Saturday, March 22, 2008

Oh My Goddess! *: The Water Goddess

The Pantheon of Globalized Love and the Greater Globalized Love Community (GLC) warmly welcomes the newest addition to our beloved group of Goddesses: The Water Goddess!

This position has been unfilled for quite some time as the management of the GLC has been reviewing numerous applicants resumees, and history. With fierce competition for the limited Goddess Positions, each and every applicant's CV is scrutinized utilizing the most up-to-date systems possible in order to choose the one who best fits the position. It is extremely difficult to, at times, choose "a best one" for these very high level positions (VHL) as you can imagine, with each and every applicant possessing all of the necessary qualifications for the position.

But, as there can only be one Goddess per position it is essential that the Pantheon Administrators finalize their choice. This is why it can often take aeons for the position to finally be filled when an opening comes available.

Welcome to the Water Goddess!

The Administration would like to thank each and every applicant for their time and efforts and wish to assure them that they would all make excellent Goddesses, however only one can be chosen to carry on the tradition.

There are currently two other positions under consideration: Earth Goddess and Air Goddess. Once these positions have been filled, we will make a public congratulatory notification.

For those of you who wish to get in touch with the Goddesses in the Pantheon of Globalized Love, you may access their communication networks through the appropriate links below:

Redheaded Goddess
Ebony Goddess

Fire Goddess
Fabric Goddess
Health Goddess
Water Goddess

Once again, welcome Water Goddess, and we hope you enjoy your work awaiting for you for aeons to come!

For more information on the Globalized Love Community, please access The GLC Highstreet Proffitt.

With Unconditional Love & Respect,

Your humble servant,

Chief Secretary & Scribe
Department of Uniquities, Pantheon of Globalized Love, GLC

* Note: "Oh My Goddess!" is a seinen manga series by Kosuke Fujishima currently serialised in Kodansha's monthly Afternoon magazine. It was first published in 1988-08-25 (the September issue). Originally a typical magical girlfriend romantic comedy, over time it has grown to feature more action and the latest variant has had a greater focus on developing the mystical aspects of the world in which it is set.

The first novel of the series written by Urd's voice actress, Yumi Tohma, with the illustrations done by Fujishima, and Hidenori Matsubara (Animation Director for the OVA, movie and TV series). The story follows the manga, taking place three years after Belldandy and Keiichi first meet. The novel was first published in Japan in 2006 by Kodansha; the English translated novel came out on December 19, 2007 and was published by Dark Horse Comics.

You can purchase the English Language manga series through, or Dark Horse Comics directly. The novel, "Oh My Goddess!" is available at both locations in English.



    A new sister!

    Welcome, Carrie... Water Goddess

  2. Wooo! *beams!* I knew it... Carrie really IS a Goddess!

  3. Carrie makes a great water goddess............

  4. THANKS!
    Cam, Red is linked to Jen's page

  5. Huh?


    What Red... what needs fixin...what's goin on here?

  6. i nominate Joann for Earth Goddess
    she is the most Earth concerned chick I know

  7. cam posted links to our pages
    red's link goes to you
    are we there yet?

  8. Fixed. It wasn't like that initially. Thanks for the nomination.

  9. Hi Goddess!!! Welcome!!

    (If I were ever to achieve such status... I would imagine myself as the Creature Goddess. ;))

  10. Goddess of Fur & Feathers.... Hmm.... that sounds like someone the Gods might like hanging around!


  11. the other one she had her shirt off
    it was my favorite
    but she will kill me if i load it here

  12. Carrie, can you do me a favour and load a smaller one in place of this gorgeous one? It makes my screen go all wanky with the size, not to mention my hormones go crazy!

  13. Noooo...

    i look like i'm in pain..

    I was thinkin of the one with Joaquin.

    But there's time... perhaps a better one will come up.
    but there's time

  14. That's kind of what I thought when I looked at that photo Carrie posted.
    I thought that maybe there was a crab gnawing on your toe or something.
    Let's keep looking.

    Wow... getting hit with a hormone rush before the morning coffee... it might be difficult to focus the rest of the day...

  15. P.S.

    I did NOT have my shirt off....

    At all.... ever!

  16. Considering I burned a huge number of images for Carrie... maybe I still have them somewhere... I bettr go and have a looksee!

  17. I have most of the same ones, C.

    I've been through them.... meh!

    Nothing to speak of.

    Maybe i'll just have to strike a goddess-like pose and take a new one.

  18. Stefnee nominates this one for the Ebony Goddess...

  19. How the hell do you post a photo here?

  20. that is the foto i WASNT gonna post

  21. Jen - First you need to go to the location on the net where the photo is. Then you click the properties and copy the address where that photo is. Then you come back to the comments section and put that link in between a teeeny little bit of HTML:

    EMBED A WEB PHOTO on a comment section:

    1) write an opening chevron: <
    2) write: img src=
    3) add a space followed by a quotation mark: "
    4) paste the photo address starting with http and ending with .jpg
    5) add an ending quotation mark: "
    6) add the closing chevron: >
    7) click Save

    And you are done! I had to do it this way because if I write it together, all you get is a broken link to an image that doesn't exist. So I had to break it up.

  22. Sigh....


    There's a link there in my other comment.

  23. Thanks, Carrie! That is perfect! And so are you both!!!

  24. Maybe that dress you said that Kerian chose for you for her wedding... Would that work? You may have to remodel it again and get her to take a photo of you in some exotic location. But we have time...

    Sigh... that certainly IS Maria!

  25. i think pics of Jen naked are best

  26. Oh goody, an all-female pantheon in the making! Congratulations to all, and wishes of stamina to their High Priest! *coughsniggercough*

  27. Assentia - Hi! Thank the Goddesses I'm just the Chief Secretary & Scribe. I would NOT want to take the "high priest position". Nope.

  28. how come i can edit my page on MY computer but not on JQ's laptop?

  29. after a couple glasses of red wine we would have you high enough my little pretty!

  30. I don't know, Carrie, but I'll bite: How come you can edit your page on YOUR computer but not on JQ's?

  31. Oh sure...

    I'll just fly off to Puerto Rico, take a picture and fly back.

    Carrie, can you pick me up... say Wednesday?

  32. here is a paddle down memory lane for y'all

  33. That's it!!!

    I'm outta here!

    My comment posted twice, then when i went to delete ONE both disappeared!

    Was frustrated enough... now i'm done.

    Later, Folks.

  34. Jen - They are both back, those posts.
    Jen - They are both back, those posts.

  35. HUH?

    No they're not. Are you playin with me?


  36. Oh. I refreshed and you are right, they are both gone!

  37. Gimmie break...water goddess???....por favor!!!

  38. ack, I need to be called (temporarily, of course) the Unhealth(y) Goddess.

  39. hey, is jen really on sabbatical? Cause I see her here..... I do see you, don't I? it's not this medication or the wooziness from the ear infection?

  40. I am with our newest Goddess on this one! I second the emotion...I mean notion....I mean oh, give it to her!
    And of course Carrie is the Water Goddess...who else even comes close!

  41. Here, here on that one too!
    Gotta love her!

  42. Heck, I am coming to sleep on your couch!

  43. Is there a Godess for "Doesn't have the faintest idea how to be a Godess" category?
    I have an idea who could be that one. *snickering*

  44. It takes time. Goddesses don't rise easily. It's not just a nomination game where everyone gets a title, sorry.

  45. Playing catch up today... Carrie this is a stunning photo of you. And JJ I like the one of you and Carrie too... lovely. Robin will you add one?? I don't have the faintest idea what would suit me? All stinky and sweaty being in this heat? LOL

  46. Paula - when you get the right photo, you will know. No rush. This is not a game....

  47. Hi Paula & Cam - Of course I am going to add a photo. Don't know which one. I may have time early next week to do a photo shoot on myself.

  48. Robin - As I said, no rush at all. You have an eternity to find the image that you think embodies your entire essence, and being. My Goddesses are all very important people in my life, who I know on a much deeper level than most friends connected to me. So take your time. Weeks, months, years... it matters not. When you find, or create the image that you feel is YOU, you will know. And so will we. Carrie's is a perfect example; that shows the power of her connection to water, spirit, and womanhood. Who knows? After your operations and your healing, and return to good health you may find one day that your eyes have changed, and that they no longer hide the pain you have been feeling for years. At that point the YOU may once again emerge. I love you!

  49. I'm dyin'/flyin' with this surgery, my little friend. You're going to see a lot of changes...

  50. Oh I understand this is serious business. I shall await until I see it is the right time to rise to Godess status until then I will grow and live accordingly in Global love.

  51. Hey Red-G... LOL Its Fire-G... what are you going to do for your picture? Maybe angry hair, or happy hair?? LOL I was thinking of catching mine on fire. I am due for a haircut anyway.... it would be cool for the two seconds as it went up in flames..... LOL Ummm on second thought, bad idea.

  52. I can give you flames, firey g...

  53. Could you? How.... hmmm throw a lighted match... hold a candle too close to my aqua net hair you know kind of like Michael Jackson's famous Pepsi ad.... I would like to see that! LOL Well except then I would have to figure out what to do with my short crispy hair....Hmmmm??

  54. Silly g! I am an artist. Send me the photo of your choice and I'll set your ass on FIRE!

  55. Ahhhh I see, LOL Soooo your going to make me HOT... lets see if your lighting me on fire, can you also make me 15 years younger? LOL I will have to see what I have, hmmm I have always wanted to be smoking HOT...and you cant get more hot than being on fire. LOL

  56. Robin - All you have to do is send some of your friend's son's chili to Paula and THAT will set her ass on fire! Who needs computers for that?!?! I love my Goddesses!

  57. Yea this could work, but then the only problem I see is that perhaps I would I blow fire from somewhere else? How is that going to be cool, I could accidentally light people on fire as I walked by..... Ooops! Not a good thing....... LOL

  58. You must learn how to control the force...

  59. LOL Its far to powerful.... and will take years and years to master!

  60. Paula, you could rearrange the spaces in your sentence to make it read:

    LOL It's fart o'powerful... And it would suit the Irish in you.

  61. LOL.... yes, indeed. When I got my Irish up it would bring a whole new meaning! LMAO....
