Sunday, December 12, 2010

Rainy Shinjuku Day

Today is one of those rare days in Tokyo when the weather is not sunny. The atmosphere is subdued, things feel... muted. It is almost as if the blanket of wetness has put a damper on the energy and vitality of this lively megalopolis.

Tokyoites use umbrellas when it rains, which is the smart way to go.

Christmas approaches as is witnessed through the Christmas music playing at McDonalds, the lights in the store windows, the sales and discounts.

It is a nice day today, a rainy day. It's a good day for keeping the dust down.

Last Monday the muscles in my lower right quadrant of my abs feel as if they gave way. I had to stop all workouts that involved ab tension (which is a lot more than one might realize - triceps for example...). I took the week off hoping that maybe I just strained them, but I'm not so sure that is all that happened. In 1993 I had an emergency appendectomy so those muscles have always been a bit weaker than the other side. The week away from exercise didn't seem to help much as coughing actually hurts.

So tomorrow I guess I'll take off the morning and go to the hospital, stand in line and have a doctor reassure me that it is only strained muscles and not my intestines herniating their way through lining that has been compromised by the old war wound I have down there. I figure a week is long enough to wait and see so rather than leave it too long I'll head in for another life adventure!

Lifeis worth the odd operation here and there. I don't mind.

Have a great day.



  1. It doesn't appear to be a hernia but without an echo (12/24) the doc cant tell for sure if there might be the start of a hernia or not.

    Cost: 210 yen.

  2. Drat the socialist health care keeping a good man down! :oP

    Here's to hoping it's NOT a hernia - Ow!!!!

    Are you sposed to rest in the meantime?

  3. I couldn't do anything even if I wanted to. It feels like someone squeezes a testicle every time I even cough. So I have no choice but to stay away from the gym and atrophy...

    Yes, isn't socialistic medicine just terrible? Half the price of a Double Quarter Pounder with Cheese!
