Sunday, May 16, 2010

Thought Triggers [Topic Change]


  1. I'm sure you'll see when she shows up to take a bow... or groan at the connection...

    She had made a TMI a while back when I mentioned the SCS... and now whenever it rears it's sweaty... nono not a good analogy... well, that incident comes to mind and I think of her!

  2. Well thankfully I don't get that association..... but wonder Cam, do enlighten us. What is your memory trigger for me? I am curious.....

    I think of you every time I take my EFA's, and also whenever I use chopsticks (often), as well as often other random things. Funny how we associate things/ people together.

  3. Cloves and kwoffee...
    That does it for me.

    Good question, P!

  4. I will not even begin to share what does it for me. LOL
    Agree, good question.

  5. OMG! Michelle!

    I wasn't gonna GO there! LMAO!!!

    Bad influence.... BAD!

  6. Awww come on now, I just beat you to it! ROFL

  7. I forgot to mention another trigger.... Steve NASH. I can't look at him, watch him play or anything without thinking of his brother in Japan. LOL

  8. *shudders*

    You know.... if you could find ANY OTHER possible way to associate thoughts of me with your crotch OTHER than that, I would greatly appreciate? K? THX.....

  9. Paula - these are my triggers.... when I think about you!

  10. Very cool.... I just got done watching the Sun's and Nash... so naturally you came to mind. LOL

  11. LOL....amused that you changed this whole blog.... makes the comments into a whole different thing,

    Love you oh SCS man....

  12. D - I aim to please... (and believe me I do NOT enjoy either SCS or having you pop to mind whenever said syndrome rears its sweaty head...) I love you!

    Paula - Long live Mr. Nash

  13. Music is my most powerful trigger.

  14. I know you don't and that is what makes it even funnier... you KNOw I am teasing you about the whole thing right?

    LOVE you!

  15. I do. Just don't ask me to marry you. I love you!

  16. hahahahaha....

    Won't happen EVER. I did that marriage thing once and will NEVER do it again.
