose?You're such a smartass!

  13. Oh... I wish I wish I wish I WISH we could get that many varieties of 'shrooms here!!

    Just... button. And occasionally portabella.

    Pfft. Kansas.

  14. Stef, they have Asian markets here... supermarkets even...that have that many and more.
    They have stuff that's not recognizable!
    Come on and visit and take home a bushel full.

    Or if i can send them i will... what kind do you like?
    It's all fungus to me! Ew!

  15. And you trust the pickee? More fool you.

  16. I like them all!! There's an asian market in wichita... I went into it once... and nothing was in english. Not even the people.... I shoulda made Cam come with me.

  17. I know!
    When i went to the one near me i was wishing i had him along.
    There were names... in English even, but i still had NO idea what i was looking at with a lot of it.

  18. I know... I thought.. "I need a translator just to tell me HOW to use this..."

    it was intimidating.

  19. Ewww... i saw that too... kept walking!

  20. cold beer, with lots of head, and a great deal of carbonation...

  21. LOTS of head.

    I see that Osaka-san (Zeniya) and I weren't able to persuade you of the pleasures of giving a deliciously foamy, fruity, tasty head on your beer... Oh well. Maybe next time. Maybe next time.. I wonder if his restaurant is still Zeniya or if he actually DID change it to something new like he was planning....

  22. We are still talking about beer?

  23. NBD - I wanted to ask you... many Brits prefer beer that is warmer, and has less carbonation that ... than the rest of the world. Which do you prefer?

  24. You have a real misconception about Brits, eh Cam.

    I go for an ice cold Victoria Bitter or Tiger Beer.

  25. Actually, my British friends come over here expecting it to be not as good as their home beer (long beer culture over there in Great Britain), and are quite surprised by how good it really is. But, in the end, they usually say that when they want to drink "real beer" they go for the stuff that tends to have less carbonation, and thus, less white foamy stuff on top.

    So, what kind of Meat Pie are you having for dinner?

    Jen - Come to Japan. I'll re-educate you on beer. The USA is FINALLY learning what real beer is like with the microbreweries popping up, but it's really hard to say that the major breweries produce a really quality beer over there.

  26. Oh, and Canadian beer sucks the sweat off a dead moose's balls.

  27. I only drink private and micro brews, Mou.
    There are hundreds of them here now... for the last ten to fifteen years.
    The pub i go to regularly brews its own named Hailey's after the Pub and after his daughter.

  28. I still don't like head.........

    on beer......


  29. They didn`t have beards and wear woolly jumpers by any chance, did they?

    `` So, what kind of Meat Pie are you having for dinner? ``

    Ones without meat in; I`m veggie, dude.

  30. He knows that, Steve...
    He's just being a brat!

    As usual!!!

    Steff said it before...He's relentless!

    But i know his schedule... he's probably off to work now...

    Wanna trash his place whilst he's gone?

  31. Water off a duck`s back, Jen.

  32. Oh i'm sure...

    We're all used to Cammy...

    And we even still love him! LOL...

    Go figure!

  33. Not to mention you can do your faisr share of "waggin", Mr. NiceButt!

  34. I LOVE beer, but it LOVE'S me back far too much, and tends to try to stick around for a long term commitment on my ass, thighs and belly.... SO..... I tend to skip it, and drink the more fickle red wine, that loves em and leaves em..... ;-)
