Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Leaving its Mark

There's a funny feeling in one of my molars... it feels like I've been biting on a sliver of aluminum or something for two days. It comes at semi-regular intervals. Yesterday I thought I would go to the dentist and just get it checked out, but they were closed by the time I had strolled over there. So I lived with it... I haven't had tooth pain for .... a couple of decades I think... Maybe it's about time? My teeth really are quite tight together so it is entirely possible.

On the way back today from making an appointment (they were too busy to take me as a drop in...) I visited the post office, mailed some coins off to a woman on the blogs, and then came home.

I noted that the tree above Mayu's car was getting a little out of hand so I grabbed the scissors and reached up, then trimmed away what I could. The leaves are thick, waxy and a bit sharp and serrated around the edges.

Well, one of the branches fell and just lightly brushed against my face. And now... several hours later, it feels like.... like I have those tiny little cactus thorns, you know those kind that feel like peach fuzz... the kind that embeds itself into your upper lip when you bite into an unpeeled peach.... all stuck along my nose.

I tried washing it, soaping it up, even rubbing Lansinoh on it to see if the teeny little scratch and the ensuing itch or "fuzzies" would go away. But nothing happened.

So... I happened to be telling Stefnee about this and she told me that her Grandma used to use tape over the cacti thorns, or other things that got stuck in body parts to rip them out. I thought to myself, "this is a wonderful idea!"


I gave it a try.

A few hours later it still feels like I have cacti peach fuzz in my nose... bleh...

I love you!



  1. Well at least you attempted. :)

  2. PS>got to keep that toothy smile happy. Love you....your devoted harem princess. :)

  3. Oh gads! That is sure to bring somebody back to meet and greet. :)

  4. Michelle - The nose remained and so did the fuzz.... crooked as ever, after it's namesake. I love you!

  5. That sucks. Good thing your nose hairs didn't get caught...

  6. Robin - That is for sure! I'm glad I trimmed them recently! Imagine if they would have curled out of my nose and got caught in that tape? OMG! Can you say "tear duct sensory overload"?

  7. I discovered an unusually long nose hair and thought it wasn't attached!

    Yeah, my world went a bit wonky after I pulled...

  8. God I hate when those things just mysteriously appear out of nowhere! Especially when you are ootnaboot, feel a certain "itchiness" around your nose and then discover it! Once it is found, and there are no tweezers near at hand.... life turns terribly uncomfortable.

  9. Stuff the wild hair back up there and hope for the best!

  10. "Stuff" is the right word because usually those buggers don't want to be hidden no mo' once they be discovered.

  11. They're like errant white hairs, eh?

  12. The kids on the Brady Bunch used to pluck nose hairs to simulate teary eyed looks. ... well, stimulate teary .. something. Gah. Vocabulary Breakdown! *warning sirens start blaring*

    Anywhoo.... I'm sorry about your nose, Cam. Did a caterpillar happen to brush your nose and nothing else? I hope it's ok again soon....

  13. OOo catterpillar rash on the nose...


    bad caterpillars... BAD.

  14. that WOULD be very very VERRRRY bad.... Luckily it was a different tree...

  15. heeee caught me Multi tasking!


  16. AWwww. I''d kiss your boo boo but I don't want prickel-eees in my lips.

  17. I love the picture but I'm sorry about your ailments. Speaking of pictures I got mine up from the Kansas trip.

  18. It still feels like little peach fuzz is stuck to the outside of my nose... I just can't seem to see anything, but when I run my finger over it lightly, I get that prickly top of lip feeling...

  19. its some mutation!! its grabbed on to you and wont let go! oh btw, I had this rolled up flank steak stuffed with feta and bell peppers and spinach for dinner, I grilled them on the bbq and had salad and thought, "Cameleska would have liked this?"

  20. He probably would have. He had fake bacon (that's ham that looks like bacon but isn't), with two eggs cracked over top, then powdered parmesan cheese, salt and pepper sprinkled over that. Then he took some variety of Japanese mushroom on that with a teeny bit of ponzu sauce poured over, and steamed until the eggs were cooked, but still runny.

  21. Hey, is that that Japanese packing tape which doesn't actually stick to anything? I bought a roll of it once to tape up some Christmas parcels, but by the time I got to the post office, they'd all come open. The only use I can find for it now is as a lint-remover, for very, very light lint.

  22. Matt - That is EXACTLY what it is! And it is waxed on the outside so when you overlap just a little bit, there isn't even the slightest bit of "stick-to-it-iveness" at all! It's happened to me as well, going to the post office, taking out the boxes of Christmas parcels, only to find that they had all come open.

    It didn't even work to rip out the fuzzies stuck on my nose!

    I seem to have a teeny bit of rash as well at my temple where a branch of leaves lightly grazed my face... these Japanese plants are scary!

  23. Well gosh, Cam... try using some stronger tape! *grins*

  24. Tooth pain and pricklies on your face...not a good day eh?

  25. Actually.... it seems that the larger area of my face where the leaves brushed against it is kind of getting itchy and puffy since this afternoon.... I wonder if I'll become a QuasiCammo?

  26. Uh time for a visit to the MD, that not sounding good

  27. Yikes! The plant life in Japan is being mean to you lately! At least... the stuff near your house.

    Does this happen when you go for your wilderness rides too?

  28. Don't you remember bee stings.. A little spit and some dirt/sand!!!!

  29. Betcha it's gonna be a root canal, dude.

  30. TC - If so, it will be my very first one! What an adventure! Something I have never experienced before. The rash I have had enough of... I don't need yet another experience with that! This time on my face... where is it next?

  31. You don't really want an answer to that do you?

  32. The thought did cross my mind... but I really don't want to be dealing with THAT. But knowing me, it wouldn't surprise me one bit if it happened.... sigh.... sometimes I wonder when I'm ever going to grow up...

  33. Kristen - Gout comes from too much sugar in the diet. That means carbohydrates.

  34. Did you dig my low-carb dinner?

    I loved the bacon and onions... my first time after the others talked about it so much.

  35. I know what gout is melvin, I was joking, I just had my dinner, an apple fritter and diet coke LOL!!! made my after workout meal all the better < Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!

  36. Better keep your shorts on outside... don't want any caterpillar rash.... down there...

    AND... I've had a root canal. Trust me.... (since you and metabolize anesthetic the same way) get gas. Get lots of the gas.. I know it costs extra... but my first one.. they kept numbing and numbing... and drilling and drilling... and i never did get completely numb. Felt the whole damn thing. Thought I was going to pass out.

    Second one.... they gassed me. THEN did the numbing. The gas is continuous... so it doesn't wear off like the shots did. *whew* it was MUCH better.

  37. Hey Wouk, I was thinking of running to McD's to pick up a couple of Big & Tasty burgers.. with cheese... so that I can get a shot of protein and not mess up my kitchen.... ahhh the thrill of satisfaction in my belly without all of the mess and stress of fine dining..... plus.. they taste pretty damn good. Want one??

  38. Like the sign at the Camsas "filling" station says:
    (sometimes I crack m'self up)

    "EAT HERE,
    GET GAS."

  39. This is a picture of someone throwing their Big and Tasty across the dining room at Cam-san's local Mik-Deez ,to separate it from its bun and just eat its meat and cheeeeeze! Nearly missing this local who was quietly eating his filet-o-fish.


  40. Ah yes... I recall looking through all of these when we first met. I think these photos were the very first set that you showed me. I found them to be very interesting. There are others with hamburgers in them, aren't there? Like one of a woman about to step on one? And if Japanese artists can slip McD burgers into their art, it PROVES they have to be good!

    Stefnee! I'm hungry!! Feed me!!!! Please?

  41. Its just one artist and that not exactly the message he is saying , he was more concerned about the americanization of Japan using food like burgers and ice cream, yet he lives here well on Hawaii which isnt exactly living in the US, but he used to live in California for quite sometime

  42. Its just one artist and that not exactly the message he is saying , he was more concerned about the americanization of Japan using food like burgers and ice cream, yet he lives here well on Hawaii which isnt exactly living in the US, but he used to live in California for quite sometime

  43. Ahhhh yes... it's all in the interpretation!

  44. Try some hot wax Cam The girls should be able to help you out with the process.!!

  45. I still think you should try a Bikini wax on your nose!!!

  46. Jim might just be on to something, Mou.
    That is if there really is something stuck in the skin... little needles or hairs.

    Hmmm... very interesting theory to try..

    Wow, Jim!

  47. Are you still having dermal issue's Narc's???

  48. It's actually gotten worse today, Kristen. It's going through the "seven day itch" period, quite nicely.

  49. take a photo of it up close lets see it

  50. I did. Jenny asked me for it earlier. I promised her I would. I also took a couple pictures of the tree, the leaves, the cat eating, a bug, some plants, my toe... and anything else that caught my eyes and that I found to be full of wonder of the moment. I love NOW!

  51. You also a bit late on your food vids, I like to see what you cook

  52. Oh for sure Jen-duct tape works for everything! And it comes in pretty colors now too. LOL
