Friday, March 14, 2008

Biztalk: Cutting Edge Customer Service

(2:36 of me talking.)

The other day I had a product failure.
The company took care of it.
Extremely quickly.
I'm a happy customer.

No matter where I am, I always try to see people around me as "customers". This allows me to treat them with the courtesy and respect they deserve and it helps me to appreciate their efforts on a deeper level.

I love you!



  1. I've noticed that uploading to the Multiply Servers makes the video more difficult to view while streaming. This doesn't happen if you transfer it over from YouTube. I don't know why. It works more smoothly if you let it load, then watch it. The second time around it runs without all the chopchop chop.

  2. Two and a half minutes???

    I'm impressed... wow!

    I'm glad you experienced some excellent customer service, Sweety.

    Nice knives.

    Love you!

  3. Great Video!

    What happened to "EatMe" Productions? Did they go under?

  4. wow if only all customer probs were sorted out so fast!!

  5. OMG...2 minutes and 36 of listening to your voice!?...gimmie a break!

  6. You get what you pay for. Stop being a CHEAPSTER and spend some money on the knives.

  7. The previous knife was a $160 Japanese blade. I took a chunk out of it on this very same cheese...

  8. The goo on the handle is some sort of bonding agent, not where you cut yourself, right???

  9. I think it was basically rust... I didn't cut myself at all. It was a very weird experience; almost like ... hmmm.... snapping a piece of uncooked spaghetti.

  10. Weeeeird. That cheese is amazing.

  11. BRAVO Cam! You did it - the video wasn't painfully long. Thank you.

    I'm happy for you that you got such a great response so quickly. That rarely happens.

    Did they want the broken knife back?

    Many years ago I had a pair of Rebok (sp?) sneakers with air channels in the bottoms. Brilliant shoes until I stepped on a piece of glass and punctured a channel. I wrote to the company - they asked me to send the shoes for quality purposes, so I did. Lo and behold! About a week later I received a brand new pair of sneakers.

  12. customer service is awesome. Just wish all companies had it right. Whats for dinner?

  13. obviously cheap. Don't be such a cheapskate Camster. We all know you're independently wealthy. All those millions you stole from that Canadian bank years ago. Come on!..spend some money dude!

  14. Readheadedgoddes, listening to this guy for 30 seconds is already painfully long!!

  15. By the way, you might wanna purchase some fresh cheese!.. That stuff was probably ancient, You'll need a chainsaw to cut through that.

  16. You know what I found weird..... All the chefs over here want Japanese knives.... and you don't even use them.

    "Went down"............hehehehehehehehehe

  17. PC.....

    Don't encourage him.

    Isn't he bad enough? LMAO!

  18. You're right Jen.... but it's just so fun to do :)

  19. Cam you make me very nervous watching you sling those sharp knives around in front of your precious blue eyes! Stop it!

  20. Mavis - It's all in how you view it! Perspective my dear! The knives were easily 1.5ft in front of my face. Remember I have a 12ft condor wingspan with these gangly arms!

    PC - After your comment, I began to think more about it, and it occurred to me that it would indeed be appropriate for me to employ EatMe Productions to produce all of my cooking and food-related videos! What an excellent suggestion!! Thank you so much!

  21. I love your video's. You do such a great job!! Thanks for the hard work and time you put into this.

  22. Good..... "EatMe Productions" still lives!....... I thought they may have gone to the wayside like 8 track & cassette tapes.

  23. Nah, they got that problem licked a long time ago.

  24. Gypsie - Thanks for the compliment! I really appreciate it!

  25. PC - don't forget betamax, all floppy disk drives and now HDDVD. I wonder what technology is going by the wayside next? I love you!

  26. When I bought my lastest DVD player.... the choice was Blueray or HDDVD.... I went with the Blueray... I had a sick feeling that I was buying another Betamax. Ya never know......

  27. You are one lucky lady! I guess it could have gone either way but as soon as Hollywood changed sides unexpectedly that was the death knell for HDDVD.

    Oh, I just finished reading a great book "Anger and the Indigo Child" which is more about anger and can be appreciated by adults even moreso than looking at the indigo child aspect of the book. It's quite good. And I'm ready for yours as soon as it arrives. I'll let you know when it gets here.
