Friday, December 17, 2010

Santa IS White!

Last night after work, I was late.

I needed to leave the office about 18:00 to make it in time for a gathering (of 8) from the gym for a party that "Kyaron-Ojisan" had set up.

I didn't make it.

We have a big presentation with an overseas company next week Monday through Wednesday all day, each day and my job is to put the presentation together; however, one of the big bosses didn't do his job so I had to keep pushing, and waiting, and collecting data myself. Finally at 19:00 I got what I needed, printed out presentations for Monday morning, and left the office around 19:20.

I arrived at Funabashi station (different line, same direction) about 19:55 and emailed "Kyaron-ojisan" to let him know I had arrived (I told him about 18:00 I wouldn't make it in time for everyone to hold hands and walk to the restaurant together).

While I was waiting for him to come and get me (I didn't know where the restaurant - Chinese - was located) I found a little booth set up in the middle of the station milling grounds, selling ...

wooden cutting boards!

Yes, they looked lovely, and were expensive, and hand-made, but not something I really needed.

However (#2)...

Next to that booth was a little "Hakodate (Hokkaido) Christmas" Booth. As I needed to kill some time, I looked around at the decorations. Chinese of course, but what isn't these days, right?

Then the Santa caught my eye! Two of them, actually, standing side by side. On was all decked out in red with an ornate (plastic) staff, while the other was garbed entirely in white with a star-studded (plastic) staff. I chose the white one, and finagled my way down from 5,000 yen, to 2,000. Good deal!

Then I thought that since I only have a little christmas tree this year for Christmas (see photo below), I should also get myself a wreath to hang outside the door to my abode. So I did. And this wreath I haggled down 50% to about 1,500yen. Good deal!

The owner of the little booth wrapped them up for me, and put White Santa in a jumbo Christmas bag. As I carried it to and from the restaurant, everyone (and I DO mean everyone) was staring at this huge colourful bag I had tossed over my shoulder like a giant Christmas sack that Santa might carry (see photo below).


And that. is. that.

Have a Merry Christmas.

I love you!


Christmas 2010

P.S This is my Christmas this year. There are two wonderful parcels for me from my parents, and two for Mayu. Thanks Mom & Dad! I love you!! The Diesel bag is my Christmas present to Mayu.


  1. I have a similar Santa in deep red with gold bells in one hand and a gold bag slung over his shoulder with greens and pine cones brimming out of it.
    He's hollow so we sometimes use him as the tree topper.

    I love your all white one. Especially that star staff... so celestial!

  2. And so Chinese! Thanks, Jen. This guy's hollow, too. There is a giant paper cone stuck up his ass.

  3. Now here I was, thinking lovely thoughts about your beautiful white Santa, then you went and told about the cone up his ass. lol

  4. He's such a BRAT isn't he,Sally?


  5. That's actually a pretty good photo, if I do say so myself.

    Wait! I DO say so myself!

    Sometimes, I'm such a brat.
