Thursday, July 3, 2008

The Cat's Out of the Bag

A stray cat found Mayu and laid claim upon her. Now Mayu must clean the cat up and take it to the vet. Watch how we collect the cat and take it to the vet for healing.


  1. That laundry bag trick is cool!

    Never a dull moment at the Switzer place.

    Oh noooooo .. he's NOT going to start singing that song....

    Gotta go.


  2. Damn you, Smartass!!!!

    I'm not even going to play that thing again.. nope... not gonna get that in MY head.... no way!


  3. What was the vet's assistant thinking when she grabbed the cat by the tail? *shakes head*

    We had to take Plonker (giant schnauzer) and Hagrid (man cat) to the vet for their annual shots. The vet wanted to give Hagrid pills for worms, just in case, because he is outside a lot and eats God knows what.

    I started laughing. I told her I couldn't give him pills. (Cats have a STRONG reaction to anything bitter - they literally foam at the mouth.) The vet said, "I can pill your cat." I told her to "have at it" and wished her luck.

    What happened next should have been recorded. The vet came at Hagrid with something akin to a blow gun - she pried his jaws and tried to shoot the pill in.

    Hagrid started foaming at the mouth - he looked like we stuffed him full of Alka Seltzer. She tried again...and again...and finally managed to get one of the two pills in.

    The examination room looked like a small, foaming tornado had blown through.

    The vet threw the other pill away as she exclaimed, "I have NEVER seen anything like this in my life!"

  4. Robin,
    This must have worked on other cats... the "normal " ones.

    Your Hagrid is just.... shall we say.. unusual???

    (weird, wild, crazy cat.. LOL!)

  5. Morning Jen,

    Hagrid is a rescue. We got him from the Humane Society as a full grown adult male (manhood and all). He was on death row, but the people at the Humane Society couldn't part with him.

    Hagrid is a BIG cat who spent the majority of his life on the streets. He's a big mush, but he wasn't having anything to do with those pills. I found out how hard it was to try and pill him when he got a blockage last fall. He was a really sick guy and we almost lost him. I ended up having to get antibiotic injections for him because he would not take a pill.

    My friend Steph will concur about the foaming/snot blowing as she has several cats.

    Must be a Wisconsin thing... ;)

  6. You would think they would use injections more just because it's so hard to pill.

    Dogs are easy...

    Wrap it in cheese and my dog will swallow a rock! ;-)

  7. awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww love the videaos an dthe cat came back!!

  8. If he sticks around and you get him fixed, he just might turn into the lap dog you never had! I think "found" pets are the best! He looks like he has a pretty sweet nature - even with the trip to the vet. Good luck!

  9. You would think so, but they don't. But if they did I would get charged a "bio-hazard disposal" fee. No shit - I got charged $4.95 for each needle the vet used to give my furry friends their required injections...

    I'm kind of soured on the vet lately - it's all about the money. Echo is getting older and has some mobility issues. The vet wants a bajillion dollars for basically doggie aspirin. I bought a bottle at Fleet Farm (the men's mall) for around $6. The same farkin' stuff cost me $19 at the vet and would have cost more had I not brought in a competitor's pricing.

    My dogs will eat anything I give them. Seriously. How many dogs do you know who will eat an orange? My dogs LOVE carrots, romaine lettuce, hell...they will eat anything I am preparing.

  10. i m allergic to cats
    but not to you!

  11. The cat also got two injections but I didn't get that on video. I had taken a moment to pause the camera. That's when all the fun stuff started. So two injections, and some squirts and a punctured thumb cost $75.

    Oh, Keiko is on our porchette again as of last night, sleeping away in relative comfort, waiting for Mayu to get up so she can feed and water him. And Mayu thought that Keiko would just wander off again into Catland after being fed, watered, and bedded for two straight weeks! HAHAHAHAA

  12. P.S. The answer is jet lag, thankyouverymuch.

  13. Just $75???

    I brought Tasha in because she had a hot spot on her back.

    Well $240 dollars later i walked out with some antibiotics, a topical spray and yet more debt.... sigh.

  14. I think it may have to do with why he is up and posting at this hour (at least in Japan).

  15. The question was, "Why are you up so early???"

  16. *looks down shirt*

    I think it's ME who has the booby prize in this house...

    Course... Jenny's are nice... *grin*

  17. true...but neither (pair) are Cam's to give.

  18. ah.. this is also true.

    he can't give, but he can take!!

  19. par-take?

    And I did write... but edited... "scooter, please talk to Stefnee about collecting your prize". But thought that if you did that as soon as you got home from work, the kids might starve waiting for dinner.

  20. That was absolutley brilliant! Nice job Mayu.
    Uh, Cam, the singing was shall I say.........interesting!
    Love ya

  21. Michelle - I always tell everyone when they ask me to do karaoke (pronounced Kah, Rah Oh Keh, not Carrie? Okee!) that I sing in one key and one key only: OFF. Hey, if I had the eyes AND the crooner's voice, do you think I'd still be sitting here in the mountains of Japan playing with my gar-lick? I love you!

  22. Um, should you have put the camera down to help, silly?

    Hopefully you did not want to reuse the holy-er laundry bag.....

    Pretty kitty! He's lucky to have found someone so kind and willing to fed and help him.

    Did Mayu name him yet?

  23. Linda - This was Mayu's job. We had agreed that if she is going to be feeding and watering the cat, then she is going to be caring for it. And I stuck to my guns. And it worked out well.

    She named the cat Keiko-chan. And then she found it was a boy. But Keiko-chan still sticks. Don't know where he is today. He slept on the chair last night, and I saw him sitting on the table on the deck this morning, but he must still be ticked off because when Mayu took him food, with real meat pieces in it, he had no interest. He's not around at the moment.

  24. Ticked.. or he had a squirrel for breakfast (you do have squirrels in Japan, don't you?)

  25. Poor baby, bet he thought he was somehow being punished. All will end well, I hope.

  26. Sally - He is still leery of us...

  27. Well you still got the talking voice and the eyes and of course that smile...enough for me. *swooning*

  28. Aww the poor kitty. I didn't get to hear all of the video b/c I'm here at work and we have people coming in constantly. But I did get to watch it the entire way through and am so glad he's okay. I would have NEVER thought of the laundry bag! That was such a great idea!!! I like his name, too:) He'll be ticked maybe for awhile, but he'll be back:)

    We just got a new kitten two weeks ago at the Humane Society and ended up taking him to the vets b/c he got a cold:| Ugh, poor baby, though. At times he sounded like he couldn't breathe right and he just was seeming so bummed...So a check up, three medicines and $108 later, he's finally getting better:) WOOHOO...He goes for a recheck this Sat...

    I've been meaning to send ya an email Cammy...If I can at work, I will. I LOVE YOU!:) Have a great day!

  29. I really felt suffocated when watching the cat in that bag, I know he could breathe and it was necessary , I am glad he got some great people who care about him !!!

  30. We need to repeat it, and soon, Sharon. He needs to have his gonads removed, and also his skin is getting bad again so I think that his lice has probably come back. He doesn't live with us anymore, and only comes by for early breakfast and dinner when the vet is closed... so it's hard to catch him at a good time...
