Thursday, July 10, 2008

Me & Hajime

Mayu went to pick up Tama-chan and her son, Hajime at the airport today. They had dinner, and got home about 8 this evening. They unloaded their stuff, and had a bath while I cooked my dinner and ate. It's bedtime now, but Hajime doesn't want to go to bed so he's upstairs in Paula's room with his mom, screaming, "NO! NO! NO! NO!" He's only one year old (oh, we have to say 12 months at this age, right?) but he's a chatty little fellow. Apparently at the restaurant, as soon as his tummy was full he was trying to pick up all the waitresses. He doesn't care about guys anymore, so his mom said; he just tries to get the women to pick him up.

Anywhoo... he wanted to sit on my lap and have me flip through (endlessly) my desk calendar with pictures of moving vehicles like trains, buses, taxis, bicycles and boats. So we did.

Then Mayu and Tama-chan needed to go out to the car to get something. And while the two of us were alone, I pointed out Mirrome, Kansas, which just.... happened ... to be sitting right next to the digital camera... and well, somehow the button got pressed!

Even though I have never wanted to have my own children, nor do know anything about raising or educating them... something about me seems to draw them in.... time and again. Maybe I smell good.... I dunno.

I love you!



  1. Oh



    This is too adorable!

    Another one for me to steal!

    You two are priceless!!!

  2. Gawd that is a beautiful picture and I stole it too.

    You are a sneaky thing aren't you Grasshopper.

    BTW it must be your smell because Cora talks about it, and if you recall, for days after you left she kept telling me every time she hugged me that "you smell like Cameron Nana."

    I think it has something to do with your energy though. Its just LOVE.

    And they know it. Children are so close to where they just came from that they recognize love when they feel it. *wink*

  3. You said it, She!

    Just look at those eyes and smile... who could resist.

  4. I want to munch on Hajime's cheeks!

    Soooo cute!

  5. I think it is because you have a childlike quality about you, I mean that in a nice way. You seem to love everything you do , you take wonder in scenery and learning new things , you love to laugh and you are kind, I think children probably sense this about you , and they feel a kindred spirit in you !!

    He is so cute !!

  6. Oh I am sooooooooo in agreement here (and stealing too) the infectious eyes and smile of you, Cam and the eyes and innocence of him. I love this truly, I do. I think you should change your advatar pic to this one for awhile. love it , love it!

  7. OOOHHH!!! You're one of THOSE people!! *GRIN* Children (and animals) draw to certain people for certain reasons. They sense a "goodness" and they are drawn to it. J will come to help me at MDO every so often and the kids just adore him! I bet my little man would think you totally rocked, too!

    It's a stunning picture (Which I too have claimed).

  8. Oh! Dang Submit Button!


  9. I swear it was the aroma from Wal-Mart that had become infused in me after.... what? three visits?

    Anyone else second Michelle's thoughts on me using this image as a profile picture for a while?

  10. I second that motion! Beautiful picture!

    It's your aura/energy. Hell, most of us haven't even met you and we're drawn to you through the web! That's one strong aura duuuude!

  11. I third that eMOTION!

    Love this pic... LOVE it!!!

  12. YEAH!!!!!!!!! E-Motion carried! Change it sweetie.
    I "stole" the pic and put it on my desk here at work. People already asking who they are. :) Agree with Amy too you have one strong aura. Can't escape the Cam siree.

  13. He is your splitting image, you make a wonderful father, now all you need is a little girl and a mini-van

  14. Somehow... the button got pressed! Definitely frame-able my friend! :o)

    Small Thing definitely loves ya..... so I guess it's not just a way with girls, it's all kids, eh? *winks*

    much love!

  15. Oh, I meant that Hajime had a way with girls... me? girls? Heck, I'm skeered of them!

  16. I would like to try yak butter tea some time... but not Made in Japan by Suntory Canned "original and authentic" yak butter tea for 110 yen at a vending machine. No thanks.

  17. o.o Oh that sounds... uhm... fascinating.

    Sometimes I'm glad I can't read yet.

  18. But Cam does have a way with Yak's

  19. I saw them drinking some Yak buttered tea in either mongolia or tibet , it was some documentary about the Yeti.

  20. I wonder if the Chinese are trying to ethnically cleanse the yeti out of Tibet as well (as the Tibetans)? Maybe they want to "purify" them, by cross breeding them with Han Chinese...

  21. They could send them here and they could hook up with sasquatch

  22. But that would start to dilute all the weirdness that comes out of California! Oh.. I mean... well... ummm.... (open mouth insert foot......) I love you! Gotta tend to a kid sitting on my lap asking me to flip through my calendar. again. and again. and again....

  23. Again with the flipping???

    Imagine if you had a rolodex!

  24. he isnt just in california he is also in Oregon and Washington, he'll be fine he just needs to learn the language

  25. sorry... Hajime was sitting on my lap while he was dumping I think.... so now I smell like I need to go out and get some fresh air.... whew! (and not in a good sense!) The salivary glands are kicking in.

  26. Poor, Sweety!

    When they're your own it doesn't phase you in the least.

    But even as a MOM i must admit that someone else's child's big stink is kind of.... Ewwwww!

  27. He's adorable....oh and so is the baby! :P My mom used to say that kids and animals can sense a good soul.

  28. I guess I must be the animal because the kid smelled pretty good last night after his bath... (not so good this morning after pooping in his diapers while sitting on my lap).... *grin*

  29. you DO smell good
    and you are a great man to all children
    just ask mine
    my favorite pic of u is the one of you and joaquin having a guy talk walking on the beach
    this is my second favorite

  30. could you post that picture so we can all see what you are talking about??

  31. ... go for it, Carrie. Slap it in here!

  32. i actualy found a dozen more i liked just as well
    you have a way of romancing the camera
    but this one shows how you are with children
    attentive, honorable, gentle, loving...
    well you know

  33. and Joaquin is wearing your shirt and idk who's glasses
    quack me up!

  34. I love this photo! I also love the one that you? Jenny? took of Joaquin and I walking out to the waters... Don't you miss your sea? I sure do looking at these photos... I LOVE YOU!

  35. Do you ever take a bad picture Cam?? This photo just melts my heart. It put a smile on my face for sure, and just makes me think of so much you have to share with a child...Love you, Cam!

  36. Hey!

    Those are my sunglasses. I gave them to him to keep. He looked so good in them.

    And Karimosha is right... this profile pic and any other you have put up is always a heartbreaker!

    I love you, Mou!

  37. OMGosh Cam...This picture...WOW!!! I LOVE IT! He is such a beautiful little boy. What a precious picture! He obviously loves you:)
