Thursday, May 13, 2010

Universal Fatigue

Whew... tired.... It's been about three weeks since I've been to the gym. Mia was here for a wonderful two weeks and we walked like crazy for up to eight hours a day some days and usually five at least. But although that is great for overall ... whateverish, it doesn't prepare one for the fatigue that comes when one goes back and pushes again.

That in no way means I'd rather go to to the gym than host a visitor! No way! The same thing would happen on business trips to Europe in the past as well. I have learned over the 11 years I have been going to the gym that a break longer than two weeks and my body drops tremendous strength and endurance! It is just one of those things I guess...

Wow... talk about tired tonight. That was a GOOD workout!

I love this feeling! And I love that I have the strength and energy to make it through the workout as well.

Tomorrow is another busy day at work so I must eat my tonkatsu teishoku with a side dish of kara-age and head home to bed!

Night Beautiful Universe.
I love You!



  1. Morning Jen!! I love you!!! Have a great day.

  2. tired is good when it is for the right reasons.

  3. I love that feeling AFTER... before when you know you gotta do it is less appealing, but after you always feel SO good... and sleep so well...

  4. This side of the Universe is sending love right back.

  5. Hi Cam! You know what? I am sure that you are the very very best tourist guide in the World! I can just dream about walking 8 hrs a day throughout il Giappone with YOU!!! I'm sure that Mia went back home with "Cam's energy" and that she will take these great memories with her forever. Talking about gym......I still recall so well when you came @ "Miros" many years ago. Missing you.

  6. Hi Sweet Swiss! Guess what? I still have the Miros towel you gave me as a gift, and I still use it regularly! So, are you ever gonna let me be your tour guide?

  7. Ciao Cam! I feel honored that you still use the Miros towel. I hope that you still use your very very first Italian mokapot I gave you about 10 years ago ;-)). When I talk to my girls about "open eyed dreams", I tell them always that if i won the Lottery, the very first thing I'd to fly to Giappone and hug you finally. And then I would enjoy the use of Mr. Snobby Cambino, the too tall Canadese with open teeth, who would be the best, wonderful, awesome, crazy, funny, caring, loving and sexiest tour guide for Swiss Chocolate!

  8. Hi Sweety - Yes, I use the very first mokapot every day! In fact, I now own five mokapots! And I buy lots and lots of Lavazza coffee here (because it is the only italian one I can get that doesn't cost too much. Segafredo exists as well, but its not as good.

    Hope you are enjoying your spring! Ahh... spring in northern italia... belissima!

  9. The special taste of Lavazza caffè! You have a small collection of the mokapots! ;-))
    Spring? Have you seen the weather in Europe in the past 2 weeks? Only today there is finally a weak sun coming out...but the temperature Cam! I can cry! I checked yesterday the temperatures in Winnipeg. It's much warmer there than here. All Europe had a very very bad Spring beginning. And weather people say it does not depend of the Vulcan from Iceland. Hmmm......I know I know....sonner or later I have to wander to another place where I can enjoy much more my so beloved Sun.
