Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Memory of Waking Up

A couple of months ago I realized that I can never have the memory of having fallen asleep. Why? Because I am asleep when the event has occurred. My brain is no longer in a condition to have waking memories. This is different from remembering your dreams (I think...)

However it is possible to have the memory of waking up. This would be the indication that we must have fallen asleep because you cannot wake up from sleep unless you have previously been in that stage. One is incapable of quitting smoking unless they have previously smoked. We may take this concept for granted and say, "Well duh! That's obvious." But is it really obvious? If it were that means everyone would have the memory of thinking about this at some time in the past. It is a very interesting thing when you think on it. We naturally say, "I fell asleep watching the movie." But why can we say that? Because we have the memory of waking up.

I have the memory of waking up on the exercise mats at the gym tonight after a really hard workout. I was counting to 10 with deep breathing for relaxation after my exercises and stretches were done. When the memory of waking up came to my mind, I noticed that the clock had continued forward by approximately 30 minutes in time.

I have the memory of waking up...

Have a good night.
I love you from my tonkatsu and kara-age dinner!



  1. You're cute, Mou....

    I love you and your random thoughts.

  2. You make me laugh, falling asleep after a workout , isn't that supposed to make you energetic lol Sometimes when you wake up do you wonder where you are ? Do you think it's morning and you are in bed then you realize oh noooo I am on the exercise mat !!! Just kidding you Cam :)

  3. Sharon - That could be dangerous! If I ever had that kind of disorientation, I might accidentally whip it out and start "choking the chicken" before I realize where I am! Thank the Goddesses that has not happened yet!

    At least I can honestly say I don't have the memory of that happening....

  4. OH



    Alls i have to say.... just.... OMIGOD.


  5. I live in a dream and the dream is the reality I choose to commit to. What is the point in exploring wakefulness when I cannot live in it?

  6. This thought has now given me a headache. I think I am going to go take a nap.

  7. it came to me with old people, they dream of the past and live there, but the present is no life the way they once knew life, so that life is richer, so they are commited to it, so why should they live in this more dreary reality

  8. Anna - You need to open the windows and get some fresh air in your room!

  9. Jen - These days this computer is overheating so I can't keep it running too long. After leaving my chicken comment (and that triggered the thought of Steve... I'm sure he'll LOVE that!) I shut down and went to bed (heavy workout). But as I was walking to the bedroom I was thinking about Sharon as well, and I thought that rather than having said "choking the chicken", perhaps "lobbing the lobster" would have been more appropriate.

  10. Anna - You also need a picture! That volcano again...

  11. Sharon is a lobster fisherman's wife...

  12. I made it up on the spot...

    to lob... to toss... I wonder if turkey farmers "toss the turkey"?
