Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Good Lunch

Ahhhhh... I just finished my lunch:

hamburger meat with onions
basil sausages
nanking pumpkin
pickled/salted chinese cabbage
miso soup
camembert cheese

Mmmm mm mmmmm mmmm mmmmmmmmmm


  1. ....natto....

    Take that out and then we'll think about mm mm mm mm mmm ;-)

    Have a good rest of your day, Mou!

  2. It was nice and goopy. I had to lick it and slurp it off the cellophane wrapper.

    Have you ever noted how the edible mold on the camembert and brie cheeses smell a lot like semen? Well, if you warm it up in a microwave or frypan that scent disappears. It works for Emmental cheese (swiss) as well.

    That was Cam's One Point Cooking Lesson. Even a vegetarian who consumes dairy and eggs might appreciate it.

  3. Oy Cam... gag reflex activated. I don't want to think of THAT when I eat cheese, please.......

  4. Even more reason not to like those goopy, mold encrusted stink pods...


  5. I think of a boys gym sock, all crusty and gross crammed behind their bed... LOL Eewwww...

  6. I used to wear mine until they went hard... My dad finally caught me.

  7. Nah, it's when women get talking about their sex toys that we get into T.M.I.

    I'm all for T.M.I. if you want to know the truth.

    Hell, you show me yours, and I'll show you mine!

  8. Sex... fine!
    You should go to Eddie's blog on Fridays... it gets intense!

    Disgustingly rancid socks...*gag*... too gross for discussion ;-)

    Aren't you at work?

    hmmmmm... Slacker!

  9. Yeah, smelling vaguely of semen ;~}

    Cam Ive never gotten close enough to runny camembert to be able to identify the smell.

  10. Hah!!! I love that Steve and i are grossed out by many of the same things.

    Except for that little... um...meat issue... we're perfect for each other, Nicey! ;-)

  11. Then if you ever make it to Japan for a visit, and I hope you will, I promise I will not serve you camembert, brie, natto or semen!

  12. OMG!
    Thanks, Mou!

    Just spurted eggs and bacon on the keyboard!!!

    You are such a Brat.
    When...yeah, when nof if... i get there you have got such a*PINCH* comin!
    It's a good thing i love you...

    Although... where did i read about some... company? person? lunatic... that was using semen in recipies?

    Some people just don't know where to draw the line.... ewwww...

    Time and place, People... there's a time and place for everything. And it's not in cuisine!!!

  13. Probably the McDonalds in America.... (I'm still hoping Paula sends me that book she wants me to read...)

  14. Noooo... Cameron!

    I think Eddie posted it. it was gross... one recipe was for a smoothie... OMG... so gross!

  15. Wow.... Good thing I don't visit his blogs then. I'd be tossing my cookies and losing all my nutrition! And I can't afford to do that...

  16. Oh, but you said you enjoy sex discussions as you never think there's TMI...

    His blogs might be considered so by some, but actually it's JEI...Just Enough Info!

    The comments section is where it really heats up...whew!

    More men should visit, cuz Eddie's women friends (he's like you... more women than men contacts) give a lot of information men could learn from... not you as you and he are some of the more enlightened ones but there's a lot of guys out there with some crazy ideas about how we women work.

    We set em straight, yo!

  17. Good idea! I'll send all my Republican friends his way.

    Heading to bed. Night.

    I love you!

  18. Natural Harvest is the name of the book, and it was on Eddie's blog.

  19. Get it on your Kindle, there are quiet a few, a couple of good ones are called Food Inc. and another is Fast Food Nation. Very eye opening reads....

  20. Hey...
    I heard about a documentary film on NPR today that is thought to be the logical follow up to Food Inc.
    I haven't read Food Inc. Yet and the film is coming to NYC soon or is available for screenings by groups, i think, so i'll likely see it first.

    It sounds fascinating and features farmers and others who are making a difference and producing food (including meat, thank God) in a more humane and sustainable and SAFE way.
    the farmer they interviewd raises cattle in VA in an unsuual way, with NO grain and rotating pastures that more mimics the way natural herbivores grazed and at in the wild... i gues it makes for a better product, but i didn't get whether they meant milk or meat.

    I'm going to check it out so here's a link so you guys can too...


    I'm just looking at it now too so i don't know much more about it than you at this point.
    Let me know what you think.

  21. Jen, cows who graze naturally and don't eat grain tend to have more of the essential fatty acids our body's are devoid of. The meat has more 3's than 6's I think? That is how they explain it in Food Inc. Cows were not meant to be grain fed, but were meant to eat pasture land. For eons that is how it was done, until a farmer who had little room and the inability to rotate started feeding grain to his beef cows, and they got fat faster and it was a cheap alternative to buying more land.

    It is all very interesting when you do start digging in, and it will change forever how you shop, and you will think before you buy food products. For real....

  22. P - It's when they start feeding the cows beer that things get really interesting.

    Honestly, I don't like Aussie beef. None of the beef they import into Japan, anyway. US beef tastes the best, however they are grain fed for the most part.

    And yes, this is why it is so hard for us to get the right balance of Parent Essential oils in even our meats these days, because most of the meat we heat has been "processed" while still alive by force feeding them that which makes them fat and tasty quickly. Then we cook it and kill off what ever little is less.

    So, I've been taking the PEOs for a long time.

  23. It's very good practice. I started back on the YES btw, and have gotten Reed on them too. He is less than a month so far on them, but so far so good.

    There is no comparing them, I tried another (cheaper) brand that had the same oils but its just not the same blend or something because I don't have the same results. I crave carbs far less on the YES, and I can tell a few other key differences. I will go without a lot of other things now and pay the extra for the YES brand.

    Thinking of trying the new mineral supplements too when I run out of my current daily multi. Do you take those?

  24. I have been taking the minerals and the herbals for 10 years. I would never go without them as they really do complete my nutrition package. If you can afford, then give them a try.

  25. Well, I searched for "Natural Harvest" on Amazon and got no results with that name. However... Amazon DID return the following titles to me...

    "The Semen Book"
    "How to eat stinky pussy"
    "Images of Bliss: Ejaculation, Masculinity, Meaning"
    "How to raise your IQ by eating gifted children" <-- interesting!
    "The Big Coloring Book of Cocks"
    "The Big Coloring Book of Vaginas"

    and a few other boring cookbooks...

    The Bastards!!! You know what? I looked at BOTH of those other books... I CAN get them as a Kindle download. But you know what? They charge MORE for the download than the paperback hard copy! GAH!

    I bought my Kindle to decrease the volume of books in my home, and also to slightly lower the prices of the books I purchase. I don't want to be stocking up on electronic books that cost MORE than the hard copies.... If this is a new trend I'm going to have to start looking for free books only for my kindle. (actually I already have 75 classics downloaded to my kindle for free... but they are things like "War & Vaginas" and stuff like that. And at 1400 pages... well, I don't know how soon I'll GET to books like that.

  26. Google it, I am sure it will come up. There is a photo of Flan on the cover. Makes me NEvER want to eat flan again....LOL
