Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Stefnee, Camsas (Memories in Still Motion)

Here we had coffee with Dad

I took a journey.
And what a journey it was.
My life will never be the same....

Stephanie and I did not take one single photo of the two of us... we just didn't even THINK of it! I KNOW! DUH! GAH! Can you believe it?

So... now, I am going through all of the videos we made, and doing screen captures of points in the videos that I feel show the love we have for each other, and the friendship that will always be there, guaranteed... just as your reflection is guaranteed in the mirror.

All you have to do is look...

and there you are!

I love you!

P.S. I have a LOT of video to go through so I will be adding more as I get to them. It takes time to load the video, then go through it and search for the "moments". But oh so worth it, believe me!


  1. This photo brings back so many memories of Rach and I when the twins were babies....

  2. This photo says


    Don't you think?

  3. oh my gawd
    i cant find a favorite
    but this is in the top ten!!!


  5. Words could not describe how wonderfully connected you two are as how you look on camera.

  6. Amy - This is but a slice of what we experienced! It was mind boggling how great the connection was and how fluidly we moved through life making everyone around us come to life, laugh, giggle, and glow. It was like... like we were made to magnify each other's love for life! This is probably what I love most about Stefnee.... she magnifies my love of life and love of others, and I magnify hers!

    Would I do it again in a heart's beat? You bet I would! Even if petroleum hits $300 a barrel!

  7. Cam... it's not difficult to magnify your love for life!! It's ginormous!!

  8. Stefnee - So ginormous to the power of ginormous.... would that flow beyond the outer reaches of the Multiverse? Methinks it might indeed!

  9. More photos added.... of The Family!

  10. This was fantastic, you peeps!

  11. I think I love this one the most because it shows you two enjoying each other but also your definate smiles, which I love, love, LOVE seeing.
    Love , Me

  12. Those calves! I'm still having fantasies about Scooter's calves!!!!

  13. I love the STBX ones and the Hammock ones adn the Kiddo ones and and and.....

    *big smiles with a satisfied sigh*

    I love you guys! Your light just pops off the screen!

  14. Did you take any during the tornado!!!!!?!?!?

  15. Hmmmm, I thought I commented already. I love all these pictures. I love seeing the light shine out from you both. Its like ..... well I don't know how to describe it do you? But it is wonderful.

  16. Kristen - The tornado FALSE warning was at 2am. The only photos we could have taken would have been of Stefnee and Scooter checking up the news on the laptop down in the basement. Huddling was kinda fun, though...

    Sheila - I know what you mean. Not only do I see it, I also feel it. I would call it love multiplied exponentially.

  17. Great photos, Cam. Everyone is positively radiant!

  18. Thanks, Robin. I'll keep pulling shots out of my video, seeing as how Stefnee and I, for some bizarre reason, didn't think to take a single photo during my visit!!!!

  19. Because... we were PRESENT... living in the now. Not thinking about the past or the future.. but simply... being. In. That. Very. Moment.

  20. Well im curious if you took any of Kansas the countryside, if one thing I've heard is that the midwest has some really spectacular sunsets, the plains can be beautiful, or did you just take alot of pictures of you groping and licking people in various rooms and innocent starbucks Narcissus Switzer

  21. Oh no, we were ootnaboot all over the place. It was really great to see Coronado Heights with Stefnee and seventeen million kids. And Toby. And poison ivy. And lots of lizards. And hot dogs. We went to a great many places like the post office, the bowling alley, driving through the wheat fields.. even considered going to Outback!

  22. ah yes... the Glamorous life of a Country Bumpkin... the post office... the bowling alley... and for a treat!!! Outback Steakhouse....

    Lemme get my dress flip flops on, Paw... I wanna look fancy tooooNITE!

  23. I like to bowl I even got my own shoes ( via ebay), but thats neither here or their, but if you want to see something even funnier then what the "Cloth Deity" described check this out.......

  24. *laughs* Stefnee - I LOVE country life, girl! :o)

  25. Oh and by the way, if you were either here in the LA or Orange County of so cal or down in SD especially near the beach a dress and flip flops is part of the style, You'd be very fashionable I was wearing somethjing like that in that photo of me with the dog on the leash out of frame

  26. I'll be sure to pack a dress and flipflops when I come to visit you then, Kristen. Thanks so much for the heads up! As for photos... like I said... we were so in the NOW moment, so busy groping and licking as many people as we could get our hands on (including Kent, the postman's eggs and sausage), that we plum forgot to take any photos!

  27. Stefnee - Can I Paw you again, please? I promise to trim my nails so they don't leave scratch lines this time...

  28. Wow I had no idea you guys were all into swinging LOL!, I have never gotten into sex with meat and poultry by products but I have worked with ice cubs and a frozen king size milky way bar ( snickers and their nuts wont work) but hey you work with what works for you.

    As for the dress and flip flops go for it, Ive seen you turn a pair of jean into cullouts and carry a big cloth purse/bag (that was a very cute bag btw!!!!!) , hey let you freak flag fly as far as I'm concerned, make's life more interesting.

  29. Kristen! This is a family-oriented adult blog! Please! Oh my virgin ears!!!!

  30. I like it spicy!

    and... regarding the video....


    that's.... just.... wow.

  31. Which video? The pillow video? Hajime is here so I must be off as he is sitting on my lap.

  32. Isnt that hysterical thats a group of "LARGE" people it would scare Cam, although now im craving Waffles especially from this this place in Hollywood called "Roscoe;'s chicken and waffles", it sounds weird but , its really good, the waffles are primarily dessert they serve all day, they make great fried chicken and mash, he'll everything is good at that place...check out their website. talk about comfort food LOL.......

  33. The Pillow video is old news, "the Waffle House wedding" vid I mentioned above!!! come on toots keep up! here is the link.....

  34. OH MY GOD... that looks good....

    I used to work at a waffle house. Best chicken sandwich ever there.

  35. They need to bring those out here. those places would make big bucks. I mean IHOP is still kicking and I bet Waffle House is 10 time better then I hop, I love chicken!!!!. Roscoe's is really good and there is always a line and a wait for a table no matter when you go and dont even think of getting a table right away on a sunday afternoon thats the longest wait. and they are open late which is good for those off boozing it up and they need something to soak up the juice.

  36. Maybe it would keep Mel Gibson from tearing up and down Malibu, intoxicated and ranting anti semitic mumbo jumbo. Damn... I smell like a poopy kid....

  37. He wouldnt go there its too far away from Malibu and he only drinks by sea. and as for the kid, well he's a little boy, its what they do, it what my nephew did before potty training ( thank god he is out of diapers now!!!)

  38. there's a smile to light up the world!

  39. hmm... lucky guy got his share of kisses that visit.

  40. I loved this series on the hamock. The laughter is infectious. such unadulterated bliss shows through

  41. and then comes another kiss....mmmmm. nice.

  42. what a joyous bunch. and I like the art central on the walls

  43. Crystal - Is that OK? Or do you prefer another combination of your screen name? Thanks for visiting and commenting on these video captures. I had an absolutely FANTASTIC time with Stefnee & Co., in Stefnee, Kansas. The holiday will go down in my history as one of the best I have ever had.

    They are such a warm, loving, caring, THOUGHTFUL, open-hearted, soulful family full of fun, giggles, moodswings and more. I poured my soul into them, and they filled me right back up. The kisses were awesome (Scooter gives GREAT snogs!) the hugs were unforgettable, and yes, the episode on the hammock at Eden, Kansas, although it was our last day together there, was so full of enjoyment, presence, NOW moments, happiness, love, respect, gratitude and more that every time I watch it, I just tear back up again. Thanks again for your visit. I really appreciate you taking the time to watch the videos, and see the images. Thanks. I love you!

  44. Y;know why I love coming to this place??
    (Because it ALWAYS makes me smile)

    You TWO are responsible for that.
    I love to smile, and I think that YOU TWO have taught me another level of that.

    Yes, you have.

    Yes, I do.

  45. TC - Damn, man, do you know how fricasseed happy it makes me to hear you say that?


    I LOVE YOU MAN!!!!

  46. Yep,
    This album personifies "emotional intelligence."

  47. Thanks, TC! Could we call that e-motion?

    Sharon! Thank you!!!!!

  48. okie now i need to know how you set up your camera to do this.. or was a person taking these pictures ... they are so greatttttttttttt LOL

  49. Our chaperone, Stefnee's FATHER was sitting in the most comfortable chair in the Starbucks!

    Now are you REALLY asking how we set the camera up? Or are you asking how the heck I get all these hugs and kisses from all these amazingly beautiful and intelligent women? Hmmmm? Maybe on my next trip to California, I can show you! (and our chaperone, YOUR HUSBAND, can sit in the most comfortable easy chair in your local Starbucks with the camera!) I love you, Roxie!

  50. It's called a Double Axe quilt....

    Not... Double Axe Murders... although... that would be fitting. heh.

    My Gramma pieced it and my grandad quilted it.

  51. I'm still in awe that the two of you pulled this off... and it seems that things are still wonderfrul.

    Last year I had a WONDERFUL love affair that originated right here in good ol' Multiply (with generous assistance from Y360... come to think of it, it was ALL "seeded" with Y360... maybe that's the reason that we understood so well. ANYWAY, CamSan, you're my hero for keepting this alive). I'm not so naive as to think that I'd be in less danger than here. ~smile

    YOU'RE A GREAT ONE, MAN!!! (Help me understand whatever happened to "SAL in Nova..." ????

    (isert best graphis to-date,

    Love, manly, self-assured love,

    M i c h a e l

  52. timecoding.... you do realize... we're friends, not lovers, right?

    what became of your love affair that you spoke of? Still in love? I think it's fantastic when people can connect across time zones and cultures to fall in love!! Look at our friend Michelle!! Fantastic!

    Have a great day!



  53. TC - Stefnee couldn't have said it better! I am sooo happy that I was able to visit her and Scooter and all four kids, and seventeen cats and a dog that sometimes gets depressed. It was a wonderful time, and it cemented our friendship even more deeply because we went from loving, respecting, being grateful for, caring for, enjoying, discussing, debating, laughing and thinking deeply about so many things to loving, respecting, being grateful for, caring for, enjoying, discussing, debating, laughing and thinking deeply about so many things! But we did it in person, and it made it all that much the more wonderful!

    I love you man, unconditionally!

    Stefnee - thank YOU for being the best friend that you are. You rock my world! I love you!
