Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Outdoor Lunch

It is Sooooooo nice to get outside and eat my lunch. Even though the wind nearly blew it off the bench, the simple pleasure of getting direct sunlight on my skin is heaven. Sure my hair is probably getting easier to style as the wind blows dirt particles into it, but easy styling is a good thing!

Sure the dust is attached to cedar pollen that will have my nose running and me sneezing all afternoon, but clearing out the nasal cavity is a good thing!

It is worth it.

I miss Fukui.

Apparently the sakura are likely to suddenly all blossom today and tomorrow so I imagine this weekend will be when everyone gets their best hanami drunk on under the trees about the city.

Tonight Im off to the gym, the bath, the katsu dinner and then I think I'll walk home instead of taking the train to my station. I did that Tusday and Wednesday and it was nice to be outside.

Enjoy YOUR spring and all the little pleasures that go with the season.

I love you!



  1. The pollen is KILLING me this year, but the weather today was soooooo fabulous. So. Fabulous. I am so so so happy to have WARM breezes!

    Ok, so breezes = Winds of Doom and Lunch Thievery, but they're WARM winds!!!! ;o) I was beginning to think my joints were never gonna stop aching :oP

    Happy Spring, Cammalicious!

  2. You know Jaime, after you move to another base when you talk about how harsh the living conditions are here on the body... nobody is going to believe you! They will all say "9h we get really bad humidity here, too..." but how many people can say that the humidity makes their entire body continually exhausted and the joints perpetually ache!? Not to mention the pollen... I'm sorry you got sensitized... it gets worse every year once that happens...

    Let's get together for coffee!!!!!

    I love you!


  3. My allergies are killing me too, as everything that is lovely and yellow and blooming right now also puts me to tears (literally) with the sneezing, itchy eyes... etc. SO I used to take a great seasonal medicine called Zyrtec but unfortunately it disagrees with my heart now, and causes it to have strange PAC episodes so I can't take it. Or most others for the very same reason... SO I am going holistic and just got done ordering some local raw unpasteurized honey. It's bee keeper is just about 10 miles from me so it should have plenty of the local pollen in it. I know that It might take a year to really see the benefits but what other choice to I have?
