Saturday, July 5, 2008

Cracking Themselves Up

One day while I was sitting alone outside on the porch with Shasta after she had returned from the pool we were chatting about something... I forget what exactly. And for some strange reason Monty Python came up in the discussion.

Shasta turned this sly eye on me with a half grin that I have seen her mother do in the exact same way and she said to me...

"My mom and dad are so funny. They often go into this own little world of their own and start spouting back and forth conversations from various Monty Python skits, especially "The Holy Grail". They get into the accent, and everything else, and then they end up cracking themselves up and laughing over their own jokes. It's funny to watch."

I can concur with this because the evening we had the curry, most likely as there was not enough meat in the dish we were hungry later in the evening (there were carrots, potatoes and such that we ate which compounds hunger later as these are carby vegetables). So, the three adults headed out to McDonalds for an evening feast on protein.

We purchased eight (8) quarter pounders for the three of us (four for me, two for Scott, two for Stephanie), took them home and devoured them at the kitchen table. On the way to McD's those two sitting in the front seat started singing, "Kam, Kam, Kam Kam.... " just like one of those Monty Python "Spam" songs. It was pretty funny watching them crack themselves up. They pulled out the bastardized version of that Monty Python accent and everything and just went on and on.

They must have been protein deficient at the time (as was I) because they weren't able to stop, nor control themselves as they spun out of control and got louder, more boisterous and funnier the nearer we approached the McDonald's drive through window.

Finally, as we sat enjoying the meat in their kitchen at one in the morning, they came down from their protein deprivation high, and started acting less like crazed python junkies and more like the civilized carnivores I know and love. The meat with the sauces tasted great and we only ate a fraction of the buns. That's the way to enjoy Rancid Ronny's when you need a quick meat fix and don't want all the bloating that usually goes along with the overall experience.

(The iced coffee was waaaay too sweet for all of us, and they blew it on the diet coke order, or so Scott and Stefnee think. I didn't have any so I can neither confirm, nor deny their claim; they are the diet coke pros, not I.)

This was just one more of many wonderful memories of my trip to Stefnee, Kansas. When my brain deems it appropriate to release some of these memories back into my conscious, I promise I shall share them with you.

You have to love Shasta for her sly sense of humour and her enjoyment she gets from sitting back and watching her own parents go a little bonkers. I love that girl!

In the meantime, enjoy some good protein and watch out for that cute little bunny over there!

I love you!

Cam Cam Cam Cam.....


  1. Ohhhh. spam spam spam spam
    spam spam spam spam...
    Beautiful spam. Wonderful spam....



    What's that penguin doin on the television?

  2. poor little be perfectly honnest with you my dear Cam, i read your old blog...did not understand half of it so i suppose it is time for me to go to bed...i understand the words but not where you are going with that story..oh well such is life I love you anyway...ciao ciao pescado

  3. Oh... what I was trying to say is that sometimes you can love something so much you suffocate it. It is important to give the things you love and appreciate respect, and complete freedom to ... BE. Thanks for popping in. I love you!

  4. Sorry to disappoint, but lack of protein had very little to do with the Python just tends to happen...out of the blue...Norwegian blue? Lovely bird, eh....beaUUUtiful plumage.

  5. There you go again! And I bet you said that out loud while you were looking at your monitor and typing that reply!

  6. you know them well already. LOL I love it. Can't say that I have heard to much of the python outbreaks myself.

  7. What?! You don't like Cam? I love 'im! I'll have your Cam!! I'm having the Cam, cam, cam, eggs, baked beans and Cam... hold the beans!

  8. There they go.....

    And people think I'M "tetched"!

    I love you guys. I need some bunny protein now because I want to ride into Starbucks... you know that ride you don't think you want to do when you come for a visit? That's OK. I'll do it for you, and then I'll do it right back home again!

    I love you!

  9. You are crazy. Just another reason we get along so well. PS I love you and I like cam and you will just have to get over it. There is enough cam for us to share.

  10. Not if the polynesians get their hands on me! Cam... i mean Spam... seems to be the national food of Hawaii! Right along with poi. Cam & Poi.

  11. you are crazy too coming up with more things that do not belong in the same sentence. Bunny and Starbucks.

    PS spam is banned from our house. Gary decided.

  12. Tell him when I'm in Texas, that Cam will be comin' for dinner!

  13. Okay Camelina, I can understand in Japan that Mickey D's is quiet possibly the only place to find a "traditional burger" but In Kansas??? there has to have been some better places there to find burgers...thats just.....sad. yes I know you guys toss most of the buns but that still leaves that meat and that weird mickey d's meat stench. You would have loved the protien style burger from In and Out its not just meat and no bread and you can eat several and feel full but like you said not that bread bloat!.....and I love their ice tea!

  14. Kristen - Here's a radical thought for you.... what if we LIKE McDonalds?

  15. Then I will assume you also ALL six sheets to the wind because in my wild UCSB youth that was the place we went to soak up the booze after a sorority booze fest!...its the only reason to go there cheap food when your on a budget and drunk! =) Radical thought my ass!!!

  16. Cam doesn't drink so i'm pretty sure he does actually like the burgers at MickeyD's.

    Lots o meat, quick, for little money is what sends folks to the golden arches.

    It fills da belly fast, Mon!

  17. Why doesnt that sound very appealing???? LOL it also sounds a bit risque, "Lots of meat fast" hahahaha!!! Ooops sorry!

  18. I will say this about Micky D's they have gone back to making real MILK shakes and I always liked their fries especially when you dip them in your chocolate or vanilla shake.

  19. I love Monty Python!!! Holy Grail is my favorite...don't get me going....

    My son loves The Holy Grail, so I once rented him a different Monty Python...I have since forgotten which. This was, oh, about 3 years ago, right after I moved in here....I got home from work and he said...."Uh, mom, did you know there were naked boobs in that movie? They were running and bouncing." and his face was beat red.

    I did not know.

    Taught myself a lesson with that one.....

  20. Linda - I think you probably mis-rented "Mount My Python"....

  21. No, it was a Monty Python movie, for sure. I just cannot remember the title. I have the Life of Brian also but it is not nearly as good as the Holy Grail.

  22. We had MD's for lunch it was nice. I go the girls to eat there with less bread. Even nicer.

  23. Rachel - MDs are easier to get in your mouth than CDs,this is true.... kind of like those White Castle burgers compared to the Big Mac... but you can still get just as much music on them!

  24. You sure can get a lot of music on an pm3 CD. I think that we have like 10 hours on one CD. But Md's is much better for eating. Cheese is very bad for CD's but cheese make MD's much yummier.

  25. I think you were Kansas a few days too long Camoletta =)

  26. I need to go to McDonald's.... They have one in the supermarket where I need to go to fill up the fridge. It's a tough call... Do I go, order 10 hamburgers to sate my unquenchable vortex of hunger and THEN shop? Or do I shop on an empty stomach and buy waaaay more food that will fit in the fridge... and then order 10 hamburgers to sate my unquenchable vortex of hunger? Decisions... decisions...

    P.S. You can NEVER spend too much time in Kansas! Trust me on this!

  27. Hmmm lets weigh this out, eating a bunch of crap meat or buying REAL good for your body food where you prepare it yourself.!?!?!?!..just go to the store. and I wish more people who move here WOULD move to Kansas, especially a good deal of our undocumented need to go there, we have too many!

  28. Although I forgot, YOUR in Japan ( the land of no Butter ),....just go to Mc Donalds, your pretty much screwed either way LOL!!!

    here you go, try this if you go there......

  29. You said "Mount My Python". *snicker*

  30. At least he didn't say "Yank my doodle it's a dandy!"

  31. Robin!!!

    You ain't right.... Bad as Cameron!

  32. Jen!!!

    You just figuring this out now?? ;)
