Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sayonara Sapporo!

I'm back in Tokyo, safe and sound but feeling a bit ill ... a lot ill from lack of food. It always happens with flying no matter how well I try to plan it or what I bring... the timing is such that the time between big meals is simply too large and snacks dont to the trick. It's nothing new but still it is not pleasant feeling "so hungry I could puke". So I got off the bus at Ichinoe Stn which is three subway stations from home and instead of going home directly I came to Saizeriya for dinner.

Today's accomplishments were the Sapporo Clock Tower which was built 128 years ago and still keeps perfect time. Then it was off to a seafood restaurant to enjoy the famous ricebowl dish of tons of fish eggs, sea urchin, sashimi and more on a big bowl of vinegar rice (reduced to a teeny bit of rice just for me).

I went back to the hotel and when I came out of the subway there was a snow flurry going on! The train to the airport was delayed about 30 minutes to the wind (Tokyo would have been gridlocked and shut down in such flurries). The plane was also delayed and it took us some time to taxi on the runway. But we made it.

So now it is time to eat, head home, shower and go to bed. Thanks for coming along and see you next time.

I love you!


  1. That building looks like any western one here in NA. Is it a church ... museum?
    The food.... um... hope YOU liked it!

    OMG... there's my SkinnyWhiteBoy! Lookin good, Mou... as usual... so cute! ;-)

    Seems you had a great time. I'm so glad, Sweety. One more day tomorrow, right?
    Sleep well, Sweety.
    I love you!

  2. It was a schoolhouse back in the day. And they had a lot of foreign teachers mainly from the east coast areas teaching agriculture-related stuff. It was originally built as a military training center/school house. The clock is made by a US company. The museum was cool. Back 120 years ago they had everyone study all the stuff in English, if you can believe it. Some notebook samples were there of all the stuff they studied... in English. Very interesting. All these students went on to do great things for Hokkaido, Sapporo and more. They were the movers and shakers of their time.

    Shower time. night.

  3. For goodness sake. What IS that in that bowl? I can see eyes!

    No wonder you`re feeling ill from lack of food!

  4. NBD - It's a shrimp. and this was one fantastic meal!

    May I offer you a shrimp with eyeballs, some fish, and mushrooms, my friend? Or would you prefer to step back into the 70s and subsist on scotch eggs and chutney?

  5. Ewww...

    When i went with Nikki and Tom to the sushi restaurant they bring the shrimp out like that only LIVE... or just killed so the antennae are still moving...ew ew ewwww!
    I fight with Steve about how he eats, but i'm with him on this one.
    Is anything there COOKED???

  6. Nope. it was all raw. Well, the little slices of dashi-maki tamago (egg) were cooked, and the rice beneath was so, but other than that, ALL FRESH, RAW, and FULL OF HEALTHY PARENT OMEGA FATTY ACIDS that have not been denatured by heat.

    Well, Steve is nice, but dim....

  7. Heynow!!!
    Thass my Bud, yer talkin bout... and ME since i agree with him... raw food... ew!

    That means you think me dim, Sir...

    Them's fightin words, Yo!

    Why do you think the caveman invented fire???

  8. Hey, Mou... you look even thinner than usual in that picture... you fading away on me?
    I can already wrap my arms around you twice!

    Whattup wit dat, yo?

  9. No, actually I am 1kg more than usual.

    And I was refering to his usual eating style that you argue over with him, or so you said, unless I was reading that wrong.

    The caveman invented fire so that they could smoke cloves.

  10. That is sooo funny. I agree with Jen, that food looked discusting, go back to eating hamburgers Cam, better for you. LOL

  11. You made me choke on my cookie!



  12. Dude, I have NO idea where you get your idea of Brit food from, but I can assure you, I`ve not eaten a scotch egg since I was seven.

    Chutney? I like a nice cheese `n PICKLE sarnie............ will that do you?

  13. LOL!!!

    Brits say "Dude"???

    Who knew?

    You're both doofuses... but cute! ;-)

  14. Yeah......... I`ll hold my hand up and say I ain`t the sharpest tool in the box, but at least I don`t eat stuff that`s still got it`s eyes attached. Not to mention what looks like a poop filled digestive tract.

    Still I`m sure you enjoyed it.

  15. I HAVE explained why I eat what I do ;~}

  16. Not all of us, but I`ve been around a bit ;~}

  17. It's prolly the surfer dude thing.

    Right.... Dude?

  18. NBD - The goopy poopy stuff is actually pretty darn good, though a bit slimy....

  19. Have to take your word for that. Poop is not something I eat a lot of, I have to say.
