Sunday, May 16, 2010


Do you like learning the meaning of words?

Well, HotForWords is probably one of the better places to go when you want to really understand what a word means.

For example, on Jen's recent comment about how much she loves all the wildLIFE in her yard these days, David posted a very interesting video about racoons.

I don't use YouTube very often so I forget that some of these sites are out there. Well, anyway, when I saw who was presenting the racoon story, she reminded me of her other videos. So I clicked on one that was floating by at the bottom of the screen, and got this one on Stereotypes...


  1. I don`t know who she was, but I wasn`t looking at that racoon much.

  2. Her lips and teeth are beautiful!

    Oh and now i see Steve has noticed, more than her teeth...



  3. OK, done now...

    that was awesome!
    I'm not a big You Tuber either so i never find this kind of stuff.
    I basically use it like Google to look up something specific.

    This is fun stuff though so i'll go check out some others.

    Thank, Mou!

  4. Hi Jen - I don't know where I found her, but somebody mentioned her at one point in the past. Aside from being knockdown gorgeous, and as you said, having stunningly beautiful teeth and lips, she has always done an excellent job on her channel.

    I clicked another one, and found that it was one of those videos people take when they are doing a fashion shoot... it was the typical video, with images moving too quickly to really see any of the clothes she was modeling, but ...

    I guess it means that another gorgeous and talented person was discovered on YouTube, because you don't normally go to professional fashion shoots if you are a YouTuber like me... Nor do you show up on famous American evening talk shows. But 137 million visits to her YouTube Channel probably would get her discovered.

    Not to mention her gorgeousosity.

    I like her. Marina Orlova.

  5. Can I just say... her teeth are veneers, for the right price we ALL can have her teeth for real, or well not real but veneer.. LOL I suspect her lips might also have met up with the same fella who enhanced her chest and chin. Excellent work, and I am not knocking her a bit after all I have had a boob job, I am just trying to point out that for the right price, they can throw the lips right in with the boobs. The only down side is veneers cost damn near as much as boobs. I do find that she is really funny and although still using sex to sell, she does it with a very good twisted sense of humor.

  6. Paula - Even if her teeth, lips and boobs are "fake", they are still her. And they are still beautiful. As are yours. (teeth and lips of course!). I think that lips are pretty scary to play with... have you seen Meg Ryan lately? Wow.. talk about lips gone bad! And someone posted a video about a guy going for plastic surgery and how it all went so bad, and got worse and worse. There are other actresses out there who have had lip surgery... and it looks like they've been stung by a bee on steroids. What'sHerName who was on that Bay City SomethingOrOther TV series about beach lifeguards, several years back... and others.

    Her twisted sense of humour really is enjoyable. And I like how she "shows sex" but doesn't focus directly on it.... Hey, if you've got it, use it!

    Maybe I should get veneer..... oh, and I can't imagine that veneer gives you teeth that straight! Sure she might have had braces, but that doesn't count as "surgery" as everyone wants to have beautiful, straight, white teeth if they can. After all, the smile and they eyes are the windows to the soul.

    Or is it the cleavage?

  7. Ah but they do make your teeth perfectly straight, as they can be very thin or thicker to even out what you have... check out some of these before and afters..pretty amazing.

    And I notice that if men can look up for a second to notice your smile then they can see through to your soul.. that is "if"...... they look up.

    Oh and Pamela Anderson, yes "pucker fat lips" seem to be the in thing right now, it horrifies me. At least her lips are not at all like that........ yet....... It has to be re injected and over time to fill out the lip you have to put more and more... I personally do not want to look like a "Brat Doll", so opt not to go there and will just have to make due with my own thin lips I guess...LOL

  8. If your lips proceed you then you have a problem. lol
    Anyway, interesting vid, Cam. I think her point is well taken.
