Monday, December 6, 2010

Easing the Strain on Globalized Love

I bring good tidings...

I just came back from the post office after mailing the first wave of my Christmas gifts around the world. When I mentioned the 454g / 1lb weight of the one Im sending to the tallgrass plains I was told that...

As of Dec 1st the restrictions to the USA have been "eased". Now it is possible to send larger parcels but with certain restrictions.

That is OK by me and this year everything going out is a teeny token of love and appreciation to my friends so each parcel came in well under the wire.

Just thought you might like to know as this news doews not seem to make it to the general public over there.

Happy Tuesday!

I love you!


  1. I had no idea there was a weight restriction coming in at all to begin with?? Guess I have been out of the parcel loop for sometime! LOL

  2. Paula - Almost nobody over there knows that! Even Bev, Seagoddess, who is a letter carrier had no idea. She checked with her supervisors and even they didn't know! It's all about "keeping the terrorists guessing by not informing the public" that seems to be the choice method these days employed by the TSA and Homeland Security.

  3. Its a load of CRAP! We should be able to get a package of whatever size we desire. Is that just US mail? Can you still ship larger via freight if needed? Curious?

  4. During the restricted time Fedex etc were allowed to ship... but not the post. Fedex puts everything through customs and they cost both testicles to use from Japan so the average eunuch cannot use their services.
