Friday, July 4, 2008

V-Log: Stefnee, Camsas... The Epic Series

My week with Stefnee & Co., in Stefnee, Kansas will be with me for an eternity..

If you care to peek through the looking glass and enjoy a sliver of the joy we experienced during our time together, then please do! Here are 15 (yes, fifteen) videos that were taken over the course of the week I visited Stefnee, in Kansas.

I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!


And the Special Bonus Track: Love, Tornado-Style

Globalized Love Rules! I intend to carry on the tradition of meeting those I can in this multiverse, when I can.

Maybe next time, it will be YOU!

I love you!



  1. Yay! When I have time I'll have to watch them all! (3 year olds don't give you much time for anything!) So What did you think of the envelope?

  2. Great videos!

    I've made it through number 6...time to go for a walk and get out in the fresh air here, before it gets too hot.

    Looks like tons of fun!

  3. Hey I think I'm the first one here! I have seen three of them now and will watch the rest later. I am overcome actually with seeing the two of you and the whole crew together at last! I love it! And I love you! And I love Stefnee's "not everything is flat in Kansas" shirt. Hahahahahahaha.

    And I love the way the goat milk is delivered. Yanno, the Dad motorcycle looks like the one my first "ex" rides.

  4. Hey how did that happen? Hahahahaha. I wanted to be first. *pout*.

  5. I knew kansas was good for something.

  6. Yaay!!! I'm adding these links to my own blog as well...

    I love you! Miss you!!!

  7. Who has time to watch all of those vids when there is important break thoughs in dental hygene and diet, coming at you from left and right, and here is one of them, Cam you KNOW this is what you have been dreaming of...........

    and these.......

  8. Kristen - Very nice! Very nice indeed! Thank you for these. Now back to my videos...


  9. Your welcome and if your in need of a treat they have gummy bacon too.

  10. what a wonderful visit..i dream on day of visting my friend around teh globe on eday///

  11. This list might have finished Jose off....over 10 minute overload....

  12. Abby - HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I love you!

  13. My goodness, I finally got them all watched! Wonderful! Makes me want to go to Kansas. I love how Stef, gets her eggs from the post office.

  14. Sheila - Not only does she get her eggs there... she also gets her sausage! You could say that the post office is very hermaphroditic! Go to Kansas and sleep in Cam's Room. My Goddess they will love you!

  15. Crap, I forgot to watch the rest. I left off with 10.....first thing after work tomorrow.....time to lie flat now and NOT think about my morning meetings and training....

    Goodnight Cam!
