Monday, March 31, 2008


Amy has been with me for over two years now so she knows all the stuff I've been proselytizing about EFAs (now PEOs), carbohydrates, and more. Amy is also pregnant. And Amy, being the intelligent, caring mother that she is really wants to make a concerted effort to give her future child the best possible chance for a healthy life. Smart gal, that Amy!

She asked me a question in PM, and there was also a discussion over on Stefnee's blog about whether the EFAs are "safe" for pregnant parents. So I started to reply over on Stefnee's blog and it went on and on and on... And then I realized I should just put it here for anyone interested to read in the blog rather than as a run on comment (after all, people expect run on blogs from Cammy, right?)

First, please head over to Stefnee's Weekly Blog of Rock/ Gratitude / Thanks to Cam! to catch up on this dialogue (the comments are all essential, so please read them). When done there, please come back and continue reading as this is my reply that I had typed where it now says, "blog for Amy coming up. Damn."

Ready? Let's lactate & loll!

Yes, they are calling them PEOs now because the goddamn nutrition and health industry started labeling everything as EFAs to get on the marketing bandwagon. And they messed up again! EFAs are ESSENTIAL fatty acids, meaning that you need them, but you cannot make them in your body. But now they are calling DHA, EPA, and all of the Omega 6 and Omega 3 fatty acid DERIVATIVES EFAS as well and messing the consumer up! Our bodies CAN MAKE all of the derivatives, so they are not essential.

Thus, Brian Peskin who developed the PEOs from Y.E.S. Supplements based on over 100 years of science on the subjects, wanted to change the name to PARENT ESSENTIAL OILS (PEOs) because the PARENT Omega 6 and PARENT Omega 3s are the ONLY ones we need. From them we NATURALLY Make the rest in the quantities we need. You can visit Brian Peskin's page which has links to lots of research (that I have read in the past 10 years and have on my computer in word format....) Everyone connected to me taking EFAs (now PEOs) are taking these and you can ask them individually for their results if you wish, or you can start doing the years of reading it takes to put the pieces of the puzzle together (which is why doctors don't get it - they don't have time!).

Amy - YES! You SHOULD be taking the PEOs during pregnancy because ... well, if you have read all of the blogs I've written about them, you'll understand (but you may have zoned out over the past two years like SOMEBODY ELSE I KNOW WHO YADDAYADDAd me.... *smooch*). I didn't port them over to Multiply so for anyone who wants to read them, you will need to go to my page, and click on the EFA, Carbohydrate, Cancer, etc. Tag Clouds. From there you can read yourself to sleep... forever!

Anyway, here it is in a nutshell for you, OK? (ha! reading over this I laugh at my own "in a nutshell" comment because it has become an entire blog!! And I thought I gave up writing health blogs!)

1) Our brains, our nerve synapses, are cell walls, our skin, basically everything are made of lipids (fatty acids). In order to make these, the body requires the parent fatty acids which we can only get by eating them.

2) Without them, it has been shown that ADD/ADHD increases, skin psoriasis diseases increases, brain function decreases, nerve response decreases, asthma increases, anger increases, motor function skills decrease, and more.

3) When you give birth (which you have .. twice I think?) you basically give all of your nutrients to the foetus. And then you give them MORE through mother's milk (unless of course you fed them cow's milk, and then you were giving them mother cow hormones... which likely was not such a good thing for us at that most delicate time to tell the truth - but nobody thought about that back then; they just told our parents that milk was good for us - goddamn (sorry Stefnee's religious brother!) milk board!). By the time this was all done, your body was pretty much "spent" (and not in a sexually enjoyable way). Do you recall your hair? Your skin? Your overall health and energy levels? I don't know shit about parenting, but unless I am mistaken, most moms probably are so depleted by the time they wean their babies that their bodies are on the verge of physical collapse in many areas.

4) Now realize that we cannot get the essential oils from foods in sufficient quantities to replenish our "empty PEO resources". Even if we eat lots of food, we are told to cook it well, heat it, etc. and guess what? Those essential oils are EXTREMELY heat sensitive, meaning they break down and become useless.

5) So moms go through the years deficient in the essential fatty acids they need and all at the same time they start eating "healthier" which according to our healthcare and gov and nutritional institutions, was LESS natural fats, LESS meats, LESS eggs, LESS cheeses (where we have at least the potential to GET PEOs), and more grains (which are COMPLETELY useless to our physiology), more vegetables (which our body cannot break down), more fruit (i.e. sugars), etc. We also start sucking back tons of junk food that is loaded with adulterated fats that are DAMAGING to our body and love to attach to the PEO receptors and prevent the REAL PEOs from getting where they need to go. Hence, illnesses have skyrocketed in the past 50 years.

6) Then you get pregnant and have another child. Your body is basically now a wasteland, a desert void of any PEOs that you can give to your newest child in any quantity that will make a difference. You give birth to your beautiful baby and they start life from a deficient stage, where they have now a high chance of immunodeficiency diseases, food allergy weaknesses, skin diseases, attention and learning disorders, anger issues, and various other diseases. Sounds a lot like the kids of today, doesn't it?

7) Summary: If you boost up your essential fatty acids in your body (the parent omega 6 and parent omega 3) while you are pregnant, your body will once again have the nutrition to feed the embryo, the foetus, and eventually the baby through your breastfeeding (which is extremely essential - don't give up on that early at all, even if it hurts like hell because you will be depriving your child from all the future health benefits they get from the nutrients you are supposed to share).

But then again, what do I know about this stuff? I've never even dabbed a bottle nipple against my wrist to check the temperature of the stuff, let alone raise a child!

Regarding literature... I think you would have to do all the reading I have done, and all the puzzle piecing I have done in order to see the whole picture. This is why 99% of the people don't get it. You COULD go to Khanada Taylor's The Science of Health Index and read every single article there. In fact, I highly recommend it. There you will find all of the addresses to all of the research that Brian's EFA/PEOs are based upon. It will blow you away. But if you REALLY want to do it right, then for the next little while put away your Jackie Collins' books, or your Golden Compass Series, or your Stephen Hawkins Books on Physics & Black holes, and head over here every single day to read as much as you possibly can. On top of that, all of the medical journals are listed as well, so if you find any that are absolutely fascinating or want to read yourself, you can copy the address and head over to the library to see if you can dig the journals up.

I hope this helps out with "links" as this is the only way I can suggest helping you to get "eddicated". But start soon because every day you give your future baby the essential nutrients it needs, that is one day of added health, intelligence and happiness you are providing!

Thank you for asking, and I hope this reply to you will meet your needs. If there is anything else I can do to be of assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me. I promise you will not get "voice mail hell" when you contact the Camster!

And yes, PLEASE start the PEOs as soon as you possibly can! My recommendation is to CALL Khanada at YES Supplements (the number is on the website). Tell her who you are. Tell her you know me. Tell her you know Stefnee. Tell her you know Jenny. Tell her you know Paula and tell her that you really want to get started on these ASAP. Don't just be another "number in the system" by ordering through their website. You are SPECIAL! Go direct to the source. Khanada is absolutely fantastic (if a bit harried at work because she does everything there) and will take care of you! Ask for her directly. Her name is pronounced, kuh-NAY-duh.

I love you, Amy! Thanks for giving me the opportunity to get my brain rolling again first thing in the morning!

Oh, damn! I have to take the garbage out! Gotta run!!!



  1. ah thanks Cam, I got halfway through and started laughing about my wasteland, desert void true, so tru. perhaps that is why I was able to be nabbed by that damned West Nile virus.....anyway, let me get back to reading.

    i wanted to come thank you for the time you took to answer me. You rock!

  2. Oh my...


    Save yourself the time.

    Trust Steffnee...

    Trust me...

    The things are awesome and SO worth the investment in your health.

    Like i said on Stef's page i imagine it will also help the baby through your milk so you'd be getting the wee one off to a great start.

  3. I love you, Cammy....

    but... NUTSHELL??????

  4. Jenny... as for coming through her milk supply.. not likely. Milk is not.... the things we eat filtered through our milk ducts... it does, however, have antibodies, nutrients, colostrum (all through the nursing relationship.. from beginning to end, it's the first thing to arrive after birth and the last thing to go when the baby weans) and many more good 'stuffs'. What I predict the PEOs will do is boost Amy's personal health.. which will inturn help her to be the best mom she can be. We tell mothers, even mothers who are malnourished and living in poor living arrangements can breast feed... the baby gets nourishment FIRST... (and antibodies, which is why it is imperative for women in third world countries to stop being Western and bottle feeding and go back to breastfeeding... once women in these situations begin formula feeding, the babies are getting dead milk.. and the infant mortality rate skyrockets... but... Nestle won't tell you that. They'll just say... Look at us.. we're feeding starving babies in Africa. Bastards.)

    In short.. what the PEOs will do is stop Amy from depleting.... it will continually replenish her own supply... so that she can be alert, energized and happy for her children!!

  5. I just wondered, because they alway tell us all the stuff we shouldn't eat, drink , take when we're nursing.

    So stuff doesn't get transferred to the baby?

  6. Stefnee - PEOs are not simply "things we eat". They are the essential building blocks for everything that the body builds. Everything. What are nutrients if not essential fatty acids? They are the essential nutrient. Take a look at this page and I think, unless this is incorrect, you will see that the PEOs ARE one of the essential part of the mother's milk.

  7. Nope. Jenny... we tell mothers, if it doesn't bother you.. it won't bother the baby. Even mothers who smoke or drink caffeine.. only trace amounts show up in the milk. BUT!! (my CYA moment now.. I have to say this) If a mother enjoys an alcoholic beverage, it's suggested that she not nurse for four hours following the drinking, and a mother on medications should always check with her Dr. or her LLL leader before breastfeeding.

  8. They are Cam, mother's milk is very 'fatty' but... the fat will come directly from the mother.. not from the EFAs... (simply because.. once they are ingested and take the time to assimilate to the mother... .. do you really need me to get into the science of milk production here?) My point.. they don't go DIRECTLY to the baby... they go to the mother which enables her to produce milk... and even if a mother is NOT on PEOs.. her milk is far superior to formula and better for the baby. It will still have all of the fats and nutrients of a mother who is on the suppliments. Mother's milk is the perfect baby food. With or without PEOs.... that's my point. They won't enhance milk.. they'll enhance the mother.

  9. OK, I see your point. That's good. Then we are in agreement. BTW, I tried going back to that link and for some reason this time I had to register. So here is that article for everyone who is now wondering what actually DOES go to the baby as "milk" and why we are talking about the importance of these EFAs...

    Breastfeeding: Unraveling the Mysteries of Mother's Milk
    from Medscape General Medicine™

    Other Essential Components in Human Milk
    Several milk components are essential because they have to be provided to the newborn, while older children and adults have the ability to synthesize these components. Among these are carnitine,[79] taurine,[80] and LC-PUFAs[26] that are produced by elongation and desaturation of the precursor fatty acids, linoleic (C 18:2, n-6), and linolenic (C18:3, n-3) acids, and nucleotides[81] that have to be provided to the intestine and lymphatic tissues because they cannot be synthesized either from the diet or de novo in other organs.[82] The need for these essential components might be even greater in premature infants who are born before fetal intrauterine reserves have been laid down.
    The breakdown of milk casein produces beta-casomorphins; these short peptides have been shown to affect a variety of physiologic systems.[83] Because they are opioid agonists, these peptides also have behavioral effects, such as lowering response to pain and elevating mood, that can affect the nursing mother or the newborn. Most of the effects of the beta-casomorphins have been studied in such animals as rats, pigs, and chickens[83].

  10. This is so awesome Cam!! all of these things... formula makers try to put into milk.. but they don't understand that synthetic nutrients are so inferior to HUMAN milk........ it boggles me.

    Great great little article!

    I love you!

  11. ok, I read, and then I finished cooking dinner (16 bean soup)...then I read some more, and read your comments......

    I am a breastfeeding mom. It sometimes hurts at the beginning but that wouldn't keep me from doing it (remember I do the labor part without drugs).

    So, I understand that EFAs or PEOs are ok for me and ok for baby. I wasn't thinking (I guess) when I asked that question about it pregnancy brain because really, I know that stuff doesn't go directly into breastmilk.

  12. They are most likely putting in the adulterated fatty acids which can actually mess up our balance, yes. Glad I could be of assistance, in some teeny little way.

    "At your Nipples" my Goddess

  13. Try Lansinoh... trust me.... we hand that out to every new mom!! Life saver!!

  14. eh, I have but you know what helped me the best? A salt water wash after nursing.

  15. I also hear you could put cabbage leaves in your bra and the (whatever) from the cabbage soothes the savage(d) breast as well...

    (now why the heck would I need to know that???)

  16. the cabbage helps when the milk comes in and your breasts feel like the Hoover dam.

  17. That's a good trick for engorged breasts or clogged ducts... there's actually a chemical in the cabbage that draws the infection out... and soothes... the..... sorry.... I'm such a science geek when it comes to this kind of stuff....

  18. so Cam, Jen, y ou restrict veggies/fruits that contain carbs...or are those so minimal that they don't screw up the balance?

  19. I limit them some.... I cut out potatoes completely.. and if something has carrots in it.. I pick out most of them... but we still do broccoli (does that have carbs) and cauliflower... no corn.

  20. Amy - I restrict NOTHING. That is the wonder of the PEOs. Once you get on them, ALL, and I mean ALL CARB CRAVINGS completely disappear. And if you feel like having some, you can. You will know how you react to them after and likely feel like shit (to the real carby stuff). But if you want it, have it. The thing is the body just stops thinking of them as food.

    All veggies have some extent of carbs. Beans are HUGE carbs of course, and the plant protein is meaningless to us because we cannot digest it as it is trapped in the sawdust walls - I mean cellulose walls.

  21. ah crap. really beans? I love beans. sigh.

  22. i know sugar makes me feel like crap...and even hungrier afterwards. particularly the morning after.

  23. I know that feeling, Amy! I used to wake up feeling so hungry I could puke after high carb dinners. I always thought I just had a high metabolism. Nope. Evennow, if I carb in the evening, the mornings... I have that feeling.

  24. oh yeah.. scratch my answer... use Cam's instead.

  25. ok, good night all! My laundry and my husband await!

  26. If that's not putting it mildly... I dunno what is. I heart that stuff.

  27. Sure... all this good advice AFTER i'm all done with all the baby makin and baby nursin...sigh.

    Where were you guys when i was engorged and leaking in chuch?

    Good stuff you guys.

    Amy... i still do the veggies but eat almost no fruit now... save for the blueberries that come on my third year bushes . And last year the yield wasn't so good (see my whining gardening blog).

  28. Oh shut up, YOU!!!!!

    Damn BLS... where's a stick when you need it?

  29. I'm outta here.

    Us OLD FOLKS need our rest.

    See you youngins tomorrow.

  30. I learn so much over here. I feel blessed to have read my life through health related issues.. I had the EFA knowledge and knew that what was available was commercialized crap... I'm so glad that I have a direction to follow now. I've been so caught up in my dental hell, that I haven't ordered my PEO's yet.. but I'll fix that this week. Can't live without it any longer. *hugz*

  31. Thanks. This was great to read and helpful

  32. As always, Cam, this is a very interesting read. I'm just relaxing here after a very hard couple of weeks at work and I'd like to thank you for the birthday wishes a week ago, they meant a lot.

  33. Hi Tez. The pleasure is all mine! Have a wonderful week. I love you!

    Bryan - Thank you for popping in.

    CD - Great to see you when you find the time. I love you!

  34. Tez - P.S. Write down the notes on the nipple pain relief. Assentia may very well need this advice in the not too distant future.
