Saturday, May 1, 2010

CoffeeGasm Extraordinaire!

Yesterday Mia and I went all over the place. We took trains and did a huge amount of walking.

We had to change trains at my office station so I showed her where I work (closed, so couldn't go in, but secure so I wouldn't be able to take her in anyway). Then we went to Asakusa (google that) and walked through tons of shops where she bought a bunch of souvenirs (problem: her suitcase is full now and her clothes are all hanging, or in my drawer...). We saw one of the most famous temples in Japan, an old attached shrine, and more.

In one section of the area in which we visited, there is a 700m street section that is filled with about 1500 stores entirely devoted to everything household/kitchen/restaurant... it was amazing!

Then we went to a lunch in a traditional Japanese cafeteria-style place (about 4pm), and off to Kappabashi-doori which is what I will explain next. 

Unfortunately is was just around closing time for most of the shops so we couldn't enjoy much more than seeing some blow your mind knife stores filled with thousands of every knife imaginable, and other things.

We DID however find a coffee paraphernalia store that was open still...

And when I saw all of these mokka pots, I had a coffeegasm! WOW!

This photo contains the traditional Bialetti mokka pots for 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 15, 18 cups. It was amazing!

On top of that, I bought myself ANOTHER mokka pot (3cup). But this one has an electric base so that it does not need fire! I decided that enough was enough with drinking really shitty instant (or even drip) one-cup coffee at work so I bought it!

Now I am sure when I take my coffee breaks down on the 6th floor, people will come wandering in as the scent of real coffee essence wafts its way up and down the stairwell...

Japanese coworkers... eat your heart out, cuz this coffeegasm is mine!

After that we walked all the way back to the start, got on a boat and cruised down the Sumida River for 40 minutes, watching the night settle in and all the colours come to life. Seeing Tokyo from the rivers was fascinating... it was a totally different world.

We landed, and walked all the way back to Tokyo Tower in the beautiful night air. On the way we stopped and had a bottle of wine. Then we continued on, and took the elevator up to the 150m 360 degree observation deck. The night was perfectly clear for this so Mia (and I) got the perfect night view of The City. It blew me (and her) away. I took a lot of photos.

After that we walked back to another station, and came home. Then we had dinner around midnight, and headed to bed about 1am.

Off to do some grocery shopping. Mia is not used to eating "Camfast" as she usually only has bread and coffee, but she's loving having MEAT MEAT MEAT, vegetables, cheese, eggs, salads, soups, yogurts, toast, tea, coffee, water, for breakfast. It keeps us going until 4pm or so (and then I die, of course, as I did yesterday).

Have a great weekend.

I love you!



  1. Wow!
    How awesome that day sounds...

    I'm writing this all down, to remind you when you ask me what i want to do when i visit.
    Omigod. This got me so excited!!!

    Keep up the reports, Mou.
    Good stuff!

  2. I absolutely LOVE Mokka pots for coffee. I have several Bialetti's if your recall and will make you a cup whenever you come visit again..LOL Glad your having fun! An electric one would be cool.

    I just got home from Vegas, so doing the unpacking, getting things organized kind of routine.

    Continue to have fun, and enjoy the flowing wine...

  3. Paula - I remember and its a deal.

    Steve - You dont eat meat and you mock coffee??? WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?! Thats it. That. is. it.

    Jen - If you ever meet Steve I want you to tie him up (he'd probably let you get that far w/o much resistance) and then.... PLEASE drizzle Nectar of the Gods (i.e. the Big B drippings) down his throat until he screams and begs for conversion!!!

    Tutting coffee.....

    Its a good thing he hasn't insulted Bacon yet.... that would probably even lead YOU to excommunicate him!

    By the way... How's the MayDay weekend?

    Taking Mia to a Japanese garden today.


  4. May Day is't a reall big deal much here anymore,Mou.
    Many labourers and their supporters usually have demonstrations, and this year that also included protests of the horrendous Arizona law.

    Other than that it went unnoticed.

    After a second killer Sunday at the spa, i have NO energy to force feed Steve coffee or anything else. I'm dying.... it SO sucks that they're closed on Mondays after i work so hard on Sunday...

    Oh and... he has dissed BACON, but so has Seamus.

    They, like you, are my sweeties so i let them slide ;-D

  5. Jewish dude......................... {and it smells of burning human flesh!}

    I`m not mocking coffee I`m saying it`s incredibly bad for you. You diss the veggie carb stuff I eat whilst pouring poison down your gullet. ;~}

  6. As with all things, once I started looking on the Web there`s as many pros as there are cons. I can only go by my personal reactions to coffee and this closely corresponds to them

  7. Steve its true actually that some people can not tolerate coffee. It causes various problems for them from heart palpitations, to problems with their kidneys, PH, etc. I.C. patients for the most part can not have any coffee at all. Esp. brewed coffee that has a very high acidic value to it. I have I.C.

    I can however drink espresso because it is brewed differently. And I pour mine into hot water/ or over ice and tolerate it very well with no problems or flare ups. I enjoy coffee... I drink green tea as well. If I am away from home and don't have espresso available and drink brewed coffee I tend to have problems with my PH being thrown off, and flare ups.

    One week coffee is good for you, and there are aspects to it that are. The next... its bad... .. like most things. Science is constantly changing their own research. LOL

  8. Paula, having said all I`ve said about coffee, I had a small cup before I went training the other day {don`t ask, it`d been a stressful day} and I absolutely flew, and had no muscle aches the next day.

    I didn`t sleep that night, but it was worth it for the workout!

  9. That my friend is why I LOVE coffee..... I take it in the AM only usually and to get me through my workout. LOL I do love the warm ritual of it also, and almost consider it a "comfort food" enjoying my Americano. (making / drinking tea is nearly the same thing)

  10. Normally if I have a cup of coffee, it`s like taking speed. If you`ve seen someone on speed, that`s me on coffee.

  11. NOT ME!!!

    I could drink a cup of coffee and still fall asleep and sleep like the dead within an hour.

    The only physical manifestation i can point to is... um... it makes me quite... regular.... :~}

  12. I should add that i only drink a cup or two in the morning, under normal circumstances.
    Never later in the day except for those times after dinner out. Then like i said... i go hime and go directly to sleep!
    Think it's the cream?
    Warm milk an all?

  13. I drink lattes normally, and it sends me as doolally as an expresso does.

  14. Um... OK... After what "I" just posted...
    "it makes me quite... regular.... :~}"'re going to have to clarify exactly what "doolally" is...

    The juxtaposition is making my mind go in undesirable directions... hehehe...

  15. Adjective
    doolally (comparative more doolally, superlative most doolally)
    (chiefly British) insane, mad or eccentric

  16. LOL!!!!

    I wouldn't worry about the coffee, Sweety...

    I think that ship has sailed.

    Love you, Nicey....

  17. * choking on my beer * .......... yeah, the one I started about six hours ago ;~}

  18. He's a bigger lightweight than Cam...

    Where do you GUYS come from???

    Night, Steve.
    Later you other peeps!

  19. Steve - I thought Coffee was evil?

    Ahhh... it's one of those secret pleasures you indulge in... I get it. *wink*

    I have my triple espresso and go to bed.

    Using the italian roasted beans in a moka pot produces a coffee that seems to be, exactly as Paula has said, completely different in character from drip, instant, etc. It is more like having "essence of coffee" without all the other additives.

    Japanese coffee shop regular coffee is quite bitter. And North American coffee shop coffee (without tons of the milk - i.e. high carb, sleep-inducing hormone-pumped, cholesterol-inducing white stuff) is just pretty weak. The Starbucks beans seem to be overroasted to drink straight espresso as they are really too bitter, but they make a much better latte than the beans I use which are more mellow and excellent for drinking straight.

    But the moka pot coffee is juuuust right! I often take it (took it when I was living in the mountains) with me on my rides into the mountains and made coffee up in the woods after a long hard ride up the mountain. Nice way to relax.

  20. Only when I`m stressed, Cam. Which, I realise, doesn`t help. At all.

    There are OTHER secret pleasures I indulge in * wink *

  21. "Other Secret Pleasures"... like surfing nude in a "shark zone", and angling for nibbles?

  22. Actually I don't know how secret my ' secret pleasures ' are, I'm frequently called a w*****r throught the course of my working day ;~}

  23. Twitchy eye, Jen? * lol * ;~}

  24. Yeah... allergy season an' all, yanno?


  25. Steve - Yes, wanking is good. We all do it. Choking the chicken, and all that stuff. That's no secret. If you're a guy, then you're pulling it.

    And yes, Jen has had that twitchy eye for the past four years...

  26. I prefer spanking the monkey myself ;~}

  27. Yes, that does provide some good results as well.

  28. OMG!!! These MEN!!!

    Why me... surrounded by doofuses... or is it doofi... doofae???

    And just you be quiet about my eye problems, Cameron!


  29. Ummm...

    Is it the term you prefer, Nicey.....
    ... or the ACT????



  30. I'll have a look at the links when I get home, but Mercans frequently confuse me. Thank god you're a Canuck!

  31. HEY!!!!

    Don't you guys be dissin Mercans!

    BRATTY dudes! GAH!!!

  32. "This year marks the 10th anniversary of National Masturbation Month and while most people will “celebrate” in private, organizer and sex expert Dr. Carol Queen expects at least 100 self-proclaimed self-lovers will gather in San Francisco for a hands-on charity event benefitting the Center for Sex and Culture. "




    Just when you think you've seen it all.... *shaking my head*...

  33. Jen, it's the term I like. The word SPANK has a certain resonance don't you think. Or is it cos I'm British?

    I've never actually had the opportunity to spank a monkey; I'm sure there's some law against it. I have, however, choked a chicken. ;~}

  34. Could someone PLEEZE explain how we got here from a discussion of coffee??????

  35. Jen - Masturbation just flows naturally... well, from any topic, really.

    Steve - Thank you for the compliment.

    Here's a page with some awesome buttons I highly recommend ..

    My favourite is this:

  36. Wow, Cam!
    that link sounds right up Colin's alley.
    Will send it to him to see if he's heard of it.

    Meanwhile i'm planning to blog his response to what we were discussing on Stef's blog about the "new bird on the shoulder.
    Well... Sheila blogged about that concept and asked what Colin might think about it... so i asked him
    His reply was AMAZING!
    His writing was a total shock to me. So scholarly!

    Gotta wait til i get back from work though.
    Seems it'll be a light Sunday for a change... a welcome change.

    It's a gorgeous day here and i hope to get out and enjoy more of it when i'm done working.

    See you adorable gents later!

  37. I will be nice here, but when reading this I could not help but be called back to last summer when I was very harshly informed that SOME people were forced to wack off to porn because they just didn't have a "real woman" in their life for 20+ years...... HA HA.... wonder how that's going now that he apparently does???

    Hey its a perfectly natural thing....

  38. Oh really??? I can't wait to hear his reply...... and how funny that my short reply above was about the very big "crow" inhabiting my ex's shoulder.... LOL

  39. It was an awesome turn of phrase, P.
    Sheila took off with it and now Colin has some interesting points of view.

    Yours has really been very much a crow... not just a slightly annoying blue jay type bird.

    So sorry... *shrug*

    Later, Peeps!

  40. Well tell Colin when he gets his book published, he can mention a small line of thanks to me for the phrase ;-) And when it sells millions of copies, he can send me a 5 dollar SBX gift card. (see I brought it back to coffee... whew)

  41. Laydees, you could be the `real-ist` woman in the whole world and we`d still whack off to porn.

    Or am I alone in that?

    PS............... I realise there`s an underlying story to your remark, Paula. My reply is tongue in cheek.

  42. Ha! I`ve saved one of those for my profile pic. Can you guess which one it is. * lol *

  43. You should go to AA`s site, Jen. Every year he promotes a global Wank for Peace day. Or something.
