Saturday, December 11, 2010

God runs an awesome jazz bar!

God must be an awesome Snogger!


  1. That's the name of the Jazz bar! God's Jazz Bar. I'm serious!

  2. I see god as more of a folk music kind of geezer, myself.

  3. OMG!!!

    Coughing now for SURE!!!

    Damn you, Steve!
    It's a good thing i love you!

  4. If God can have that awesome white beard that he always shows up with, he's gotta be a geezer!

  5. Steve tells me they call all guys geezers....
    Sort of like the way we say "dudes".

    It's still hysterical when he says it! ;-D

  6. It's sort of a London thing. To be fair I probably use it more than most people.

  7. So, does that mean you & I are geezers?

  8. Yeah........... blerks are geezers ;~}

  9. That IS interesting, Thanks. I can see "guiser" as dressing up and being someone you aren't (or "odd"), but "to geeze" as a slang for "shooting heroine, morphine" or even older "a drink of liquor" (a "shot" of liquor?). I NEVER would have picked up on that.

  10. Ahhh you're both a cuppla weird geezers!

  11. I still want to know why they call the club God.

    Catchy, i guess!

  12. * cough *

    You missed this: `` Whatever the context, ‘Geezer’ always retains an element of respect, and is not an offensive insult. ``

  13. That's why i added the qualifier "weird"....

    Youse are aaiight... but WEIRD yo!

  14. We have a club called God`s Kitchen in the UK. Well, it started as club, it`s way bigger now

  15. Hey! Cool! You gonna take me there... or should i ask Notty?
    He 's from Birmingham... and still has family there i think.

    I could go for a bit of "raving" or "moshing" even.... work off my frustrations, yanno?

  16. Sorry, I`d rather gnaw one of my feet off than go near Brum ;~}

  17. Well that's just one of the clubs... we can go to another.... right? :-)

    *she asks plaintively*

  18. Steve - Take her. Or you'll never hear the end of it.

  19. "Whatever the context, ‘Geezer’ always retains an element of respect, and is not an offensive insult."

  20. Cept when "I" add that you're a weirdo! So there!

  21. I have every intention of doing so, Cam. Just not to bleddy Birmingham!

  22. Excellent, Steve. Excellent! Just don't let her get caught up in any of those 1920s "geezers". Better to let her get into the late 19th century ones.

  23. Hey... you wouldn't be placating me would you, Sweety?

    hehehe... BrattyBrit..and Canuck!

  24. Was it the road to Golgotha/Calvary that was paved with good intentions? I can't quite recall...

  25. Wait! Was it "The road to Birmingham is paved with good intentions."? Is that it?

  26. We are NOT going to BLEDDY Birmingham!

  27. Ahhh.... natsukashii (it's been a long time), since she used that endearing tone to her voice for moi.

  28. That's cos i have my Stevie to drive me crazy full time Cam.

    He's a lot of work! hehehehe


  29. Who say's GOD is a MAN? White beard and all that is just one more MAN made interpretation, GOD is FEMALE, I am sure of it. LOL

  30. Does that mean all the Goddesses did not exist then? For if God was indeed female (and of course nobody will ever be able to prove or disprove that) it would make the term goddess irrelevent!

  31. Doesn't the Bible say that God created Adam in His image? It could be another falsification of truth by men looking for power. If so, then either Eve was actually Evan or the christian beliefe that homosexuality is an abberration is entirely wrong and that babies were born out of the love of two women (which we cant seem to duplicate in real life testing...)

    2.5hrs and Im still waiting my turn at the hospital as everyone with reservations goes first...

  32. Well in fact I don't believe GOD is any sex at all after all the higher power, has no need for sexual organs to reproduce as we do. If wished, it simply IS.

    We are created with the same energy as god or as I like to refer the higher power. I believe that is the truth that is implied, in the bible of us being "created" in his image. As for it just being Adam, that was how some old "geezer" wrote it down when he was re writing the bible, at the same time trying to classify women as less than man. Remember it used to only be gospels of lecture until someone decided to write it down. They took all those scrolls and wrote them into texts, leaving out conveniently the gospel written by some very key women hiding them away. They were of course later unsurfaced and known as a part of the "dead sea scrolls".

  33. Well, if God is going to run a bar....funny!

  34. Personally I think all those dead sea scrolls and the fantasies were embellishments of a prophet dude named Jesus and the storytellers were on some sort of heavenly Angle Dust. But who am I to say, eh? Maybe there really was a dude named God... *wink*

  35. They got it backwards due to dyslexia, what they really were trying to say was DOG, you know loyal, loving unconditionally, always there to cheer us up, walks right with us.... yes Dog, not God. They just missed that in editing.

  36. Chews the $700 shoes, throws up on the $3,000 persian rug, runs madly into the street almost being hit by a car and causes you to age 35.7years in 2 seconds, runs up $853 dollar vet bills, comes home after rolling in tons of fresh cam manure all happy and smiling... yes, Dog! With a capital D!

    I love you, Tug!

  37. Paula! You're so smart! It wasn't dyslexia... we were all reading it from left to right, when Japanese is read from right to left!

    It IS DOG!
